Dear Friends,
We had another pleasant day in Fort Leavenworth as the temperatures soared into the 70’s. I used the word soar because there always seems to be a wind in Kansas when the sun comes up. The wind is great for Kite flying which is what I did when we went of to a local public playground. Once I get the kite airborne, for some reason, Isabelle doesn’t like to hold the kite. I haven’t figured out why!
The playground would be deemed unsafe in the eyes of law suit happy people, but it did bring back memories for me of what a playground should be like. If you climb up on something and fall off, it is part of what happens at a playground. A bunch of us would play King of the Hill on the monkey bars, and try to beat each other to the top of the bars. We would even throw each other off of the bars while trying to get to the top!
I forgot to mention food since we have been in Kansas. On Tuesday we had a crock pot dinner. Danielle prepared a pork loin in the crock pot that was so moist and tender that I couldn’t believe it. Linda and I have the recipe, and we are going to invite some friends over when we get home, and serve it to our friends. Pork loin is such a dense meat that there is a tendency to over cook it. A baked potato and some farm fresh corn from her parent’s garden in Minnesota made for a wonderful meal.
I am the only one up right now, but that is nothing new. I have been taking nap each day of the two hour variety. The fresh air seems to make me sleepy.
We will be at the Kansas City Zoo today as we have another day reaching near 80 degrees. Mike will be teaching at the military college while we are having fun at the zoo.
Linda and I have been at a lot of zoos through out the country like the San Diego Zoo, Cinncinatti Zoo, the North Carolina Zoo, The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, New Orleans Zoo, and Kansas ranks right up near the top of the best zoos.
Politics – How about the President wanting to lift the ban on oil drilling in some environmentally sensitive areas? He really wants the United States to become energy self sufficient. The save the planet people won’t be happy. Do you think that the oil producing people and companies might have gotten to the President?
The follow up of the home grown militia that got busted have some interesting participants. I wonder how many more of these wacko groups exist throughout the country? The Bible and violence seem to go together!
The people in the Northeast are getting tired of the rain. Even Kevin was pumping out water in the basement. I think that it was at his place of business, and I am hoping that it wasn’t in their new home!
Yesterday, Kyla went to work from a park and ride the train place for the first time from their home in North Tewksbury. She said that it went well as she rode the train to Boston with her fellow commuters.
At work, they wanted her to go to Seattle for a work project, but since Linda and I (special occasion baby sitters) were in Kansas, she was able to decline the offer.
Today might be the first day that Max goes off to day care in North Tewksbury at the Baptist Church Day Care Center less than a quarter mile from their home. Kevin will go off to his restaurant, and Kyla will go off to her workplace which is located on Sate Street in downtown Boston. It will take them a few days to get into the routine.
Kevin and Kyla pretty much finished the unpacking. We will be able to have our own bed in our own room at their home now, and no more sleeping on an air mattress! We baby boomers are too old to be close to the ground.
We asked Mike what is the next phase after one more year in Kansas. Once he becomes a Lt. Colonel, he will get his own command at one of several places. The military will put him where he is needed the most. He was throwing out names like Korea, Georgia, Tuscon Arizona, etc. He won’t have a choice, but we are rooting for Tuscon, or Georgia. Both Danielle, and Michael were stationed in Korea at one point in their career, and I am not sure that it would be their top selection for his next assignment. For us grandparents, the flights to Korea would present a challenge with respect to cost.
I did get to watch a little sport’s last evening. I watched the U-Conn women beat up another basketball team by over 30 points. Good thing that I was reading a book while watching the game. I was all set to watch the next Women’s Game, but two programs being recorded at the same time kicked me off of the basketball game. They don’t have a television in our bedroom.
Well, I hear Michael stirring right now as he prepares to go off to work.
Isabelle usually gets up a little after 7 AM. I have strict orders from the Queen to wake her up at 7:30 AM. I am going to let Isabelle go and wake up Grandma. Isabelle likes crawling on the bed, and waking her up.
Have a great Wednesday.
We are on schedule to have a great one too.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hello on Tuesday
Dear Friends,
Our Monday went okay. We both needed naps to make it through the day. It is just the three females and me at the current time.
Mike went off to work in his normal flight suit gear even though he is teaching at the military college and not flying at the current time.
I asked about their close friends who both chose to stay in the military, and who are currently fly their A-10’s out of Davis Monthan Air Force Base (uscon Arizona) which is where Michael was taught how to fly the A-10. Her female pilot friend is heading off to Afghanistan for six months and leaving her one year old with her husband. This is exactly why Danielle chose to leave the military when she did. She would have been doing the same thing of leaving her family for 6 months.
Danielle has a class this evening. Another class she does online.
Our grandchild Isabelle is doing well. We are going off to the Kansas City Zoo which is one of the top rated Zoo’s in the nation on Wednesday. Now that she is a little older, it will be a little different when we walk around the many paths and trails at the Zoo. We won’t be seeing the Polar Bears which will arrive after we leave Kansas.
Today is a shorts and short leave day as we hit the low 70’s. Tomorrow will hit the upper 70’s.
Observation – I have been reading in the local newspaper, The Kansas City Star. They have been having reading articles of a locally grown militia which got busted in Detroit. These are the people who strictly interpret the Bible. They claim that they want to be prepared to fight the people who don’t follow the Bible to the letter of the law. They are also white people who don’t like our government, and who will attack the Anti Christ. Our President, being a person color, is one of those people whom they don’t like. Of course, they have an arsenal of weapons to do this defending.
What gets me is that we are trying to fight terrorists in foreign countries, but we have our homegrown terrorists which we have to devote scarce resources too.
This is another example of religion being at the root of the wackiness which has been going on in the world. The Catholic Church has been in the mix lately accused of hiding pedophile priests in Ireland and Germany. Do you wonder why the church goers of pretty much every religion have an elderly population trying to keep their churches going? After us baby boomers, I don’t see the following generations supporting religions as we did in the past. The fire and brimstone priests and ministers who taught us baby boomers when we grew up won’t have the younger generation in their churches.
We are going off to the park in a little while. I have to prepare my body for this activity.
The Red Sox are playing a preseason game this afternoon against Tampa. I will read a book while watching the game if Isabelle takes an afternoon nap.
I whipped up some French Toast for breakfast. Isabelle likes to dip skinny slices into her syrup. Linda taught her this dipping stuff the last time that we were together.
Have to go and take a shower!
Talk to you soon.
Have a great Tuesday! Ours is off to a great start. The Curley Lad
Our Monday went okay. We both needed naps to make it through the day. It is just the three females and me at the current time.
Mike went off to work in his normal flight suit gear even though he is teaching at the military college and not flying at the current time.
I asked about their close friends who both chose to stay in the military, and who are currently fly their A-10’s out of Davis Monthan Air Force Base (uscon Arizona) which is where Michael was taught how to fly the A-10. Her female pilot friend is heading off to Afghanistan for six months and leaving her one year old with her husband. This is exactly why Danielle chose to leave the military when she did. She would have been doing the same thing of leaving her family for 6 months.
Danielle has a class this evening. Another class she does online.
Our grandchild Isabelle is doing well. We are going off to the Kansas City Zoo which is one of the top rated Zoo’s in the nation on Wednesday. Now that she is a little older, it will be a little different when we walk around the many paths and trails at the Zoo. We won’t be seeing the Polar Bears which will arrive after we leave Kansas.
Today is a shorts and short leave day as we hit the low 70’s. Tomorrow will hit the upper 70’s.
Observation – I have been reading in the local newspaper, The Kansas City Star. They have been having reading articles of a locally grown militia which got busted in Detroit. These are the people who strictly interpret the Bible. They claim that they want to be prepared to fight the people who don’t follow the Bible to the letter of the law. They are also white people who don’t like our government, and who will attack the Anti Christ. Our President, being a person color, is one of those people whom they don’t like. Of course, they have an arsenal of weapons to do this defending.
What gets me is that we are trying to fight terrorists in foreign countries, but we have our homegrown terrorists which we have to devote scarce resources too.
This is another example of religion being at the root of the wackiness which has been going on in the world. The Catholic Church has been in the mix lately accused of hiding pedophile priests in Ireland and Germany. Do you wonder why the church goers of pretty much every religion have an elderly population trying to keep their churches going? After us baby boomers, I don’t see the following generations supporting religions as we did in the past. The fire and brimstone priests and ministers who taught us baby boomers when we grew up won’t have the younger generation in their churches.
We are going off to the park in a little while. I have to prepare my body for this activity.
The Red Sox are playing a preseason game this afternoon against Tampa. I will read a book while watching the game if Isabelle takes an afternoon nap.
I whipped up some French Toast for breakfast. Isabelle likes to dip skinny slices into her syrup. Linda taught her this dipping stuff the last time that we were together.
Have to go and take a shower!
Talk to you soon.
Have a great Tuesday! Ours is off to a great start. The Curley Lad
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hello from Kansas
Dear Friends,
I just woke up from a 3 hour nap, and I have 5 o’clock shadow, but it is only a little after 2 PM central time as I begin this e-mail. Linda and I woke up at 3:30 AM in preparation for our 4:15 AM pick up (by way of a limo service) from the Brodeur home in North Tewksbury. Our 6 AM flight out of Logan was right on time, and we touched down at exactly 8:30 AM (CST) at KCI international airport.
Danielle and Isabelle picked us up at 9 AM, and we were at our son’s place at 9:30 AM. After an hour of playing with our grandchild, my body shut down, and I settled down for a nap. Right now the only people awake are Danielle and I. Even Linda, who is not good at nap taking, crashed like me. Maybe I should rethink making travel plans for retired people when the airplane leaves at 6 AM in the morning. I thought having a full day with the grandchild would be great, but I already lost three hours because of my nap.
Our Sunday went okay in North Tewksbury. After reading the Boston Globe when we woke up at the Brodeur’s, Linda and I went off to Kevin and Kyla’s new home to help out with the unpacking. Linda watched Max as Kyla emptied box and bags of stuff from their Saturday moving adventure. Kevin and I went to East Boston to do a through cleaning of their East Boston apartment so that it was clean for the renters who wanted to drop off some of their stuff today even though the rental agreement doesn’t start until April 1, 2010.
I was the window (14 of them) cleaning guy and the vacuum cleaner, and in charge of cleaning the kitchen cabinets, stove, and refrigerator. I don’t want to see a bottle of Windex for a while. Vacuuming wasn’t exactly a pleasure also. Do you know how many dog and hat hairs which two cats and two dogs can generate?
Kevin was in charge of doing patch jobs of carpeting that the creatures tore up, and he also had to fix a wall that they damaged too with a little spackling. The renters will be moving into a pristine apartment. The 5 hour effort on Sunday was worth it because Kevin and Kyla (and Max) treated us to dinner at the Longhorn Steak House a couple miles from their home.
Isabelle has really grown up a lot since we last saw her and her family at Christmas. She is talking more, and is starting the potty training process.
She still prefers Nana Linda over me, but at least she doesn’t run and hide from scary looking grandpa. I am called papa with the mustache, but Danielle’s dad has a mustache too.
Her little brother will be born during the middle of May. Mike and Danielle are still deciding on what to name their child.
The weather is starting to warm up as we arrived in Kansas. Danielle says that one of the days will hit the 80 degree mark. Yes, I packed the appropriate clothes. I have several short sleeve shirts, and pairs of shorts. Bring on the sunshine!
A military friend left the area, and let Isabelle have their swing set, family size trampoline, kid slides, and toys.
Papa is going to purchase them a bird feeder and bird seed so that Isabelle can watch the birds out of their sliding glass windows to their deck like at the Curley home. There are no creatures like bears, bobcats, coyote’s, etc. Danielle says that they don’t even have squirrels where they live. Each house has a fenced in (wooden) back yard.
I haven’t looked at television since we left Pittsfield on Friday morning. For the past few days the focus has been on the grandchild in Boston, and now the focus is on the grandchild in Kansas. Family and friends is what it is all about.
I will have some words of wisdom and / or political views on Tuesday morning.
Update – Jerry dialysis, which began last week had a few complications. When we first saw him after one of his sessions on Friday, he was tired, but I though much better than we have seen him in the past. He has lost weight, and the leg swelling has decreased tremendously. Other numbers like blood pressure and sugar number have decreased also. He is sleeping better too.
On Sunday, he did start to feel not so great. A scheduled session for today should perk him up. He is currently on a M-W-F schedule.
Well, I can hear Isabelle stirring. We will be going outside and playing with some of her outdoor toys.
Have a great day.
Ours is off to a pretty good start! The Curley Lad
I just woke up from a 3 hour nap, and I have 5 o’clock shadow, but it is only a little after 2 PM central time as I begin this e-mail. Linda and I woke up at 3:30 AM in preparation for our 4:15 AM pick up (by way of a limo service) from the Brodeur home in North Tewksbury. Our 6 AM flight out of Logan was right on time, and we touched down at exactly 8:30 AM (CST) at KCI international airport.
Danielle and Isabelle picked us up at 9 AM, and we were at our son’s place at 9:30 AM. After an hour of playing with our grandchild, my body shut down, and I settled down for a nap. Right now the only people awake are Danielle and I. Even Linda, who is not good at nap taking, crashed like me. Maybe I should rethink making travel plans for retired people when the airplane leaves at 6 AM in the morning. I thought having a full day with the grandchild would be great, but I already lost three hours because of my nap.
Our Sunday went okay in North Tewksbury. After reading the Boston Globe when we woke up at the Brodeur’s, Linda and I went off to Kevin and Kyla’s new home to help out with the unpacking. Linda watched Max as Kyla emptied box and bags of stuff from their Saturday moving adventure. Kevin and I went to East Boston to do a through cleaning of their East Boston apartment so that it was clean for the renters who wanted to drop off some of their stuff today even though the rental agreement doesn’t start until April 1, 2010.
I was the window (14 of them) cleaning guy and the vacuum cleaner, and in charge of cleaning the kitchen cabinets, stove, and refrigerator. I don’t want to see a bottle of Windex for a while. Vacuuming wasn’t exactly a pleasure also. Do you know how many dog and hat hairs which two cats and two dogs can generate?
Kevin was in charge of doing patch jobs of carpeting that the creatures tore up, and he also had to fix a wall that they damaged too with a little spackling. The renters will be moving into a pristine apartment. The 5 hour effort on Sunday was worth it because Kevin and Kyla (and Max) treated us to dinner at the Longhorn Steak House a couple miles from their home.
Isabelle has really grown up a lot since we last saw her and her family at Christmas. She is talking more, and is starting the potty training process.
She still prefers Nana Linda over me, but at least she doesn’t run and hide from scary looking grandpa. I am called papa with the mustache, but Danielle’s dad has a mustache too.
Her little brother will be born during the middle of May. Mike and Danielle are still deciding on what to name their child.
The weather is starting to warm up as we arrived in Kansas. Danielle says that one of the days will hit the 80 degree mark. Yes, I packed the appropriate clothes. I have several short sleeve shirts, and pairs of shorts. Bring on the sunshine!
A military friend left the area, and let Isabelle have their swing set, family size trampoline, kid slides, and toys.
Papa is going to purchase them a bird feeder and bird seed so that Isabelle can watch the birds out of their sliding glass windows to their deck like at the Curley home. There are no creatures like bears, bobcats, coyote’s, etc. Danielle says that they don’t even have squirrels where they live. Each house has a fenced in (wooden) back yard.
I haven’t looked at television since we left Pittsfield on Friday morning. For the past few days the focus has been on the grandchild in Boston, and now the focus is on the grandchild in Kansas. Family and friends is what it is all about.
I will have some words of wisdom and / or political views on Tuesday morning.
Update – Jerry dialysis, which began last week had a few complications. When we first saw him after one of his sessions on Friday, he was tired, but I though much better than we have seen him in the past. He has lost weight, and the leg swelling has decreased tremendously. Other numbers like blood pressure and sugar number have decreased also. He is sleeping better too.
On Sunday, he did start to feel not so great. A scheduled session for today should perk him up. He is currently on a M-W-F schedule.
Well, I can hear Isabelle stirring. We will be going outside and playing with some of her outdoor toys.
Have a great day.
Ours is off to a pretty good start! The Curley Lad
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Hello on Sunday
Dear Friends,
It was a long and hectic day for the Curley's including Kevin and Kyla, and
our grandchild Max.
The move has been completed, and Kevin and Kyla, and Max slept in their new
home for the first time
Linda and I are at the Brodeur's because the bed for the spare bedroom has not
been assembled yet.
The creatures are trying to adjust to their new surroundings including a back
yard which they haven't been allowed to go out in yet. Frankie Beans, and Billy
have met another dao , and his owner while the movers were unloading the truck
It is amazing how much stuff which Kyla and Kevin have accumulated during the
few years which they have lived in East Boston. It got me thinking about all the
stuff which Linda and I have accumulated.
I say "Bring on the dumpster" if we ever decide to move. People don't know
what stuff is until they have seen the 50 + buckets which have throughout the
house, garage, and storage shed.
The plan for today is for Kevin and I to head off to the apartment in East
Boston for some touch up work, and rug cleaning. The Brodeurs and Linda will be
going over to Kevin and Kyla's new home to check it out once again, and for
Linda to take care of Max while Kevin and me do our thing while Kyla unpacks
kitchen boxes.
Last night we had a wonderful Turkey Breast Dinner at the Brodeur's with our
son and his family since Kevin and Kyla have a refrigerator with only beer in
it. Kyla will have to go off and get some basic supplies before this day is
over. The nearest Supermarket is about 6 miles away from their home.
Kevin and Kyla are so lucky to have the Brodeur's just one street away. If
they need any assistance of any kind, they are a one minute drive from on
another. If Kevin ever needs a tool of some kind, Jerry has more tools than the
average small hardware store.
If Kevin needs a carpenter, the Brodeur's son is a certified contractor. If
Todd resided in the Berkshires, I could have all of our friends contact him for
any kind of work both inside and out side of their homes. When Linda and I
decide it is time for a new kitchen. Todd will be the go to guy. He has already
given us an estimate on a new roof which I can see will will need in a couple of
years. We would have to provide food and lodging for him and crew of guys to do
a large project, but that will be a cheap price to pay for the quality of work
which I have seen him do.
There is a crack in the windshield of my Subaru. April is my inspection month,
but my car could never pass inspection with this crack which seems to grow
whenever I go over a bump in the road.I think a Berkshire rock hit my
windshield, but the crack didn't appear until Saturday morning at the
Brodeur's. The cold start to the morning got the crack to begin.
I am waiting for Kevin to give me a call so that we can head off to East
Boston. The renters will be moving into the East Boston apartment on Monday
morning. Some spackling, and some touch up paint, and some vacuuming needs to be
done before the renters move in. I am hoping that we can get stuff done in 3 or
4 hours. Simple projects always end up being longer than planned.
Have a great Sunday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
It was a long and hectic day for the Curley's including Kevin and Kyla, and
our grandchild Max.
The move has been completed, and Kevin and Kyla, and Max slept in their new
home for the first time
Linda and I are at the Brodeur's because the bed for the spare bedroom has not
been assembled yet.
The creatures are trying to adjust to their new surroundings including a back
yard which they haven't been allowed to go out in yet. Frankie Beans, and Billy
have met another dao , and his owner while the movers were unloading the truck
It is amazing how much stuff which Kyla and Kevin have accumulated during the
few years which they have lived in East Boston. It got me thinking about all the
stuff which Linda and I have accumulated.
I say "Bring on the dumpster" if we ever decide to move. People don't know
what stuff is until they have seen the 50 + buckets which have throughout the
house, garage, and storage shed.
The plan for today is for Kevin and I to head off to the apartment in East
Boston for some touch up work, and rug cleaning. The Brodeurs and Linda will be
going over to Kevin and Kyla's new home to check it out once again, and for
Linda to take care of Max while Kevin and me do our thing while Kyla unpacks
kitchen boxes.
Last night we had a wonderful Turkey Breast Dinner at the Brodeur's with our
son and his family since Kevin and Kyla have a refrigerator with only beer in
it. Kyla will have to go off and get some basic supplies before this day is
over. The nearest Supermarket is about 6 miles away from their home.
Kevin and Kyla are so lucky to have the Brodeur's just one street away. If
they need any assistance of any kind, they are a one minute drive from on
another. If Kevin ever needs a tool of some kind, Jerry has more tools than the
average small hardware store.
If Kevin needs a carpenter, the Brodeur's son is a certified contractor. If
Todd resided in the Berkshires, I could have all of our friends contact him for
any kind of work both inside and out side of their homes. When Linda and I
decide it is time for a new kitchen. Todd will be the go to guy. He has already
given us an estimate on a new roof which I can see will will need in a couple of
years. We would have to provide food and lodging for him and crew of guys to do
a large project, but that will be a cheap price to pay for the quality of work
which I have seen him do.
There is a crack in the windshield of my Subaru. April is my inspection month,
but my car could never pass inspection with this crack which seems to grow
whenever I go over a bump in the road.I think a Berkshire rock hit my
windshield, but the crack didn't appear until Saturday morning at the
Brodeur's. The cold start to the morning got the crack to begin.
I am waiting for Kevin to give me a call so that we can head off to East
Boston. The renters will be moving into the East Boston apartment on Monday
morning. Some spackling, and some touch up paint, and some vacuuming needs to be
done before the renters move in. I am hoping that we can get stuff done in 3 or
4 hours. Simple projects always end up being longer than planned.
Have a great Sunday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hello on Friday Morning
Dear Friends,
Another day went pretty much as planned!
Linda made it through her two body maintenance procedures, and I went to Retro Fitness (not today), attended two wakes, and visited Mom in the nursing home before we hooked up at the Olde Heritage House in Lenox a little after 6 PM. Of course, there was a good deal of stress in between which affected Linda more than me. What is really good is that I didn’t cause much of the stress.
The first stressor involved the DVR formatting changes brought by the Warner Cable as she was trying to DVR her favorite programs. She had the Cable guy on the telephone trying to help her get through the maze of new ways of recording programs. Of course she had to tell the cable guy what important changes needed to be made since the new system doesn’t do everything that she wants to make happen. It got to the point where the technician said to return the cable box and replace it with a new one. Luckily, the cable company is less than a mile from our home. This was all taking place just before she had to go to her second body maintenance procedure.
A second stressor was that she was in the middle of packing for a trip. For her it is like our grandparents packing what ever they could fit in those trunks as they made their voyages from Italy and Ireland to the United States at the turn of the century.
A third stressor was the multiple telephones calls with our daughter-in-law with Linda offering advice (from her days selling real estate) on helping to make the house signing deal work instead of being delayed.
A fourth stressor was the telephone call from our friends the Brodeur’s saying that Jerry was having some problems, and he ended up back in Bringham & Women’s hospital for a good portion of the day and evening on Thursday. They were back home as of 11:15 PM last evening.
A fifth stressor was the conversation which Linda had with the claims department of Liberty Mutual for our water damage of a few months ago. Since the person we were dealing with at Liberty Mutual went on maternity leave a week ago, the person she talked with yesterday had only a semi clue of what was going on.
The sixth stressor was me (but that is normal)!
By the time Linda arrived at the Heritage Tavern, she was ready for a beverage or two. Happiness arrived quickly when she won $25 on her first Keno game that she played. She won a second $25 game later on in the evening.
During that first game which she won, she decided not to play the bonus multiplier. The payout for that game would have been four times the winning amount. She could have started off the evening winning $100 instead of $25. Oh Darn!
A UNICO friend and I did our bartending shift at the assigned time for the Celebrity Bartending Fundraiser. We were leading the competition after our shift with respect to how much tips we collected from the patrons. Since we didn’t stay for the whole evening, I am not sure if the temporary lead turned into the winning one.
As we left for the evening, another friend at our table won a $25 game at Keno, and a door prize of two pizzas at The East Side Café, and a bottle of wine. Sitting at the Curley table continues to be good luck for our friends and sometimes us too.
I should be sleeping, but I am wired once again. I am like the little kid who gets excited when he is going on a trip. We are leaving the house at 7:30 AM which will be a real chore for Linda. You know me! I am ready for action at any time. I can rise for any occasion.
It does appear that there will be some kind of signing agreement for Kevin and Kyla taking place today with a contingency plan related to the conservation committee meeting which doesn’t occur until April 7, 2010 (which is when the committee has their next meeting). It appears that Kevin, and Kyla, and Max will not be homeless if the agreement is signed late morning today. We will be taking care of Max, and doing so at the Brodeur’s. Linda and I will be sleeping at the Brodeur’s too for at least the weekend.
If all goes well with the signing, the movers will be taking all their stuff from East Boston to North Tewksbury on Saturday morning. We will have Max and the Dogs to deal with. Oh, I forgot about their two cats! I am not sure who will be in charge of them or how they will be transported!
Since I am up so early today, I will be taking naps when Max is ready to do so. The last time Max was with us, my naps were longer than his.
Max is healing quite well from his injury the other day.
Kyla said that Max is starting to wake up earlier and earlier each day. I think that he picked up a bit too much of Grandpa Curley’s waking up early gene!
Well, I made a list of all the things which need to be done before we leave the house today. Some of these things are not of the quiet variety.
I am guessing that Linda will be getting a little shut eye on the way east on the Mass Pike this morning. To bad she wasn’t like me who can take a nap at any time during the day (not while I am driving).
Linda will be missing her once a month retiree breakfast! Oh Darn!
Have to go!
Have a great weekend!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Another day went pretty much as planned!
Linda made it through her two body maintenance procedures, and I went to Retro Fitness (not today), attended two wakes, and visited Mom in the nursing home before we hooked up at the Olde Heritage House in Lenox a little after 6 PM. Of course, there was a good deal of stress in between which affected Linda more than me. What is really good is that I didn’t cause much of the stress.
The first stressor involved the DVR formatting changes brought by the Warner Cable as she was trying to DVR her favorite programs. She had the Cable guy on the telephone trying to help her get through the maze of new ways of recording programs. Of course she had to tell the cable guy what important changes needed to be made since the new system doesn’t do everything that she wants to make happen. It got to the point where the technician said to return the cable box and replace it with a new one. Luckily, the cable company is less than a mile from our home. This was all taking place just before she had to go to her second body maintenance procedure.
A second stressor was that she was in the middle of packing for a trip. For her it is like our grandparents packing what ever they could fit in those trunks as they made their voyages from Italy and Ireland to the United States at the turn of the century.
A third stressor was the multiple telephones calls with our daughter-in-law with Linda offering advice (from her days selling real estate) on helping to make the house signing deal work instead of being delayed.
A fourth stressor was the telephone call from our friends the Brodeur’s saying that Jerry was having some problems, and he ended up back in Bringham & Women’s hospital for a good portion of the day and evening on Thursday. They were back home as of 11:15 PM last evening.
A fifth stressor was the conversation which Linda had with the claims department of Liberty Mutual for our water damage of a few months ago. Since the person we were dealing with at Liberty Mutual went on maternity leave a week ago, the person she talked with yesterday had only a semi clue of what was going on.
The sixth stressor was me (but that is normal)!
By the time Linda arrived at the Heritage Tavern, she was ready for a beverage or two. Happiness arrived quickly when she won $25 on her first Keno game that she played. She won a second $25 game later on in the evening.
During that first game which she won, she decided not to play the bonus multiplier. The payout for that game would have been four times the winning amount. She could have started off the evening winning $100 instead of $25. Oh Darn!
A UNICO friend and I did our bartending shift at the assigned time for the Celebrity Bartending Fundraiser. We were leading the competition after our shift with respect to how much tips we collected from the patrons. Since we didn’t stay for the whole evening, I am not sure if the temporary lead turned into the winning one.
As we left for the evening, another friend at our table won a $25 game at Keno, and a door prize of two pizzas at The East Side Café, and a bottle of wine. Sitting at the Curley table continues to be good luck for our friends and sometimes us too.
I should be sleeping, but I am wired once again. I am like the little kid who gets excited when he is going on a trip. We are leaving the house at 7:30 AM which will be a real chore for Linda. You know me! I am ready for action at any time. I can rise for any occasion.
It does appear that there will be some kind of signing agreement for Kevin and Kyla taking place today with a contingency plan related to the conservation committee meeting which doesn’t occur until April 7, 2010 (which is when the committee has their next meeting). It appears that Kevin, and Kyla, and Max will not be homeless if the agreement is signed late morning today. We will be taking care of Max, and doing so at the Brodeur’s. Linda and I will be sleeping at the Brodeur’s too for at least the weekend.
If all goes well with the signing, the movers will be taking all their stuff from East Boston to North Tewksbury on Saturday morning. We will have Max and the Dogs to deal with. Oh, I forgot about their two cats! I am not sure who will be in charge of them or how they will be transported!
Since I am up so early today, I will be taking naps when Max is ready to do so. The last time Max was with us, my naps were longer than his.
Max is healing quite well from his injury the other day.
Kyla said that Max is starting to wake up earlier and earlier each day. I think that he picked up a bit too much of Grandpa Curley’s waking up early gene!
Well, I made a list of all the things which need to be done before we leave the house today. Some of these things are not of the quiet variety.
I am guessing that Linda will be getting a little shut eye on the way east on the Mass Pike this morning. To bad she wasn’t like me who can take a nap at any time during the day (not while I am driving).
Linda will be missing her once a month retiree breakfast! Oh Darn!
Have to go!
Have a great weekend!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hello on Thursday
Dear Friends,
Our day on Wednesday went exactly as planned.
For our son and his family in East Boston, the day took a turn for the worse. Everyone is healthy, and their marriage is still picture perfect, but the closing of their house, which is supposed to take place on Friday, might not happen. A piece of paper, which must be signed off by the EPA because there are wetlands in their back yard, wasn’t there (I blame their lawyer). Kyla, being the organized person who she is, took care of all the details, change of address, the movers coming on Saturday, day care for Max in North Tewksbury on Monday, etc. The signing has been postponed until they get this document signed. The people who live in the house can’t move out until they get the money from Kevin and Kyla. The matter is even more complicated because they found a nice couple who are moving in Kevin and Kyla’s apartment in East Boston on Monday. Essentially, Kevin, Kyla, and Max will be homeless on Monday morning. The contents of there apartment have to be put in storage until the EPA signs off on the particular paper.
When she put her plight on Facebook, many friends have offered to house them until the deal can be made. Her college friend from Saratoga, New York even volunteered to house them which would take Kevin and Kyla too far from the restaurant, and where Kyla works in downtown Boston.
They will survive the major bump in the road, and they will go back to their story book life hopefully pretty soon.
Linda and I are still on schedule to head off to East Boston on Friday morning. We will take Max to our friends the Brodeur’s, who live in North Tewksbury, while Kevin and Kyla finish packing for the movers who will be there on Saturday morning.
We first have to make it through a busy Thursday. Linda has two body maintenance appointments. I have two wakes to attend. One is in Lee for the 87 year old father of a high school friend and neighbor of mine and the other is for a baby boomer UNICO brother, who is my age (63) who lost a battle fighting cancer.
This evening we have the UNICO Celebrity bartending contest in Lenox at the Heritage House. I have a table full of people ready to meet a 6 PM for some food, fun, and merriment before my 7:30 PM, 45 minute shift as a bartender.
Politics – When the Republicans stop beating up the Democrats, they will find the positives of Universal Health Care will outweigh the negatives.
Sports – I did get to watch the Celtics win their game in my man cave while Linda was teaching a couple of friends how to knit a particular item.
One her friends seems to be a bit like me. I can’t see her sitting down for hours at a time watching television and knitting. Maybe when she does retire, and when her two girls get married and start a family, then she can relax and become a knitting machine like Linda. Right now, I don’t see it happening.
Have to go off to Retro Fitness!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Our day on Wednesday went exactly as planned.
For our son and his family in East Boston, the day took a turn for the worse. Everyone is healthy, and their marriage is still picture perfect, but the closing of their house, which is supposed to take place on Friday, might not happen. A piece of paper, which must be signed off by the EPA because there are wetlands in their back yard, wasn’t there (I blame their lawyer). Kyla, being the organized person who she is, took care of all the details, change of address, the movers coming on Saturday, day care for Max in North Tewksbury on Monday, etc. The signing has been postponed until they get this document signed. The people who live in the house can’t move out until they get the money from Kevin and Kyla. The matter is even more complicated because they found a nice couple who are moving in Kevin and Kyla’s apartment in East Boston on Monday. Essentially, Kevin, Kyla, and Max will be homeless on Monday morning. The contents of there apartment have to be put in storage until the EPA signs off on the particular paper.
When she put her plight on Facebook, many friends have offered to house them until the deal can be made. Her college friend from Saratoga, New York even volunteered to house them which would take Kevin and Kyla too far from the restaurant, and where Kyla works in downtown Boston.
They will survive the major bump in the road, and they will go back to their story book life hopefully pretty soon.
Linda and I are still on schedule to head off to East Boston on Friday morning. We will take Max to our friends the Brodeur’s, who live in North Tewksbury, while Kevin and Kyla finish packing for the movers who will be there on Saturday morning.
We first have to make it through a busy Thursday. Linda has two body maintenance appointments. I have two wakes to attend. One is in Lee for the 87 year old father of a high school friend and neighbor of mine and the other is for a baby boomer UNICO brother, who is my age (63) who lost a battle fighting cancer.
This evening we have the UNICO Celebrity bartending contest in Lenox at the Heritage House. I have a table full of people ready to meet a 6 PM for some food, fun, and merriment before my 7:30 PM, 45 minute shift as a bartender.
Politics – When the Republicans stop beating up the Democrats, they will find the positives of Universal Health Care will outweigh the negatives.
Sports – I did get to watch the Celtics win their game in my man cave while Linda was teaching a couple of friends how to knit a particular item.
One her friends seems to be a bit like me. I can’t see her sitting down for hours at a time watching television and knitting. Maybe when she does retire, and when her two girls get married and start a family, then she can relax and become a knitting machine like Linda. Right now, I don’t see it happening.
Have to go off to Retro Fitness!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hello on Wednesday
Dear Friends,
Another day went as planned.
Linda had fun at Mah Jongg especially since it was the first time that the session was held at one of the player’s home. Linda said the home was absolutely gorgeous. It was an old Victorian style home that has be completely restored except for a few small items. Linda said the antiques were priceless. The restored hardwood floors were perfect. All the players agreed that they should have had some games at this host’s house before.
Her girls’ night out at Mazzeo’s was wonderful. The food was great from appetizers to dessert. There were many people whom she recognized as she and her friends left the restaurant.
I came home exhausted from the Pasta Fund raiser. We served close to 250 people. The leftovers were pretty much nonexistent! I am not sure how much the PHS Italian Exchange Club made in profits, but they thanked my UNICO brothers and one sister (we have 8 or 9 female members) profusely. The golf chairperson gave my friend and I permission to continue to help serving the endless crowd at the fundraiser.
Social Calendar – I missed my 4:30 AM Retro Fitness, but I think that I will go when the beautiful people will be there.
Linda has a few ladies coming over the house this evening for knitting session. Yes, you heard that correctly! She made these “too cute” slippers several months ago, and her girl friends want to be taught how to make them. Of course, there are other things like hats and sweaters which she is going to teach them how to make.
I hope that they don’t use my man cave so that I can watch some kind of sporting contest.
I also need to gather some clothes for our weekend adventure in East Boston / North Tewksbury. Friday is the closing on Kevin and Kyla first home with multiple rooms and a yard. I can’t do the packing on Thursday because I have two wakes and the bartender’s fundraiser on Thursday evening.
Politics / Observation – I think the President is going to sign the Health Care Bill today. I think that the positives outweigh the negatives. I am not sure if I like the way they have decided how that were are going to pay for it. Maybe, if we didn’t have to spend so much money fighting wars, we could use those funds to help pay for the new health care bill. I am not saying to give up searching for, and eliminating the bad guys who want to destroy the United States, but there has to be a better way to complete this task.
Our President’s next task is to get people back to work. There are so many public works projects which could be done in every State. Our roads, bridges, and parks would be a great place to start. Every able body young person should not be sitting home waiting to find a job. Seniors, who want to work, and who are physically able to do the job should not be discriminated against.
There would be a lot less crime if people came home tired from at least an 8 hour day at work. My legs are still aching from my volunteering which went from 3:30 PM until about 7:30 PM. It is not a natural thing to sit home all day, and do nothing especially when you are young and able bodied. Even though I am retired, I can’t sit for too long. I can always find something to do whether it is inside or outside of the house. I always talk about watching sports, but I am not sure if I ever have watched a sporting contest completely. I often turn the volume down low, and read a book. If I am not exercising my body, at least my brain is getting a workout!
Well, a cup of coffee, along with reading the newspaper is how I am going to start this day. When Linda wakes up, I will go off with the beautiful people at Retro Fitness.
Have a great Wednesday!
Talk to you soon! The Curley Lad
Another day went as planned.
Linda had fun at Mah Jongg especially since it was the first time that the session was held at one of the player’s home. Linda said the home was absolutely gorgeous. It was an old Victorian style home that has be completely restored except for a few small items. Linda said the antiques were priceless. The restored hardwood floors were perfect. All the players agreed that they should have had some games at this host’s house before.
Her girls’ night out at Mazzeo’s was wonderful. The food was great from appetizers to dessert. There were many people whom she recognized as she and her friends left the restaurant.
I came home exhausted from the Pasta Fund raiser. We served close to 250 people. The leftovers were pretty much nonexistent! I am not sure how much the PHS Italian Exchange Club made in profits, but they thanked my UNICO brothers and one sister (we have 8 or 9 female members) profusely. The golf chairperson gave my friend and I permission to continue to help serving the endless crowd at the fundraiser.
Social Calendar – I missed my 4:30 AM Retro Fitness, but I think that I will go when the beautiful people will be there.
Linda has a few ladies coming over the house this evening for knitting session. Yes, you heard that correctly! She made these “too cute” slippers several months ago, and her girl friends want to be taught how to make them. Of course, there are other things like hats and sweaters which she is going to teach them how to make.
I hope that they don’t use my man cave so that I can watch some kind of sporting contest.
I also need to gather some clothes for our weekend adventure in East Boston / North Tewksbury. Friday is the closing on Kevin and Kyla first home with multiple rooms and a yard. I can’t do the packing on Thursday because I have two wakes and the bartender’s fundraiser on Thursday evening.
Politics / Observation – I think the President is going to sign the Health Care Bill today. I think that the positives outweigh the negatives. I am not sure if I like the way they have decided how that were are going to pay for it. Maybe, if we didn’t have to spend so much money fighting wars, we could use those funds to help pay for the new health care bill. I am not saying to give up searching for, and eliminating the bad guys who want to destroy the United States, but there has to be a better way to complete this task.
Our President’s next task is to get people back to work. There are so many public works projects which could be done in every State. Our roads, bridges, and parks would be a great place to start. Every able body young person should not be sitting home waiting to find a job. Seniors, who want to work, and who are physically able to do the job should not be discriminated against.
There would be a lot less crime if people came home tired from at least an 8 hour day at work. My legs are still aching from my volunteering which went from 3:30 PM until about 7:30 PM. It is not a natural thing to sit home all day, and do nothing especially when you are young and able bodied. Even though I am retired, I can’t sit for too long. I can always find something to do whether it is inside or outside of the house. I always talk about watching sports, but I am not sure if I ever have watched a sporting contest completely. I often turn the volume down low, and read a book. If I am not exercising my body, at least my brain is getting a workout!
Well, a cup of coffee, along with reading the newspaper is how I am going to start this day. When Linda wakes up, I will go off with the beautiful people at Retro Fitness.
Have a great Wednesday!
Talk to you soon! The Curley Lad
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hello on Tuesday Morning
Dear Friends,
I just returned from Retro Fitness. There was little confusion in the treadmill area today. A technician was replacing the 2.5 year old treadmill mats. It appeared to be a slow process since he was only on the third one after one hour.
Do you think that it is weird if I watch the food channel while on the treadmill?
If I don’t watch the food channel, I usually watch those infomercials which try to sell a particular product. I love all those infomercials. I am almost ready to purchase a portable Shark steaming device which has some great uses especially in the kitchen, but also throughout the house. I always go to a consumer comment page before making such a decision. Since the product is relatively new, there have been only a couple of reviews, and the reviews have both been positive.
I like watching the Ron Poppeil knife commercial. My father purchased a set for my sister and I several years ago. I love the set and the butcher lock which costs as much as the set of knives. One of the neat things is that the knives are labeled for what type they are, and the knife slots on the butcher block are labeled also. I really find this is helpful especially when I go to sharpen knives while at friends’ houses. Many people spend a good deal of time grabbing for the incorrect knife on their butcher block because of the lack of labeling, but not the Curley’s.
The rain finally arrived last evening, and it might go into Wednesday as well.
Social Calendar – Our first busy day of the week starts today. Linda has her usual Tuesday Mah Jongg at a friend’s home. She is really excited because the host this week has never hosted a session before in the several years since they women have been playing. This lady used an excuse of installation of a new kitchen as a reason for not hosting a Tuesday session. This excuse has lasted for over 5 years!
During the St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Italian American, this women and her husband were sitting with the Mah Jongg ladies. Her husband wondered why his wife never hosted a session. After the woman was put on the spot, she agreed to host the session today.
I never understood what the big deal was for hosting a session because all you need is a table with four chairs, and another chair or couch for the extra people who have to wait for their turn, some snack food and beverages, and a bathroom. If a person has a messy house, just close the door to the messy rooms.
After Mah Jongg today, Linda is heading off to Mazzeo’s Ristorante at 6 PM with a couple of female friends. These friends all had children the same time that Linda and I had our two boys. Our children and their children have been friends for life! Yes, the grandmothers will be carrying the albums full of grandchildren pictures.
I don’t have to leave the house until the middle of the afternoon. I have two things to do today also. We have another pasta fundraiser from 5:30 PM until 7 PM. UNICO is cooking for over 200 people at the Italian American Club. The second event takes place at the Italian American Club right in the middle of us UNICO members serving the food. There is a Golf Tournament Committee Meeting which starts at 6 PM, luckily it takes place in the Italian American Club in the Members bar located in the basement level of the club.
Parents – Mom made a visit to the emergency room last evening. She has pneumonia, but not severe enough to admit her. My sister took over during this episode with dear old Mom. Our mother is one tough woman!
Yesterday was definitely a slug day. I left only once to pick up that Radio Auction gift certificate in a southern Berkshire town. Linda never left the house.
I did try and bond with her as I read a book throughout the day. I made it to “Dancing with the Stars!” I watched a professional football and his partner go first in the competition, and then I felt the urge to leave the room and watch a sporting contest. I fell asleep watching the Celtic’s lose their basketball game.
Well, I have to grab a cup of coffee, and read the local newspaper.
Have a great Tuesday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
I just returned from Retro Fitness. There was little confusion in the treadmill area today. A technician was replacing the 2.5 year old treadmill mats. It appeared to be a slow process since he was only on the third one after one hour.
Do you think that it is weird if I watch the food channel while on the treadmill?
If I don’t watch the food channel, I usually watch those infomercials which try to sell a particular product. I love all those infomercials. I am almost ready to purchase a portable Shark steaming device which has some great uses especially in the kitchen, but also throughout the house. I always go to a consumer comment page before making such a decision. Since the product is relatively new, there have been only a couple of reviews, and the reviews have both been positive.
I like watching the Ron Poppeil knife commercial. My father purchased a set for my sister and I several years ago. I love the set and the butcher lock which costs as much as the set of knives. One of the neat things is that the knives are labeled for what type they are, and the knife slots on the butcher block are labeled also. I really find this is helpful especially when I go to sharpen knives while at friends’ houses. Many people spend a good deal of time grabbing for the incorrect knife on their butcher block because of the lack of labeling, but not the Curley’s.
The rain finally arrived last evening, and it might go into Wednesday as well.
Social Calendar – Our first busy day of the week starts today. Linda has her usual Tuesday Mah Jongg at a friend’s home. She is really excited because the host this week has never hosted a session before in the several years since they women have been playing. This lady used an excuse of installation of a new kitchen as a reason for not hosting a Tuesday session. This excuse has lasted for over 5 years!
During the St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Italian American, this women and her husband were sitting with the Mah Jongg ladies. Her husband wondered why his wife never hosted a session. After the woman was put on the spot, she agreed to host the session today.
I never understood what the big deal was for hosting a session because all you need is a table with four chairs, and another chair or couch for the extra people who have to wait for their turn, some snack food and beverages, and a bathroom. If a person has a messy house, just close the door to the messy rooms.
After Mah Jongg today, Linda is heading off to Mazzeo’s Ristorante at 6 PM with a couple of female friends. These friends all had children the same time that Linda and I had our two boys. Our children and their children have been friends for life! Yes, the grandmothers will be carrying the albums full of grandchildren pictures.
I don’t have to leave the house until the middle of the afternoon. I have two things to do today also. We have another pasta fundraiser from 5:30 PM until 7 PM. UNICO is cooking for over 200 people at the Italian American Club. The second event takes place at the Italian American Club right in the middle of us UNICO members serving the food. There is a Golf Tournament Committee Meeting which starts at 6 PM, luckily it takes place in the Italian American Club in the Members bar located in the basement level of the club.
Parents – Mom made a visit to the emergency room last evening. She has pneumonia, but not severe enough to admit her. My sister took over during this episode with dear old Mom. Our mother is one tough woman!
Yesterday was definitely a slug day. I left only once to pick up that Radio Auction gift certificate in a southern Berkshire town. Linda never left the house.
I did try and bond with her as I read a book throughout the day. I made it to “Dancing with the Stars!” I watched a professional football and his partner go first in the competition, and then I felt the urge to leave the room and watch a sporting contest. I fell asleep watching the Celtic’s lose their basketball game.
Well, I have to grab a cup of coffee, and read the local newspaper.
Have a great Tuesday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hello on Monday Morning
Dear Friends,
The big question is: “Did the Curley’s come back from the Casino with more money than they started with?” The answer to this question is “No!”
The second question is: “Did we have fun?” Yes, we did!
We started off on the gambling adventure on a positive note. Linda took the five dollar vouchers which the Casino gives you, and won $125.
We next perused the casino in search of a couple of hot machines. We usually stick with the nickel, and penny machines, but every once in a while we think that we can hit it big in the quarter slots, of course playing maximum bets in hopes of winning the biggest payoff.
One of the vouchers which the casino gives you as you exit the bus is for entrance to the buffet. Being an expert in the buffet line, I thought that the food was mediocre even though I did leave the place quite full.
After the buffet, we continued our search for the hot machine. Linda found one! It was so hot that she played from about 1 PM until we were forced to leave because we had to get back on the bus. The machine never cooled off for hours. Linda turned a $10 bill into over $150 and this was on a penny slot machine. Actually she had the amount closer to $200, and greed set in. I was standing over her shoulder, and suggested that she should cash out. My suggestion fell on deaf ears!
While she was winning, I continued to lose. I should have left the slot machines, and played a little Keno. I wouldn’t have lost my money so fast.
We haven’t been in this casino for a couple of years, but our slot cards were still active. I imagine we will be getting Casino promotions in the mail sometime this week. The casino wants more of our money.
The people like us who arrive on buses come in all size and shapes, and physical health. They come with their canes, walkers, and ride motorized scooters. People who smoke are in heaven. No one beats them up because they smoke. I also noticed that the smoke free areas are a bit noisier, and they have slots which are a bit more exciting than the smoke free areas of the Casinos.
One time we sat in the part of the casino which allows smoking, and the person next to us on the right and the left lit up a cigarette. We cashed out and left the machine in 30 seconds. I even saw one guy take cigarette butts out of a container, and light them up. Talking about a desperate gambler who likes smoking!
Even though they have some smoke free areas in the casino, the smoke leaches into the smoke free areas. My throat is a little scratchy today just from breathing in second hand smoke.
The bus arrived back at the Italian American Club around 7 PM. We stopped at the East Side CafĂ© for a pizza and a pitcher of beer before heading home. East Side is a ¼ mile from the Italian American Club and it is owned by one of my Italian friends.
Social Calendar – We have a busy week coming up, and this includes the weekend. Today might be the only light day. I am supposed to play golf today around 10:30 AM; rain might put a damper on that. My friend and I don’t play golf in the rain, and we don’t play on cold weather. Not all of our friends have the same attitude.
I am not sure what Linda has planned after she is fully awake.
I do have to head to a Great Barrington radio station to pick up some radio auction gift certificates which Linda purchased on Saturday.
Sports – Three of the teams which I have in the final four are still alive. I can’t believe that Kansas got knocked out of the tournament. The talking heads of the sports’ world had them highly rated, and getting to the championship game. I don’t know why I listed to these experts!
Politics – I see we have Universal Health Care. Yes, it will mostly likely be altered, or tweaked in some form, but at least it is a step in the right direction!
I just saw a news report that real Maple Syrup is good for you. The study is touting the antioxidants benefits of eating real Maple Syrup. Was the study done by the Maple Syrup industry?
Well, I have to decide what I am going to do first today. I missed my 4:30 AM workout at Retro Fitness. Golf is iffy! I should visit Mom in the nursing home. Linda bought me a whole bunch of used books by one of my favorite authors at a local book store. Today might end up being a day when I act like a slug!
Have a great week at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
The big question is: “Did the Curley’s come back from the Casino with more money than they started with?” The answer to this question is “No!”
The second question is: “Did we have fun?” Yes, we did!
We started off on the gambling adventure on a positive note. Linda took the five dollar vouchers which the Casino gives you, and won $125.
We next perused the casino in search of a couple of hot machines. We usually stick with the nickel, and penny machines, but every once in a while we think that we can hit it big in the quarter slots, of course playing maximum bets in hopes of winning the biggest payoff.
One of the vouchers which the casino gives you as you exit the bus is for entrance to the buffet. Being an expert in the buffet line, I thought that the food was mediocre even though I did leave the place quite full.
After the buffet, we continued our search for the hot machine. Linda found one! It was so hot that she played from about 1 PM until we were forced to leave because we had to get back on the bus. The machine never cooled off for hours. Linda turned a $10 bill into over $150 and this was on a penny slot machine. Actually she had the amount closer to $200, and greed set in. I was standing over her shoulder, and suggested that she should cash out. My suggestion fell on deaf ears!
While she was winning, I continued to lose. I should have left the slot machines, and played a little Keno. I wouldn’t have lost my money so fast.
We haven’t been in this casino for a couple of years, but our slot cards were still active. I imagine we will be getting Casino promotions in the mail sometime this week. The casino wants more of our money.
The people like us who arrive on buses come in all size and shapes, and physical health. They come with their canes, walkers, and ride motorized scooters. People who smoke are in heaven. No one beats them up because they smoke. I also noticed that the smoke free areas are a bit noisier, and they have slots which are a bit more exciting than the smoke free areas of the Casinos.
One time we sat in the part of the casino which allows smoking, and the person next to us on the right and the left lit up a cigarette. We cashed out and left the machine in 30 seconds. I even saw one guy take cigarette butts out of a container, and light them up. Talking about a desperate gambler who likes smoking!
Even though they have some smoke free areas in the casino, the smoke leaches into the smoke free areas. My throat is a little scratchy today just from breathing in second hand smoke.
The bus arrived back at the Italian American Club around 7 PM. We stopped at the East Side CafĂ© for a pizza and a pitcher of beer before heading home. East Side is a ¼ mile from the Italian American Club and it is owned by one of my Italian friends.
Social Calendar – We have a busy week coming up, and this includes the weekend. Today might be the only light day. I am supposed to play golf today around 10:30 AM; rain might put a damper on that. My friend and I don’t play golf in the rain, and we don’t play on cold weather. Not all of our friends have the same attitude.
I am not sure what Linda has planned after she is fully awake.
I do have to head to a Great Barrington radio station to pick up some radio auction gift certificates which Linda purchased on Saturday.
Sports – Three of the teams which I have in the final four are still alive. I can’t believe that Kansas got knocked out of the tournament. The talking heads of the sports’ world had them highly rated, and getting to the championship game. I don’t know why I listed to these experts!
Politics – I see we have Universal Health Care. Yes, it will mostly likely be altered, or tweaked in some form, but at least it is a step in the right direction!
I just saw a news report that real Maple Syrup is good for you. The study is touting the antioxidants benefits of eating real Maple Syrup. Was the study done by the Maple Syrup industry?
Well, I have to decide what I am going to do first today. I missed my 4:30 AM workout at Retro Fitness. Golf is iffy! I should visit Mom in the nursing home. Linda bought me a whole bunch of used books by one of my favorite authors at a local book store. Today might end up being a day when I act like a slug!
Have a great week at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hello on Sunday Morning
Dear Friends,
Another day and evening went as planned.
A few friends even tried to get a little sun tan by lying out on their lounge chairs in their back yard. It is difficult for an “A” personality to sit still for too long. For me one round of golf in a day of total sun shine will have me looking like I have been at a Caribbean resort, or I have been at a tanning booth.
In a few short hours we will be on a bus trip to the Moheghan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Thank god for the Native Americans!
Since the trip is out of the Italian American Club, they don’t want you on the buss unless you have some coffee and doughnuts. The Italian American Club is open at 7:30 AM for refreshments, and the bus leaves promptly at 8 AM. I believe the bus departs from the Casino around 5 PM.
The bus ride to the Casino’s takes about an hour and one half because the bus is required to make a stop along the route. We usually get a voucher for the buffet at the Casino, and another voucher worth $10 to spend on a wheel of fortune or a similar machine.
Our son and his family from Kansas sent us two pictures of our grandchild Isabelle playing in the several inches of snow which fell in there on Saturday. My son said that on Friday, the temperature was 63 degrees, and Saturday he was shoveling snow.
We have rain predicted to fall for most of today for us in the Berkshires. I think that we might miss the snow which has just about left Kansas.
The vernal equinox took place on Saturday. It was a day of equal daylight, and equal darkness.
Today is my sister’s birthday, and it happens to be my Uncle Joe Curley’s birthday too. My sister is a little shy of the 60 degree mark. I am not sure about my Uncle Joe’s exact age.
Our Saturday house party at a friend’s home went very well. There were four couples in attendance. The hosts put on a gourmet meal once again from appetizers through desserts. The food, fun, and merriment seemed to be endless. We solved all the problems of the world through laughter.
As we were having a great time, I was thinking that it is so nice to know that all of us at the party had someone to grow old with. Even though we have our idiosyncrasies as individuals, and as couples, we all seem to be happy couples. Being happy with yourself and with your partner is what it is all about!
Two of the couples admitted that they were crabby with one another during the day on Saturday. I told them that they should adhere more often to the Curley Philosophy that “Separation is good!” If you are not in the same room, conflicts will be at a minimum. This is why I go into my man cave while Linda is watching her favorite programs. Yesterday, I was totally content to watch some of the NCAA Tournament Basketball games while she went off to do a little recreational shopping. When she needs to consult me on a particular purchase, she just calls me on her cell phone.
One of the couples at the party got into a verbal altercation while they were shopping at a Chocolate Store. He was upset that his wife was taking such a long time selecting which Chocolates to purchase. He ended up waiting in the car in a “Grumpy Old Man” state. Sometimes Linda and I will take separate cars on a shopping adventure knowing that my desire to shop fades quite early.
Yes, I did bring my knife and scissor sharpener, and sharpened every knife and the one pair of scissors in our friends’ butcher block. Talk about idiosyncrasies!
Well, I have to skim the local Sunday newspaper, and select my wardrobe for Casino Gambling.
Have a great Sunday!
Win or lose, I am going to have a great time, and I think that Linda will too. The Curley Lad
Another day and evening went as planned.
A few friends even tried to get a little sun tan by lying out on their lounge chairs in their back yard. It is difficult for an “A” personality to sit still for too long. For me one round of golf in a day of total sun shine will have me looking like I have been at a Caribbean resort, or I have been at a tanning booth.
In a few short hours we will be on a bus trip to the Moheghan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Thank god for the Native Americans!
Since the trip is out of the Italian American Club, they don’t want you on the buss unless you have some coffee and doughnuts. The Italian American Club is open at 7:30 AM for refreshments, and the bus leaves promptly at 8 AM. I believe the bus departs from the Casino around 5 PM.
The bus ride to the Casino’s takes about an hour and one half because the bus is required to make a stop along the route. We usually get a voucher for the buffet at the Casino, and another voucher worth $10 to spend on a wheel of fortune or a similar machine.
Our son and his family from Kansas sent us two pictures of our grandchild Isabelle playing in the several inches of snow which fell in there on Saturday. My son said that on Friday, the temperature was 63 degrees, and Saturday he was shoveling snow.
We have rain predicted to fall for most of today for us in the Berkshires. I think that we might miss the snow which has just about left Kansas.
The vernal equinox took place on Saturday. It was a day of equal daylight, and equal darkness.
Today is my sister’s birthday, and it happens to be my Uncle Joe Curley’s birthday too. My sister is a little shy of the 60 degree mark. I am not sure about my Uncle Joe’s exact age.
Our Saturday house party at a friend’s home went very well. There were four couples in attendance. The hosts put on a gourmet meal once again from appetizers through desserts. The food, fun, and merriment seemed to be endless. We solved all the problems of the world through laughter.
As we were having a great time, I was thinking that it is so nice to know that all of us at the party had someone to grow old with. Even though we have our idiosyncrasies as individuals, and as couples, we all seem to be happy couples. Being happy with yourself and with your partner is what it is all about!
Two of the couples admitted that they were crabby with one another during the day on Saturday. I told them that they should adhere more often to the Curley Philosophy that “Separation is good!” If you are not in the same room, conflicts will be at a minimum. This is why I go into my man cave while Linda is watching her favorite programs. Yesterday, I was totally content to watch some of the NCAA Tournament Basketball games while she went off to do a little recreational shopping. When she needs to consult me on a particular purchase, she just calls me on her cell phone.
One of the couples at the party got into a verbal altercation while they were shopping at a Chocolate Store. He was upset that his wife was taking such a long time selecting which Chocolates to purchase. He ended up waiting in the car in a “Grumpy Old Man” state. Sometimes Linda and I will take separate cars on a shopping adventure knowing that my desire to shop fades quite early.
Yes, I did bring my knife and scissor sharpener, and sharpened every knife and the one pair of scissors in our friends’ butcher block. Talk about idiosyncrasies!
Well, I have to skim the local Sunday newspaper, and select my wardrobe for Casino Gambling.
Have a great Sunday!
Win or lose, I am going to have a great time, and I think that Linda will too. The Curley Lad
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hello on Saturday Morning
Dear Friends,
I did a little cleaning of the garage, putting up some out door bird houses (not bird feeders), getting down spring buckets in the garage, grabbing a quick lunch before I went off for a nap.
While I was doing my thing, Linda was removing all the St. Patrick’s Day decorations, wreaths, outdoor flag, etc. She even did a little closet rearranging with respect to heavy wool sweaters.
Linda went off for a little recreational shopping while I was napping.
We didn’t go out to a restaurant last evening. Some friends invited us for a grilled Steak and Salmon dinner. The hostess whipped up some scalloped potatoes, fresh green beans (al dente), and a salad with a nice whole wheat baguette. The meal was better than any restaurant can serve, and if you wanted seconds, it was available.
The weather yesterday had everyone outside. I didn’t get to my yard work. I still remember the time that we had a spring tease in March when I did yard work and uncovered some tender plants instead of letting them stay leaf covered until winter was truly gone. The tender shoots froze to death because we had a couple nights of a deep freeze. It is still the month of March, and not the month of June.
My friend and neighbor up the street must getting pressure from his wife like I am about our golf membership. We both promised our wives that we would get our monies worth of golf this year especially since the cost is nearing the $2000 dollar mark. Every golf course in our area has been advertising for new members because people are cutting back when it comes to family budgets. If you can’t play at least 40 times per year, then you aren’t getting the value of your membership. We retirees can do it!
My friend wants to play on Monday during the mid morning. The forecast is for rain showers and temperatures in the 50’s. Monday is the beginning of the cool down. We are heading back into the 40’s for day time temperatures as next week progresses.
Our son and his family in Kansas will be getting a little snow today.
Social Calendar for Saturday – I will be heading to Retro Fitness for 6 AM weekend starting time. After the workout, I should go around the yard and pick up the twigs that are scattered all over the front and the back of our yard. Some sticks are from when Billy the dog came to visit with us during the snowy part of the winter. I don’t plan on raking up the flower beds yet.
This evening we are going to a house party with several other couples. It will be another evening of food, fun, and merriment. I will be taking an afternoon nap so that I can make it through the whole evening. I have to be a good boy this evening because we are going on a Casino trip out of the Italian American Club on Sunday. You know that the Curley’s like to keep busy.
As I see my aging parents and friends going through various physical ailments, I (and Linda too) am reminded to do everything that I can until the body parts stop working.
Hopefully Universal Health Care will get me though the Golden Years as my father calls it.
Speaking of Universal Health Care – Massachusetts passed a form of it a couple of years ago. The law had to be tweaked as the years progressed, and no one took away my health care program based out of the City of Pittsfield. When Linda and I turn 65, we will be going on Medicare. I hope that the opponents of Universal Health Care get on board soon.
Our grandchild Max is doing okay after Thursday’s fall. Kevin showed what he tripped over by way of a picture on the internet. It wasn’t some little hand held toy. It was like one of those village types / hands on toy that stands at least 2.5 feet tall.
Well, I have to grab a cup of coffee, and select my workout wardrobe.
Have a great weekend!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
I did a little cleaning of the garage, putting up some out door bird houses (not bird feeders), getting down spring buckets in the garage, grabbing a quick lunch before I went off for a nap.
While I was doing my thing, Linda was removing all the St. Patrick’s Day decorations, wreaths, outdoor flag, etc. She even did a little closet rearranging with respect to heavy wool sweaters.
Linda went off for a little recreational shopping while I was napping.
We didn’t go out to a restaurant last evening. Some friends invited us for a grilled Steak and Salmon dinner. The hostess whipped up some scalloped potatoes, fresh green beans (al dente), and a salad with a nice whole wheat baguette. The meal was better than any restaurant can serve, and if you wanted seconds, it was available.
The weather yesterday had everyone outside. I didn’t get to my yard work. I still remember the time that we had a spring tease in March when I did yard work and uncovered some tender plants instead of letting them stay leaf covered until winter was truly gone. The tender shoots froze to death because we had a couple nights of a deep freeze. It is still the month of March, and not the month of June.
My friend and neighbor up the street must getting pressure from his wife like I am about our golf membership. We both promised our wives that we would get our monies worth of golf this year especially since the cost is nearing the $2000 dollar mark. Every golf course in our area has been advertising for new members because people are cutting back when it comes to family budgets. If you can’t play at least 40 times per year, then you aren’t getting the value of your membership. We retirees can do it!
My friend wants to play on Monday during the mid morning. The forecast is for rain showers and temperatures in the 50’s. Monday is the beginning of the cool down. We are heading back into the 40’s for day time temperatures as next week progresses.
Our son and his family in Kansas will be getting a little snow today.
Social Calendar for Saturday – I will be heading to Retro Fitness for 6 AM weekend starting time. After the workout, I should go around the yard and pick up the twigs that are scattered all over the front and the back of our yard. Some sticks are from when Billy the dog came to visit with us during the snowy part of the winter. I don’t plan on raking up the flower beds yet.
This evening we are going to a house party with several other couples. It will be another evening of food, fun, and merriment. I will be taking an afternoon nap so that I can make it through the whole evening. I have to be a good boy this evening because we are going on a Casino trip out of the Italian American Club on Sunday. You know that the Curley’s like to keep busy.
As I see my aging parents and friends going through various physical ailments, I (and Linda too) am reminded to do everything that I can until the body parts stop working.
Hopefully Universal Health Care will get me though the Golden Years as my father calls it.
Speaking of Universal Health Care – Massachusetts passed a form of it a couple of years ago. The law had to be tweaked as the years progressed, and no one took away my health care program based out of the City of Pittsfield. When Linda and I turn 65, we will be going on Medicare. I hope that the opponents of Universal Health Care get on board soon.
Our grandchild Max is doing okay after Thursday’s fall. Kevin showed what he tripped over by way of a picture on the internet. It wasn’t some little hand held toy. It was like one of those village types / hands on toy that stands at least 2.5 feet tall.
Well, I have to grab a cup of coffee, and select my workout wardrobe.
Have a great weekend!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hello of Friday Morning
Dear Friends,
What a difference a day makes! I feel so much better today than I did yesterday with respect to not being so tired.
Our day on Thursday was going fine until we received a telephone around 11 AM that Klya was on her way to their pediatrician because of an accident while Kevin was taking care of Max. Kevin tripped over a toy, and in a millisecond our grandchild was on floor crying out in pain. Kevin and the baby sitter, Bertha, who had just arrived at their apartment, took Max to the Neighborhood Clinic less than a mile away from their apartment. The pediatrician recommended that Max be taken to Massachusetts General Hospital for further testing. Our 7 month old grandchild has a small 2 inch crack in a bone in his shoulder area. There was no trauma to his head. Kevin and Kyla spent almost 8 hours going through this ordeal. Linda and I were on pins and needles until Kyla called last night to say that they were home. Max is not in any form of a cast. They put an ace bandage on his little body, and they supplied Kevin and Kyla with doses of Tylenol. Of course, Kevin is felling a whole lot of guilt because of the situation, but we have to keep reminding him that it was an accident.
The normal protocol is for the hospital to treat the situation as a possible domestic abuse problem which made Kevin feel even guiltier.
All this was taking place just one hour before we were to sit done to a corned beef and cabbage lunch with my father, Aunt Gladys, and Steve Gerardi. We didn’t even mention about Max’s fall because we wanted the lunch to be a happy occasion.
After our guests left and the kitchen was cleaned up, Linda prepared to corned beef and cabbage dinners for my Uncle Joe Curley, and Aunt Ruth Curley. I dropped the plastic ware containers off at 2 PM. I came directly home and took a nap.
Social calendar – We were going to make a day trip to East Boston, and see our grandchild, but Kevin is going to stay home and take care of Max today. We will be with them next Friday which is when they are closing on their house.
This means that we will be most likely hooking up with a couple of friends for supper this evening.
Sports – Linda and I both filled out one of those NCAA Basketball Poole’s. Every one of the favorites who lost on Thursday was the ones whom we picked which is not a good start.
Our golf course is open, but the greens will be closed. My golf clubs and golf cart are buried in our storage shed. After some yard work, I might go up to the golf course and play a few holes.
Weather – We have another near 60 degree day on tap for today before the bottom falls out in a couple of days. Our family in Kansas is experiencing the drop in temperature already as the cold front makes it way East. The drop will give us day time temperatures in the 40’s. We better not put away our snow shovels yet.
Well, I have to select my workout clothes because I will be at the gym at 4:30 AM today.
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
What a difference a day makes! I feel so much better today than I did yesterday with respect to not being so tired.
Our day on Thursday was going fine until we received a telephone around 11 AM that Klya was on her way to their pediatrician because of an accident while Kevin was taking care of Max. Kevin tripped over a toy, and in a millisecond our grandchild was on floor crying out in pain. Kevin and the baby sitter, Bertha, who had just arrived at their apartment, took Max to the Neighborhood Clinic less than a mile away from their apartment. The pediatrician recommended that Max be taken to Massachusetts General Hospital for further testing. Our 7 month old grandchild has a small 2 inch crack in a bone in his shoulder area. There was no trauma to his head. Kevin and Kyla spent almost 8 hours going through this ordeal. Linda and I were on pins and needles until Kyla called last night to say that they were home. Max is not in any form of a cast. They put an ace bandage on his little body, and they supplied Kevin and Kyla with doses of Tylenol. Of course, Kevin is felling a whole lot of guilt because of the situation, but we have to keep reminding him that it was an accident.
The normal protocol is for the hospital to treat the situation as a possible domestic abuse problem which made Kevin feel even guiltier.
All this was taking place just one hour before we were to sit done to a corned beef and cabbage lunch with my father, Aunt Gladys, and Steve Gerardi. We didn’t even mention about Max’s fall because we wanted the lunch to be a happy occasion.
After our guests left and the kitchen was cleaned up, Linda prepared to corned beef and cabbage dinners for my Uncle Joe Curley, and Aunt Ruth Curley. I dropped the plastic ware containers off at 2 PM. I came directly home and took a nap.
Social calendar – We were going to make a day trip to East Boston, and see our grandchild, but Kevin is going to stay home and take care of Max today. We will be with them next Friday which is when they are closing on their house.
This means that we will be most likely hooking up with a couple of friends for supper this evening.
Sports – Linda and I both filled out one of those NCAA Basketball Poole’s. Every one of the favorites who lost on Thursday was the ones whom we picked which is not a good start.
Our golf course is open, but the greens will be closed. My golf clubs and golf cart are buried in our storage shed. After some yard work, I might go up to the golf course and play a few holes.
Weather – We have another near 60 degree day on tap for today before the bottom falls out in a couple of days. Our family in Kansas is experiencing the drop in temperature already as the cold front makes it way East. The drop will give us day time temperatures in the 40’s. We better not put away our snow shovels yet.
Well, I have to select my workout clothes because I will be at the gym at 4:30 AM today.
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hello on Thursday Morning
Dear Friends,
I am a little late this morning with my daily blog because my head hit the pillow at 1:45 AM this morning. My brain is quite foggy today. I missed my 4:30 AM Retro Fitness workout. I feel okay. My personal breathalyzer device wasn’t working last evening because of dead batteries, but I was a good boy!
Wednesday went as planned for me. I made my soda breads before heading off to the radio station for an hour long session. The radio show went pretty well. It is amazing how many city residents listen to the program each day. Many people at the Italian American Club said that they heard me on the radio.
I left the radio station, and visited my mother in the nursing home. As planned, I came home and took a nap before the celebration began. My two reserved tables were full at the Italian American as well as well as every other table in the hall. The food, fun, and merriment was enjoyed by everyone. Marilyn Gerardi kept her winning ways by winning the 50/50 raffle which was $160. Pretty much every time she sits at the Curley table, she wins something.
No one left this Italian version of corned beef and cabbage hungry.
As the dinner broke up, most people went home, but not the Curley’s. We headed off to the Brew Works to listen to some good old Irish music. We departed the Brew Works at 10 PM. Linda was starting to fade, so I drove her home. I headed off to a house party, and lasted until 1:45 AM.
During our travels, we (mostly me) met some interesting people. I met a former student who had trouble going to school. She now is a single mom, who I found out from reliable sources, is a strict hard working Mom. She wanted me to help her in math since she has gone back to school and is working toward a nursing degree.
Another guy I met graduated with our oldest son Michael. He works over at General Dynamics doing nuclear submarine stuff. He married a girl 10 years younger; this woman was one of triplets. I had her brother in class at Taconic. I met another former student who is now a member of the Muslim religion. Another former student I met is a UPS driver who just happens to deliver packages on our street. He made the comment that my wife sure has a lot of packages delivered.
One of the oldest partygoers was an 89 year old guy who left with his younger honey about the same time that I left. As he got to the top of the of the cellar hatchway steps, which are steep, he falls on the ground. He was not inebriated. The steps are too steep for his 89 year old legs. He rolled when he fell on the moist grass, and luckily he didn’t break any body parts.
Well, I have to take a shower, and hopefully will perk up a bit before my father and Aunt arrive for a corned beef and cabbage dinner. The corned beef has been in the crock pot since 10 PM last evening. I have to deal with the potatoes and carrots after I take a shower. We did invite anyone who was free for lunch to come and join us. The guest list might increase by noon time.
Have a great Thursday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
I am a little late this morning with my daily blog because my head hit the pillow at 1:45 AM this morning. My brain is quite foggy today. I missed my 4:30 AM Retro Fitness workout. I feel okay. My personal breathalyzer device wasn’t working last evening because of dead batteries, but I was a good boy!
Wednesday went as planned for me. I made my soda breads before heading off to the radio station for an hour long session. The radio show went pretty well. It is amazing how many city residents listen to the program each day. Many people at the Italian American Club said that they heard me on the radio.
I left the radio station, and visited my mother in the nursing home. As planned, I came home and took a nap before the celebration began. My two reserved tables were full at the Italian American as well as well as every other table in the hall. The food, fun, and merriment was enjoyed by everyone. Marilyn Gerardi kept her winning ways by winning the 50/50 raffle which was $160. Pretty much every time she sits at the Curley table, she wins something.
No one left this Italian version of corned beef and cabbage hungry.
As the dinner broke up, most people went home, but not the Curley’s. We headed off to the Brew Works to listen to some good old Irish music. We departed the Brew Works at 10 PM. Linda was starting to fade, so I drove her home. I headed off to a house party, and lasted until 1:45 AM.
During our travels, we (mostly me) met some interesting people. I met a former student who had trouble going to school. She now is a single mom, who I found out from reliable sources, is a strict hard working Mom. She wanted me to help her in math since she has gone back to school and is working toward a nursing degree.
Another guy I met graduated with our oldest son Michael. He works over at General Dynamics doing nuclear submarine stuff. He married a girl 10 years younger; this woman was one of triplets. I had her brother in class at Taconic. I met another former student who is now a member of the Muslim religion. Another former student I met is a UPS driver who just happens to deliver packages on our street. He made the comment that my wife sure has a lot of packages delivered.
One of the oldest partygoers was an 89 year old guy who left with his younger honey about the same time that I left. As he got to the top of the of the cellar hatchway steps, which are steep, he falls on the ground. He was not inebriated. The steps are too steep for his 89 year old legs. He rolled when he fell on the moist grass, and luckily he didn’t break any body parts.
Well, I have to take a shower, and hopefully will perk up a bit before my father and Aunt arrive for a corned beef and cabbage dinner. The corned beef has been in the crock pot since 10 PM last evening. I have to deal with the potatoes and carrots after I take a shower. We did invite anyone who was free for lunch to come and join us. The guest list might increase by noon time.
Have a great Thursday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hello on Wednesday Morning
Dear Friends,
I was at the doors of Retro Fitness at 4:30 AM. The distractions were minimal!
I want to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. We are going to be pretty close to the 60 degree mark today with total sunshine.
God certainly blessed the Irish in the Northeast part of the country today. Well, even if your have no Irish blood in you, people pretend that they are Irish on this day.
It is Evacuation Day in Boston. State offices are shut down including schools in Cambridge and Somerville to celebrate the day that the British, under the command of General Howe, packed up and left Boston after a 11 month siege. General Howe moved his troops and Navy to Nova Scotia. The departure date was on March 17 which happened to be when the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. When Boston started to grow with a large Irish population, a law was passed in 1941 to make this a legally paid holiday for State workers. There has been a great push to eliminate this paid holiday, but attempts have been unsuccessful so far. Being a liberal Democrat, I think that the tradition should be maintained.
Linda is going to relax until we head off to the Italian American Club this evening for the 6:30 PM Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner. I have two full tables of friends who will be joining us, 9 at our table, and 8 Mah Jongg people at the other. It should be a fun time.
After the dinner, there are so many Pubs which I would like to go to, but we will have to narrow it down to just a couple. Mentally we are planning to go to the Brew Works to listen to an Irish Band. If there was time, I would like to go to Patrick’s Pub, Matt Reilly’s, O’Laughlin’s, and the Shamrock. We might have to bypass these Pubs because we have to go to a house party which is hosted by one of our Irish Sister City friends. Linda said that she might not be able to keep up with the Curley Lad.
Yesterday went as planned for us. I did some outside work before I dined with the Mah Jongg Ladies for lunch which was at our house. After the 30 minute lunch, the ladies started playing Mah Jongg, and I took a nap.
For supper we went off to Matt Reilly’s for their Monday and Tuesday special of two fish and chip meals for $17.95. As we walked into the place, a couple said that the Corned Beef and Cabbage meal that was available was spectacular. We stuck with the fish special because we already had corned beef and cabbage on Saturday night, and we will be having it tonight and for lunch on Thursday at our home for my father, and my Aunt.
It is good to see that Tiger is going to play as soon as the Master’s Tournament which is the week after Easter. The PGA is happy because viewership has been off since Tiger has not been playing.
Pat Gormalley, President of the Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee, and I were invited to go on a talk show radio program (WBRK 1340 AM) at 11 AM today. The talk show host wanted some guests of Irish descent to go on to discuss what is going on in the Irish Community. I am going to try and weave in some upcoming Italian Events too. Both the Gormalley Lad and I are never at a loss for words. We spend a good portion of the time trying to outtalk one another. Linda calls it “Blah, Blah, and more Blah.” Actually, the talk show host wanted Linda to be on the program too, but she declined the offer. She said that she didn’t want to compete with Pat and me.
I think that I will go from the talk show program and visit my mother in the nursing. I will then come home and take a nap so that I can last until the wee hours of the morning.
My friend said the Bob Cats were back in the neighborhood on Tuesday. Another person saw them at 8:30 AM at the place where the school bus picks up the elementary school kids. This is unusual to see Bob Cats at this time of the day, and in such a developed neighborhood. Maybe the Bobcats lost their Mom, or their Mom told them to go out and fen for themselves.
Well, I have to start a quiet activity. I am going to whip up another batch of Irish Soda Bread. The raisins have been soaking for just over 24 hours. I am going to make mini loaves. The Mah Jongg ladies each received one when they left our house yesterday.
Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
I was at the doors of Retro Fitness at 4:30 AM. The distractions were minimal!
I want to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. We are going to be pretty close to the 60 degree mark today with total sunshine.
God certainly blessed the Irish in the Northeast part of the country today. Well, even if your have no Irish blood in you, people pretend that they are Irish on this day.
It is Evacuation Day in Boston. State offices are shut down including schools in Cambridge and Somerville to celebrate the day that the British, under the command of General Howe, packed up and left Boston after a 11 month siege. General Howe moved his troops and Navy to Nova Scotia. The departure date was on March 17 which happened to be when the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. When Boston started to grow with a large Irish population, a law was passed in 1941 to make this a legally paid holiday for State workers. There has been a great push to eliminate this paid holiday, but attempts have been unsuccessful so far. Being a liberal Democrat, I think that the tradition should be maintained.
Linda is going to relax until we head off to the Italian American Club this evening for the 6:30 PM Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner. I have two full tables of friends who will be joining us, 9 at our table, and 8 Mah Jongg people at the other. It should be a fun time.
After the dinner, there are so many Pubs which I would like to go to, but we will have to narrow it down to just a couple. Mentally we are planning to go to the Brew Works to listen to an Irish Band. If there was time, I would like to go to Patrick’s Pub, Matt Reilly’s, O’Laughlin’s, and the Shamrock. We might have to bypass these Pubs because we have to go to a house party which is hosted by one of our Irish Sister City friends. Linda said that she might not be able to keep up with the Curley Lad.
Yesterday went as planned for us. I did some outside work before I dined with the Mah Jongg Ladies for lunch which was at our house. After the 30 minute lunch, the ladies started playing Mah Jongg, and I took a nap.
For supper we went off to Matt Reilly’s for their Monday and Tuesday special of two fish and chip meals for $17.95. As we walked into the place, a couple said that the Corned Beef and Cabbage meal that was available was spectacular. We stuck with the fish special because we already had corned beef and cabbage on Saturday night, and we will be having it tonight and for lunch on Thursday at our home for my father, and my Aunt.
It is good to see that Tiger is going to play as soon as the Master’s Tournament which is the week after Easter. The PGA is happy because viewership has been off since Tiger has not been playing.
Pat Gormalley, President of the Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee, and I were invited to go on a talk show radio program (WBRK 1340 AM) at 11 AM today. The talk show host wanted some guests of Irish descent to go on to discuss what is going on in the Irish Community. I am going to try and weave in some upcoming Italian Events too. Both the Gormalley Lad and I are never at a loss for words. We spend a good portion of the time trying to outtalk one another. Linda calls it “Blah, Blah, and more Blah.” Actually, the talk show host wanted Linda to be on the program too, but she declined the offer. She said that she didn’t want to compete with Pat and me.
I think that I will go from the talk show program and visit my mother in the nursing. I will then come home and take a nap so that I can last until the wee hours of the morning.
My friend said the Bob Cats were back in the neighborhood on Tuesday. Another person saw them at 8:30 AM at the place where the school bus picks up the elementary school kids. This is unusual to see Bob Cats at this time of the day, and in such a developed neighborhood. Maybe the Bobcats lost their Mom, or their Mom told them to go out and fen for themselves.
Well, I have to start a quiet activity. I am going to whip up another batch of Irish Soda Bread. The raisins have been soaking for just over 24 hours. I am going to make mini loaves. The Mah Jongg ladies each received one when they left our house yesterday.
Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hello on Tuesday Morning
Dear Friends,
Another Day went as planned.
Our Irish guests departed from Pittsfield near 1 PM, but I don’t have details about their departure.
I am up early because I am going to be at the doors of Retro Fitness at 4:30 AM. I got a workout yesterday trying to clean the first floor of the house in preparation for Linda hosting today’s Mah Jongg Session. I even took out our rug shampoo device, and did a quick cleaning of the carpet. It might be time to consider replacing some carpets. This is exactly what our neighbors did last week. They replaced every carpet in their house.
When I had the house turned upside downtown, Linda went off for several hours to do some errands.
While she was at several stores, I whipped up a bunch of mini loaves of Irish Soda Bread. Each of the ladies will be taking one home today. I found out that one batch of batter can make 6 mini loaves of the Curley Lad’s Irish Soda Bread.
Linda came home with a couple of pieces of corned beef. My father and Aunt Gladys are coming to our house for a corned beef and cabbage lunch on Thursday. I invited my Uncle Joe and his wife, but they are both are having health issues. They have a bunch of appointments on Thursday. .Linda and I will make up a care package of corned beef and cabbage, and I will drop them off after their last appointment. I am going to whip up a couple of Irish Soda breads for them too!
Our UNICO meeting went well! The meal was prepared by some members at the Italian American Club. Veal Parmesan, stuff shells, salad, appetizer plate, vanilla ice cream over a brownie made for a great meal.
We have another Pasta Dinner next Tuesday to work. I have a Golf Tournament Meeting right in the middle of the Pasta Fund Raiser. Another approach / approach conflict!
Observation – Last week the politicians were discussing standard subject tests for students across the nation. This is not some earth shattering concept. I always said that early in my teaching career because of the influx of students as we became a more mobile society. If you were taught Algebra I in one State, your body of learned knowledge should be exactly the same in another State. This was not often the case when I was teaching.
It is hard to believe that St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow. Two of the booked in activities can’t be changed. We have reserved two tables for the 6:30 PM Corned beef and Cabbage dinner at the Italian American Club on Newell Street. We definitely have to make an appearance at a party at the home of the funeral director who just turned 40 last week. Another Irish friend is playing music in a band at the Brew Works. Some people are gathering at the Shamrock. There is also Patrick’s Pub which will be packed for sure. Can we make St. Patrick’s Day a more than one day celebration?
I think that Friday might be the only totally free day we have this week. Saturday were are booked in for a house party, and Sunday we are off to Mohegan Sun on a bus going out of the Italian American Club. Next week doesn’t look any less busy.
Well, I have to select my workout wardrobe.
Talk to you soon.
The Curley Lad
Another Day went as planned.
Our Irish guests departed from Pittsfield near 1 PM, but I don’t have details about their departure.
I am up early because I am going to be at the doors of Retro Fitness at 4:30 AM. I got a workout yesterday trying to clean the first floor of the house in preparation for Linda hosting today’s Mah Jongg Session. I even took out our rug shampoo device, and did a quick cleaning of the carpet. It might be time to consider replacing some carpets. This is exactly what our neighbors did last week. They replaced every carpet in their house.
When I had the house turned upside downtown, Linda went off for several hours to do some errands.
While she was at several stores, I whipped up a bunch of mini loaves of Irish Soda Bread. Each of the ladies will be taking one home today. I found out that one batch of batter can make 6 mini loaves of the Curley Lad’s Irish Soda Bread.
Linda came home with a couple of pieces of corned beef. My father and Aunt Gladys are coming to our house for a corned beef and cabbage lunch on Thursday. I invited my Uncle Joe and his wife, but they are both are having health issues. They have a bunch of appointments on Thursday. .Linda and I will make up a care package of corned beef and cabbage, and I will drop them off after their last appointment. I am going to whip up a couple of Irish Soda breads for them too!
Our UNICO meeting went well! The meal was prepared by some members at the Italian American Club. Veal Parmesan, stuff shells, salad, appetizer plate, vanilla ice cream over a brownie made for a great meal.
We have another Pasta Dinner next Tuesday to work. I have a Golf Tournament Meeting right in the middle of the Pasta Fund Raiser. Another approach / approach conflict!
Observation – Last week the politicians were discussing standard subject tests for students across the nation. This is not some earth shattering concept. I always said that early in my teaching career because of the influx of students as we became a more mobile society. If you were taught Algebra I in one State, your body of learned knowledge should be exactly the same in another State. This was not often the case when I was teaching.
It is hard to believe that St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow. Two of the booked in activities can’t be changed. We have reserved two tables for the 6:30 PM Corned beef and Cabbage dinner at the Italian American Club on Newell Street. We definitely have to make an appearance at a party at the home of the funeral director who just turned 40 last week. Another Irish friend is playing music in a band at the Brew Works. Some people are gathering at the Shamrock. There is also Patrick’s Pub which will be packed for sure. Can we make St. Patrick’s Day a more than one day celebration?
I think that Friday might be the only totally free day we have this week. Saturday were are booked in for a house party, and Sunday we are off to Mohegan Sun on a bus going out of the Italian American Club. Next week doesn’t look any less busy.
Well, I have to select my workout wardrobe.
Talk to you soon.
The Curley Lad
Monday, March 15, 2010
Hello on Monday Morning
Dear Friends,
“To travel hopefully is better than to arrive!” This quote from Robert Louis Stevenson is exactly how I feel today.
We had our farewell covered dish party last evening at the home of the Kelly’s on Peck’s Road. The Kelly’s opened their doors to over twenty of us.
The selection of food was wonderful. There were crock pots galore of epicurean delights. Even though the Curley’s cook meals in a crock pot several times per week, our dish was not prepared in one. What also was amazing was that there were no duplicates of food, and no one told our hosts what they were bringing. If you missed the party, you missed a great time. As I often say, there was much food, fun, and merriment.
The party for the Curley’s ended around 10 PM. I wanted to party longer, but I knew that the Linda wasn’t feeling that great.
All of us want to thank the Kelly’s for hosting a great party!
Some of the partygoers at the Kelly’s missed the Irish American Club Function on Saturday night. They assumed that I would bring some of my Irish Soda Bread. Not! I was tempted to go home and get a loaf, but I decided that we should have another party, at the Curley’s, so that they can get a taste of the Curley Lad’s soda bread.
When we have these gatherings, it seems as though one party leads to another.
When we went on a tour of the original Guinness brewery in Dublin several years ago, the tour guide claimed that the yeast used in the very first batch of Guinness produced hundreds of years ago is still the same one used in making the current barrels and bottle of Guinness. I compare it to when a person gets involved in an ancestral researching. Our ancestors created generation after generation, and the yeast has been doing the same thing for Guinness beer over these many years. Like I said, one party fosters another one.
One set of the partygoers at last night’s party were the ones who marched in the Albany, New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday afternoon. They told me some great stories of the fun and merriment which they had before, during, and after the parade, but I would get myself in trouble if I tell the stories in this e-mail. Well, maybe I could tell just one story. A bunch of people from the Pittsfield area were trying to get into AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians) hall in Albany. They were confronted by some one at the door who asked them why they weren’t wearing any articles of clothing which were green in color. The male told the doorman that he was wearing green underwear. The female said that she wasn’t wearing any underwear at all. The door attendant said “Come right in!”
On Sunday, Linda and I just relaxed until the farewell party. Our Irish guests did go off to the Beacon Cinema to see a movie in 3 D. They watched “Alice in Wonderland.” They also wove in a little recreation shopping too. They definitely will be checking two bags when they head back to Ireland today.
Pat Gormalley and Ann Murphy will not be driving Mary Kelly and Carmel Murphy back to the airport. Pat had a commitment. Ann Murphy had a 93 year old relative pass away over the weekend. I volunteered, but remembered I have a UNICO membership meeting which I can’t miss. Rosanne Frieri, the veteran’s agent in Pittsfield, stepped forward, and said that she could drive them to Boston. The plan as of last night was to let our guests sleep as long as they want to this morning, and let them tell Rosanne when they want to depart from Pittsfield. They have an 8 PM fight.
Since the Outlets in Lee are right next to the Massachusetts Turnpike, I could visualize a little detour before they head east to Boston.
Social Calendar – Linda has no social engagements, but I will help her with a little housing cleaning today since she is hosting her Tuesday Mah Jongg Session.
I have that 6 PM UNICO dinner meeting at the Italian American Club. A few members will be cooking the meal. Veal Parmesan will be the main meal along with pasta and a salad. When I talked to the general in the kitchen a few days ago, he said that he was thinking of doing stuffed shells instead of the usual past dish. Whatever the final decision turns out to be, we are in for a great meal! No, the public can’t be invited!
Well, this is my final report as clerk of the Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee with respect to our visitors from Ballina, Ireland.
Mary Kelly said that she was thinking of returning to Pittsfield in September. I believe the visit will not be related to Sister City stuff. Pittsfield is Mary’s second home!
The Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in some or all the events. Our guests will be returning to Ireland happy, but tired which is always the situation.
Have a great week at work or play.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
“To travel hopefully is better than to arrive!” This quote from Robert Louis Stevenson is exactly how I feel today.
We had our farewell covered dish party last evening at the home of the Kelly’s on Peck’s Road. The Kelly’s opened their doors to over twenty of us.
The selection of food was wonderful. There were crock pots galore of epicurean delights. Even though the Curley’s cook meals in a crock pot several times per week, our dish was not prepared in one. What also was amazing was that there were no duplicates of food, and no one told our hosts what they were bringing. If you missed the party, you missed a great time. As I often say, there was much food, fun, and merriment.
The party for the Curley’s ended around 10 PM. I wanted to party longer, but I knew that the Linda wasn’t feeling that great.
All of us want to thank the Kelly’s for hosting a great party!
Some of the partygoers at the Kelly’s missed the Irish American Club Function on Saturday night. They assumed that I would bring some of my Irish Soda Bread. Not! I was tempted to go home and get a loaf, but I decided that we should have another party, at the Curley’s, so that they can get a taste of the Curley Lad’s soda bread.
When we have these gatherings, it seems as though one party leads to another.
When we went on a tour of the original Guinness brewery in Dublin several years ago, the tour guide claimed that the yeast used in the very first batch of Guinness produced hundreds of years ago is still the same one used in making the current barrels and bottle of Guinness. I compare it to when a person gets involved in an ancestral researching. Our ancestors created generation after generation, and the yeast has been doing the same thing for Guinness beer over these many years. Like I said, one party fosters another one.
One set of the partygoers at last night’s party were the ones who marched in the Albany, New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday afternoon. They told me some great stories of the fun and merriment which they had before, during, and after the parade, but I would get myself in trouble if I tell the stories in this e-mail. Well, maybe I could tell just one story. A bunch of people from the Pittsfield area were trying to get into AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians) hall in Albany. They were confronted by some one at the door who asked them why they weren’t wearing any articles of clothing which were green in color. The male told the doorman that he was wearing green underwear. The female said that she wasn’t wearing any underwear at all. The door attendant said “Come right in!”
On Sunday, Linda and I just relaxed until the farewell party. Our Irish guests did go off to the Beacon Cinema to see a movie in 3 D. They watched “Alice in Wonderland.” They also wove in a little recreation shopping too. They definitely will be checking two bags when they head back to Ireland today.
Pat Gormalley and Ann Murphy will not be driving Mary Kelly and Carmel Murphy back to the airport. Pat had a commitment. Ann Murphy had a 93 year old relative pass away over the weekend. I volunteered, but remembered I have a UNICO membership meeting which I can’t miss. Rosanne Frieri, the veteran’s agent in Pittsfield, stepped forward, and said that she could drive them to Boston. The plan as of last night was to let our guests sleep as long as they want to this morning, and let them tell Rosanne when they want to depart from Pittsfield. They have an 8 PM fight.
Since the Outlets in Lee are right next to the Massachusetts Turnpike, I could visualize a little detour before they head east to Boston.
Social Calendar – Linda has no social engagements, but I will help her with a little housing cleaning today since she is hosting her Tuesday Mah Jongg Session.
I have that 6 PM UNICO dinner meeting at the Italian American Club. A few members will be cooking the meal. Veal Parmesan will be the main meal along with pasta and a salad. When I talked to the general in the kitchen a few days ago, he said that he was thinking of doing stuffed shells instead of the usual past dish. Whatever the final decision turns out to be, we are in for a great meal! No, the public can’t be invited!
Well, this is my final report as clerk of the Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee with respect to our visitors from Ballina, Ireland.
Mary Kelly said that she was thinking of returning to Pittsfield in September. I believe the visit will not be related to Sister City stuff. Pittsfield is Mary’s second home!
The Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in some or all the events. Our guests will be returning to Ireland happy, but tired which is always the situation.
Have a great week at work or play.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hello on Sunday Morning
Dear Friends,
Another day in Curleyworld went as planned.
After reading the local newspaper at a rather early hour of the morning on Saturday, I decided that I needed a quiet activity which wouldn’t wake up the Queen.
I thought that baking a couple of soda breads wouldn’t generate much noise. I whipped up a couple more loaves of the Curley Lad’s Irish Soda Bread. Yes, I did have a cup and one half of raises swimming in Irish Whiskey. Even though these raisins soaked for just 24 hours, they were very happy little devils as I put them in my batter.
Yes, I did squeeze in an afternoon nap on Saturday.
Speaking of Irish Soda Bread, I brought two loaves to the Irish American Club Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner last evening. I brought my cutting board, and knife, and cut them up right at our table of 10 people. The guests at our table had first crack at the soda bread before Linda put the tray on the dessert table. Sometimes it is a good idea to find out where the Curley’s are sitting at a function like this.
Kevin Cahill, his officers, and assigned personnel did a wonderful job setting up the Elk’s Club Hall, coordinating the raffle, enlisting a guest speaker, securing an band to play Irish songs, performing the ceremony for passing on the cane to Father James Joyce, who was this year’s person of the year.
The corned beef and cabbage dinner was wonderful including a dish of ice-cream for dessert.
Ann Doyle made her famous Shamrock Shaped Cookies which went on the table next to the soda bread. I believe another person brought a soda bread too.
Linda won a 12 pack of Lillian’s Irish Red Beer. The woman who donated the 12 pack said that she put the beer in her garage, and taped a note to the 12 pack. The note was aimed toward her adult son. The note said that the beer was off limits.
The one person whom I felt sad for was the young gentleman on the bagpipes. One of his jobs was to play the bagpipes as the Irish Person of the year is marched around the room with the officers of the Irish American Club. Well, his bagpipe sprung a leak, just as the procession was about to start. Oh Darn! The procession took place without the music. The gentleman did solve the leaky bagpipe problem. He got it to work just as Father Joyce was exiting the Elk’s Club Hall.
A contingent from Pittsfield, including Mary Kelly and Carmel Murphy, did march in the Albany, New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade. While it was raining “cats and dogs” in Pittsfield, the parade route remained pretty much rain free. One of the marchers told me that he was a bit embarrassed by the number of people who seemed to be over medicated with alcoholic beverages. The parade didn’t start until 2 PM. This leaves too much time for people to over indulge!
As we left the Elk’s Club, our car had a layer of wet slushy snow on it. The temperature dropped enough while we were at the Elk’s Club to change from rain to snow. We picked up a couple of inches of the slushy snow in Pittsfield. I am betting that they picked up several inches of snow in the hill towns.
Today’s agenda with our Irish guests is very light. I think that Mary and Carmel will be doing a little recreational shopping. They might even try and see a movie in 3 D at the Beacon Cinema. They have to do all this before our 3rd and final covered dish affair at Andy Kelly’s home on Peck’s road which starts at 5 PM. This is a farewell party for Mary and Carmel. I am taking a nap for sure today. I have a feeling that this might be a long night. If the party does end early at the Andy’s place, we could continue it at my man cave on Winesap road. It is sort of a tradition to party in our basement for at least one of the evenings when we have guests from Ballina. I can’t say that this is going to happen since Linda is still fighting the sniffles. I feel great!
Before composing this report, I skimmed the Berkshire Eagle. Besides the usual murder and mayhem articles, there were two positive things that jumped right off the pages. The first is the Lee High Wildcat’s girl’s basketball team won the State Championship for their particular division. This victory brings such warmness to my heart since I graduated from Lee High School in the middle 60’s. I tell people that you “can’t take the Lee out of any boy or girl” no matter what part of the country or the world you decide to settle down in. You are a Wildcat for life!
The other interesting article featured my UNICO brother Retired Family Court Judge Rudy Sacco. He has written a book. This book contains memoirs of his life, and the many years which he spent on the bench. For those people who don’t know Rudy, he is an accomplished poet too. Rudy was in attendance at last night’s Irish American Club event. He is such a friend of both the Italian and Irish Community. He attends many of our Irish Sister City and Irish American Club functions. Even though he is a full blooded Italian, we in the Irish Community have adopted him as one of our own. He has taught the Curley Lad so much, and helped me when I was President of UNICO. He told me that none of us should ever forget our heritage, our roots, and all the struggles our ancestors went through to get us the good life which we enjoy today.
The title of Rudolph Sacco’s book is “A Life of Good Judgment.” Details of where you can pick up a copy of the book are in the newspaper article.
Note – The Curley Lad is ¾ Italian and ¼ Irish. This means that I wear many hats.
Well, in a little less than an hour, Kevin Cahill will be hosting the Sunday Sounds of Ireland on WBRK at 8:30 AM.
Rudy Sacco does an Italian American Hour on Pittsfield Community Television at least once a month.
As you see, the Irish and Italian Communities are very well represented in Berkshire County.
On a final note, the radio talk show host Bill Surgeon and his wife whom he lovingly calls, “The Polish Princess”, sat at our table last evening (I call my wife the Queen). I wanted to publicly thank Bill for announcing all the Italian and Irish events on his three hour Monday through Friday radio talk program. He also has invited many of us on his daily program. Bill, with the guidance of his wife, has been a plus for the community since he has been on the radio. I may not agree with his staunch conservative views, but he is still a good friend and a good listener!
Have a great Sunday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
P.S. Please note that the last daily report will be Monday morning. I hope that you have enjoyed my updates!
Our guests depart on Monday. Pat Gormalley and Ann Murphy will be taking Mary and Carmel back to Boston at some point tomorrow for their evening flight back to Ireland.
Another day in Curleyworld went as planned.
After reading the local newspaper at a rather early hour of the morning on Saturday, I decided that I needed a quiet activity which wouldn’t wake up the Queen.
I thought that baking a couple of soda breads wouldn’t generate much noise. I whipped up a couple more loaves of the Curley Lad’s Irish Soda Bread. Yes, I did have a cup and one half of raises swimming in Irish Whiskey. Even though these raisins soaked for just 24 hours, they were very happy little devils as I put them in my batter.
Yes, I did squeeze in an afternoon nap on Saturday.
Speaking of Irish Soda Bread, I brought two loaves to the Irish American Club Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner last evening. I brought my cutting board, and knife, and cut them up right at our table of 10 people. The guests at our table had first crack at the soda bread before Linda put the tray on the dessert table. Sometimes it is a good idea to find out where the Curley’s are sitting at a function like this.
Kevin Cahill, his officers, and assigned personnel did a wonderful job setting up the Elk’s Club Hall, coordinating the raffle, enlisting a guest speaker, securing an band to play Irish songs, performing the ceremony for passing on the cane to Father James Joyce, who was this year’s person of the year.
The corned beef and cabbage dinner was wonderful including a dish of ice-cream for dessert.
Ann Doyle made her famous Shamrock Shaped Cookies which went on the table next to the soda bread. I believe another person brought a soda bread too.
Linda won a 12 pack of Lillian’s Irish Red Beer. The woman who donated the 12 pack said that she put the beer in her garage, and taped a note to the 12 pack. The note was aimed toward her adult son. The note said that the beer was off limits.
The one person whom I felt sad for was the young gentleman on the bagpipes. One of his jobs was to play the bagpipes as the Irish Person of the year is marched around the room with the officers of the Irish American Club. Well, his bagpipe sprung a leak, just as the procession was about to start. Oh Darn! The procession took place without the music. The gentleman did solve the leaky bagpipe problem. He got it to work just as Father Joyce was exiting the Elk’s Club Hall.
A contingent from Pittsfield, including Mary Kelly and Carmel Murphy, did march in the Albany, New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade. While it was raining “cats and dogs” in Pittsfield, the parade route remained pretty much rain free. One of the marchers told me that he was a bit embarrassed by the number of people who seemed to be over medicated with alcoholic beverages. The parade didn’t start until 2 PM. This leaves too much time for people to over indulge!
As we left the Elk’s Club, our car had a layer of wet slushy snow on it. The temperature dropped enough while we were at the Elk’s Club to change from rain to snow. We picked up a couple of inches of the slushy snow in Pittsfield. I am betting that they picked up several inches of snow in the hill towns.
Today’s agenda with our Irish guests is very light. I think that Mary and Carmel will be doing a little recreational shopping. They might even try and see a movie in 3 D at the Beacon Cinema. They have to do all this before our 3rd and final covered dish affair at Andy Kelly’s home on Peck’s road which starts at 5 PM. This is a farewell party for Mary and Carmel. I am taking a nap for sure today. I have a feeling that this might be a long night. If the party does end early at the Andy’s place, we could continue it at my man cave on Winesap road. It is sort of a tradition to party in our basement for at least one of the evenings when we have guests from Ballina. I can’t say that this is going to happen since Linda is still fighting the sniffles. I feel great!
Before composing this report, I skimmed the Berkshire Eagle. Besides the usual murder and mayhem articles, there were two positive things that jumped right off the pages. The first is the Lee High Wildcat’s girl’s basketball team won the State Championship for their particular division. This victory brings such warmness to my heart since I graduated from Lee High School in the middle 60’s. I tell people that you “can’t take the Lee out of any boy or girl” no matter what part of the country or the world you decide to settle down in. You are a Wildcat for life!
The other interesting article featured my UNICO brother Retired Family Court Judge Rudy Sacco. He has written a book. This book contains memoirs of his life, and the many years which he spent on the bench. For those people who don’t know Rudy, he is an accomplished poet too. Rudy was in attendance at last night’s Irish American Club event. He is such a friend of both the Italian and Irish Community. He attends many of our Irish Sister City and Irish American Club functions. Even though he is a full blooded Italian, we in the Irish Community have adopted him as one of our own. He has taught the Curley Lad so much, and helped me when I was President of UNICO. He told me that none of us should ever forget our heritage, our roots, and all the struggles our ancestors went through to get us the good life which we enjoy today.
The title of Rudolph Sacco’s book is “A Life of Good Judgment.” Details of where you can pick up a copy of the book are in the newspaper article.
Note – The Curley Lad is ¾ Italian and ¼ Irish. This means that I wear many hats.
Well, in a little less than an hour, Kevin Cahill will be hosting the Sunday Sounds of Ireland on WBRK at 8:30 AM.
Rudy Sacco does an Italian American Hour on Pittsfield Community Television at least once a month.
As you see, the Irish and Italian Communities are very well represented in Berkshire County.
On a final note, the radio talk show host Bill Surgeon and his wife whom he lovingly calls, “The Polish Princess”, sat at our table last evening (I call my wife the Queen). I wanted to publicly thank Bill for announcing all the Italian and Irish events on his three hour Monday through Friday radio talk program. He also has invited many of us on his daily program. Bill, with the guidance of his wife, has been a plus for the community since he has been on the radio. I may not agree with his staunch conservative views, but he is still a good friend and a good listener!
Have a great Sunday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
P.S. Please note that the last daily report will be Monday morning. I hope that you have enjoyed my updates!
Our guests depart on Monday. Pat Gormalley and Ann Murphy will be taking Mary and Carmel back to Boston at some point tomorrow for their evening flight back to Ireland.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hello on Saturday Morning
Dear Friends,
Friday went as planned for our Irish guests, and the Curley’s.
I rallied from the long and arduous schedule on Thursday, and did accomplish our Friday goals. I even went off for a workout at Retro Fitness. Yes, I did take my afternoon nap.
While I was making my Irish soda bread for this evening’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner / Dance at the Elks club sponsored by the Irish American Club, Pat Gormalley took a few hearty souls four a guided tour of downtown Albany on Friday. Mary Kelly, who was considering not attending, was so glad that she did go. She said that the tour and the wonderful people whom she met in Albany, New York made it an enjoyable day. She said that they arrived back in Pittsfield around 4 PM.
Pat Barscz took Carmel Murphy for a shopping adventure at the Lee Outlets. Carmel too had a wonderful time, and enjoyed the abundance of items which she was able to choose from.
It appears that each of our guests will be checking a second piece of luggage when they head back to Ireland on Monday.
In the evening, Linda and I went with two other couples (non Irish descent) to a place in Lenox called “Firefly.” To attract the locals during the long winter months, Firefly decided to have daily specials. Last night the special was a price fix dinner for 2 people. The fixed cost was $50 per couple. For that $50, you received a full bottle of either white or red wine, and appetizer, a main meal, and dessert. If you don’t finish your wine, you can take the remainder of the bottle home (Legal in Massachusetts). We three couples didn’t have any wine to take home.
Since it was early, a couple of us asked what are we going to do now. One couple decided to go home and cuddle. The remaining two couples, Linda and I included, had wives who weren’t feeling 100 %. My male friend and I dropped our wives off home, and decided to go to Berkshire Hills to see where our Irish guests and some Irish Sister City friends were going to party next. We entered the ballroom just as the party was breaking up, and went over to the table of our 10 friends. No one wanted to go anywhere. Our Irish guests were yawning, and they just wanted to go home and sleep.
Well, the Gormalley lad, my friend Steve Gerardi, and me closed the Berkshire Hills. When we went into the parking lot, the cars of the workers, and our cars were the only ones there. My friend and I decided to call it a night. I am not sure if the Gormalley Lad went straight home.
Today the Gormalley Lad has our guests getting up bright an early for another full day. Several people are car pooling it to Albany, New York to march in their St. Patrick’s Day parade today. I believe the forecast might be wind and rain. My newspaper was dancing in my driveway because of the stiff wind which is blowing right now.
Linda and I will not be participating in the marching. I have decided to make a couple more loaves of Irish Soda Bread. I know of 5 to 7 more people who said that they wanted to attend tonight’s function at the Elk’s Club. I am guessing that having Father Joyce being honored as Irish Person of the Year will help fill a couple more tables with some of his parishioners. Kevin Cahill, President of the Irish American Club, wouldn’t want to run out of Irish Soda Bread.
Since I am up so early, I will most likely need a nap this afternoon. There is nothing like an afternoon nap!
As you see from the above description, it is a light day for the Curley’s. I hope that our Irish guest, and the other people marching in the parade have time to take a nap before they head out to the Elk’s Club this evening. I think that the doors to the Elk’s Club open at 5:30 PM. The exact time when they are serving is usually in the 6:30 PM to 7 PM range.
Have a great weekend!
Hope to see you at the Elk’s Club this evening!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Friday went as planned for our Irish guests, and the Curley’s.
I rallied from the long and arduous schedule on Thursday, and did accomplish our Friday goals. I even went off for a workout at Retro Fitness. Yes, I did take my afternoon nap.
While I was making my Irish soda bread for this evening’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner / Dance at the Elks club sponsored by the Irish American Club, Pat Gormalley took a few hearty souls four a guided tour of downtown Albany on Friday. Mary Kelly, who was considering not attending, was so glad that she did go. She said that the tour and the wonderful people whom she met in Albany, New York made it an enjoyable day. She said that they arrived back in Pittsfield around 4 PM.
Pat Barscz took Carmel Murphy for a shopping adventure at the Lee Outlets. Carmel too had a wonderful time, and enjoyed the abundance of items which she was able to choose from.
It appears that each of our guests will be checking a second piece of luggage when they head back to Ireland on Monday.
In the evening, Linda and I went with two other couples (non Irish descent) to a place in Lenox called “Firefly.” To attract the locals during the long winter months, Firefly decided to have daily specials. Last night the special was a price fix dinner for 2 people. The fixed cost was $50 per couple. For that $50, you received a full bottle of either white or red wine, and appetizer, a main meal, and dessert. If you don’t finish your wine, you can take the remainder of the bottle home (Legal in Massachusetts). We three couples didn’t have any wine to take home.
Since it was early, a couple of us asked what are we going to do now. One couple decided to go home and cuddle. The remaining two couples, Linda and I included, had wives who weren’t feeling 100 %. My male friend and I dropped our wives off home, and decided to go to Berkshire Hills to see where our Irish guests and some Irish Sister City friends were going to party next. We entered the ballroom just as the party was breaking up, and went over to the table of our 10 friends. No one wanted to go anywhere. Our Irish guests were yawning, and they just wanted to go home and sleep.
Well, the Gormalley lad, my friend Steve Gerardi, and me closed the Berkshire Hills. When we went into the parking lot, the cars of the workers, and our cars were the only ones there. My friend and I decided to call it a night. I am not sure if the Gormalley Lad went straight home.
Today the Gormalley Lad has our guests getting up bright an early for another full day. Several people are car pooling it to Albany, New York to march in their St. Patrick’s Day parade today. I believe the forecast might be wind and rain. My newspaper was dancing in my driveway because of the stiff wind which is blowing right now.
Linda and I will not be participating in the marching. I have decided to make a couple more loaves of Irish Soda Bread. I know of 5 to 7 more people who said that they wanted to attend tonight’s function at the Elk’s Club. I am guessing that having Father Joyce being honored as Irish Person of the Year will help fill a couple more tables with some of his parishioners. Kevin Cahill, President of the Irish American Club, wouldn’t want to run out of Irish Soda Bread.
Since I am up so early, I will most likely need a nap this afternoon. There is nothing like an afternoon nap!
As you see from the above description, it is a light day for the Curley’s. I hope that our Irish guest, and the other people marching in the parade have time to take a nap before they head out to the Elk’s Club this evening. I think that the doors to the Elk’s Club open at 5:30 PM. The exact time when they are serving is usually in the 6:30 PM to 7 PM range.
Have a great weekend!
Hope to see you at the Elk’s Club this evening!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hello on Friday Morning
Dear Friends,
I start this e-mail with another foggy brain. I don’t know how it happens, but it just does!
Our Friday started at 10 AM in the meeting room behind the City Council Chambers. Andy Kelly chaired a great Sister City Commission meeting. Our two Irish guests and several Pittsfield Irish Sister City members were also in attendance. During the meeting we heard reports from the Italian Sister City, The Irish Sister City, the Nicaraguan Sister City, and German Sister City. Participation from the audience was very welcome. The Kelly Lad provided coffee and donuts which kept some of us tired people wide awake.
As the meeting ended around 11:15 AM, Carmel Murphy, the city Clerk from Ballina, was given a tour by the Pittsfield City Clerk Linda Tyer. They compared notes on the similarities, and the differences of the city clerk’s job in either country.
After the meeting and the tour, we headed off for lunch at DelGallo’s restaurant. Former Mayor Remo DelGallo, who owns and runs the restaurant had a table reserved for us. We had a wonderful inexpensive lunch, and beer is cheap too. After an hour or so of socializing, Linda and I stopped at the Italian American Club to turn in a check for a Casino trip to the Mohegan Sun on March 21, 2010. We were on a waiting list, and our prayers were answered.
Linda and I went directly home after lunch. As I said in yesterday’s e-mail, I would need an afternoon if I was going to make it through the evening activities.
Our next event was to attend the Polenta Dinner at the ITAM. Besides Linda and I, Pat Barscz, Janie McCormick, Rudy and Kay Sacco, and two friends from the ITAM sat at our table. Janie McCormick experienced Polenta for the first time in her life. Would that make her a Virgin Polenta eater?
We would have had more people at the Polenta Dinner, but some were at the live Irish Piittsfield Community Television program that Pat Gormalley was producing. Other people were at the Colonial Theater for an Irish Rovers Concert.
We left the ITAM and headed off to the Shamrock Restaurant & Pub. Our Irish guests were to meet a bunch of us for some fun and merriment at the Shamrock. The group of people whom we were with said that they were going to make it a short night because they were so tired including my wife. Not! The rounds of beverages were flowing back and forth, and we couldn’t seem to find an appropriate time to leave the Pub. About 10:45 PM, the Irish Sister City people, who attended the Irish Rovers Concert, showed up, and the fun continued. The last thing that I remembered was having a fish bowl size of Jameson Irish Whiskey on the rocks sitting in front of me. I believe the Funeral Director Rob Dwyer bought that round of drinks. My head hit the pillow a little after midnight. When I say hit the pillow, I really mean it. My loud alcohol induced snoring woke me up a 3 AM, and I realized I forgot to put on my sleep apnea mask. Oh Darn!
I almost forgot to mention that there was a group of local musicians at the Shamrock playing an excellent selection of Irish tunes.
Today, Linda and I do not have to participate in any way to entertain our two Irish guests. Mayor Kelly is going on a walking tour in Albany, New York with President Gormalley and a couple other Irish Sister City friends. Carmel Murphy will be escorted to the Lee Outlets to do a little recreational shopping.
In the evening, Pat Gormalley has reserved a table at the Berkshire Hills Country Club for a Hillcrest Education event where they award the State Irish person of the year. Linda and I declined the invitation. We are going out with some non Irish friends who we normally socialize with.
I did forget to ask Pat Gormalley what the plans were for after the Berkshire Hills event. The Berkshire Hills event would end rather early, and there is no way that the group would go directly home. I will have to keep my cell phone on, and see if Linda and I have enough energy to party with them wherever they decide to go.
Well, I am going to use my baking skills and start making those Irish soda breads which I will be bringing to the Irish American Club Corned Beef and cabbage dinner / dance on Saturday night at the Elks Club. My raisins are doing so well soaking in that Irish whiskey that they are doing back flips right now. They are hydrated beyond belief!
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
I start this e-mail with another foggy brain. I don’t know how it happens, but it just does!
Our Friday started at 10 AM in the meeting room behind the City Council Chambers. Andy Kelly chaired a great Sister City Commission meeting. Our two Irish guests and several Pittsfield Irish Sister City members were also in attendance. During the meeting we heard reports from the Italian Sister City, The Irish Sister City, the Nicaraguan Sister City, and German Sister City. Participation from the audience was very welcome. The Kelly Lad provided coffee and donuts which kept some of us tired people wide awake.
As the meeting ended around 11:15 AM, Carmel Murphy, the city Clerk from Ballina, was given a tour by the Pittsfield City Clerk Linda Tyer. They compared notes on the similarities, and the differences of the city clerk’s job in either country.
After the meeting and the tour, we headed off for lunch at DelGallo’s restaurant. Former Mayor Remo DelGallo, who owns and runs the restaurant had a table reserved for us. We had a wonderful inexpensive lunch, and beer is cheap too. After an hour or so of socializing, Linda and I stopped at the Italian American Club to turn in a check for a Casino trip to the Mohegan Sun on March 21, 2010. We were on a waiting list, and our prayers were answered.
Linda and I went directly home after lunch. As I said in yesterday’s e-mail, I would need an afternoon if I was going to make it through the evening activities.
Our next event was to attend the Polenta Dinner at the ITAM. Besides Linda and I, Pat Barscz, Janie McCormick, Rudy and Kay Sacco, and two friends from the ITAM sat at our table. Janie McCormick experienced Polenta for the first time in her life. Would that make her a Virgin Polenta eater?
We would have had more people at the Polenta Dinner, but some were at the live Irish Piittsfield Community Television program that Pat Gormalley was producing. Other people were at the Colonial Theater for an Irish Rovers Concert.
We left the ITAM and headed off to the Shamrock Restaurant & Pub. Our Irish guests were to meet a bunch of us for some fun and merriment at the Shamrock. The group of people whom we were with said that they were going to make it a short night because they were so tired including my wife. Not! The rounds of beverages were flowing back and forth, and we couldn’t seem to find an appropriate time to leave the Pub. About 10:45 PM, the Irish Sister City people, who attended the Irish Rovers Concert, showed up, and the fun continued. The last thing that I remembered was having a fish bowl size of Jameson Irish Whiskey on the rocks sitting in front of me. I believe the Funeral Director Rob Dwyer bought that round of drinks. My head hit the pillow a little after midnight. When I say hit the pillow, I really mean it. My loud alcohol induced snoring woke me up a 3 AM, and I realized I forgot to put on my sleep apnea mask. Oh Darn!
I almost forgot to mention that there was a group of local musicians at the Shamrock playing an excellent selection of Irish tunes.
Today, Linda and I do not have to participate in any way to entertain our two Irish guests. Mayor Kelly is going on a walking tour in Albany, New York with President Gormalley and a couple other Irish Sister City friends. Carmel Murphy will be escorted to the Lee Outlets to do a little recreational shopping.
In the evening, Pat Gormalley has reserved a table at the Berkshire Hills Country Club for a Hillcrest Education event where they award the State Irish person of the year. Linda and I declined the invitation. We are going out with some non Irish friends who we normally socialize with.
I did forget to ask Pat Gormalley what the plans were for after the Berkshire Hills event. The Berkshire Hills event would end rather early, and there is no way that the group would go directly home. I will have to keep my cell phone on, and see if Linda and I have enough energy to party with them wherever they decide to go.
Well, I am going to use my baking skills and start making those Irish soda breads which I will be bringing to the Irish American Club Corned Beef and cabbage dinner / dance on Saturday night at the Elks Club. My raisins are doing so well soaking in that Irish whiskey that they are doing back flips right now. They are hydrated beyond belief!
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hello on Thursday Morning
Dear Friends,
Linda and I made it through Wednesday pretty well. Mary Kelly, and Anne Murphy met with a female city councilor and a former female Mayor. No males were there to interrupt the exchange of ideas. Mayor Kelly was really impressed with former Mayor Woitowski. Her basic comment was that she was strong willed, and not afraid to butt heads with the good old boy network which existed when she was a Mayor in Pittsfield. They had lunch at Matt Rielly’s Pub.
When this meeting broke up, Mary Kelly went off to do a little recreational shopping at the T.J. Maxx’s store. Mary is considering loading up a second suitcase with some of these treasurers to take back to Ireland. This is only phase one of her shopping adventures.
Our second Irish guest was picked up at Logan on Wednesday afternoon. She arrived tired, but she is relatively young , and she should be able to keep up with our agenda which President Gormalley has prepared for them.
Our covered dish dinner went well at the Gagnon’s. The people at this affair were not as rowdy as the ones who were present at the Dwyer Party the night before. It was mostly Irish Sister City Members and their significant others, and our two guests from Ireland. After several hours of food, fun, merriment, and singing of some Irish Songs, most of us departed a little after 10 PM. This evening I stayed away from drinking Guinness Beer. You can drink the equivalent to a 2500 calorie meal by drinking a six pack of Guinness. I stuck to light beer and some Jameson Irish Whiskey with a mixer. I think my head hit the pillow around 10:30 PM. Linda stayed up to watch some recorded television programs. I don’t when she went to bed.
Speaking of the Dwyer party, I asked when their party broke up on Tuesday. Several hearty souls lasted until 3 AM. The Dwyer Lad had a Funeral to work on Wednesday morning. He had to be there all dressed up in his funeral director clothes, and appear to be fresh as a daisy at 8 AM. I would bet people who attended the funeral were trying to figure out who the deceased was. He didn’t look that chipper when he walked into the Gagnon party last evening. That didn’t keep him from drinking a few of his favorite Bud Light beers. He also told me that all the food at his party, the empty glasses, and bottles were still sitting on the tables, and on his bar from Tuesday night.
No, I am not going to volunteer to help clean up his place.
Our day starts at 10 AM this morning at the Pittsfield City Hall in the room behind the council chambers. We will be attending a Pittsfield Sister City Commission Meeting which we be run by Commission President Andy Kelly, who is a member of our Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee.
When the meeting is over, we will be heading to DelGallo’s Bar on Newell Street for lunch. Remo DelGallo was the first Italian Mayor of Pittsfield. For some reason the Irish always gravitate toward Italian friends and food.
After lunch, I am going home to take a nap. I need to charge my batteries so that I can make it through the rest of the afternoon and evening. Some of us will be heading to the ITAM for a Polenta Dinner which starts at 6:30 PM. Our Irish Guests will be heading off to the studios of Pittsfield Community Television around the same time as our Polenta dinner. The Gormalley lad is producing a live television program featuring our guests. If anyone wants to be in the audience at PCT, President Gormalley said that they are welcome.
Does the evening end after our Polenta dinner or after the PCT program? Are you kidding? We are all meeting at the Shamrock Restaurant and Pub around 8:30 PM to finish the day with more fun, and couple of beverages. Some of us baby boomers can’t stay up that late any more. Linda said that she was fighting a cold. I feel great!
I will need a couple more hours to remove the cobwebs from my head. Maybe this evening I will drink ice water instead of any alcoholic beverages. Yeah Right!
I checked on my Whiskey soaked raisins a few minutes ago. I had to taste a couple to see if the Whiskey has permeated the raisins. I already have a buzz on, and it is not even 6 AM.
As you see, we are too busy to even think about Politics, or any of the depressing news we read and hear about each day.
Have a great Thursday.
Life is good! Enjoy it! The Curley Lad
Linda and I made it through Wednesday pretty well. Mary Kelly, and Anne Murphy met with a female city councilor and a former female Mayor. No males were there to interrupt the exchange of ideas. Mayor Kelly was really impressed with former Mayor Woitowski. Her basic comment was that she was strong willed, and not afraid to butt heads with the good old boy network which existed when she was a Mayor in Pittsfield. They had lunch at Matt Rielly’s Pub.
When this meeting broke up, Mary Kelly went off to do a little recreational shopping at the T.J. Maxx’s store. Mary is considering loading up a second suitcase with some of these treasurers to take back to Ireland. This is only phase one of her shopping adventures.
Our second Irish guest was picked up at Logan on Wednesday afternoon. She arrived tired, but she is relatively young , and she should be able to keep up with our agenda which President Gormalley has prepared for them.
Our covered dish dinner went well at the Gagnon’s. The people at this affair were not as rowdy as the ones who were present at the Dwyer Party the night before. It was mostly Irish Sister City Members and their significant others, and our two guests from Ireland. After several hours of food, fun, merriment, and singing of some Irish Songs, most of us departed a little after 10 PM. This evening I stayed away from drinking Guinness Beer. You can drink the equivalent to a 2500 calorie meal by drinking a six pack of Guinness. I stuck to light beer and some Jameson Irish Whiskey with a mixer. I think my head hit the pillow around 10:30 PM. Linda stayed up to watch some recorded television programs. I don’t when she went to bed.
Speaking of the Dwyer party, I asked when their party broke up on Tuesday. Several hearty souls lasted until 3 AM. The Dwyer Lad had a Funeral to work on Wednesday morning. He had to be there all dressed up in his funeral director clothes, and appear to be fresh as a daisy at 8 AM. I would bet people who attended the funeral were trying to figure out who the deceased was. He didn’t look that chipper when he walked into the Gagnon party last evening. That didn’t keep him from drinking a few of his favorite Bud Light beers. He also told me that all the food at his party, the empty glasses, and bottles were still sitting on the tables, and on his bar from Tuesday night.
No, I am not going to volunteer to help clean up his place.
Our day starts at 10 AM this morning at the Pittsfield City Hall in the room behind the council chambers. We will be attending a Pittsfield Sister City Commission Meeting which we be run by Commission President Andy Kelly, who is a member of our Pittsfield Irish Sister City Committee.
When the meeting is over, we will be heading to DelGallo’s Bar on Newell Street for lunch. Remo DelGallo was the first Italian Mayor of Pittsfield. For some reason the Irish always gravitate toward Italian friends and food.
After lunch, I am going home to take a nap. I need to charge my batteries so that I can make it through the rest of the afternoon and evening. Some of us will be heading to the ITAM for a Polenta Dinner which starts at 6:30 PM. Our Irish Guests will be heading off to the studios of Pittsfield Community Television around the same time as our Polenta dinner. The Gormalley lad is producing a live television program featuring our guests. If anyone wants to be in the audience at PCT, President Gormalley said that they are welcome.
Does the evening end after our Polenta dinner or after the PCT program? Are you kidding? We are all meeting at the Shamrock Restaurant and Pub around 8:30 PM to finish the day with more fun, and couple of beverages. Some of us baby boomers can’t stay up that late any more. Linda said that she was fighting a cold. I feel great!
I will need a couple more hours to remove the cobwebs from my head. Maybe this evening I will drink ice water instead of any alcoholic beverages. Yeah Right!
I checked on my Whiskey soaked raisins a few minutes ago. I had to taste a couple to see if the Whiskey has permeated the raisins. I already have a buzz on, and it is not even 6 AM.
As you see, we are too busy to even think about Politics, or any of the depressing news we read and hear about each day.
Have a great Thursday.
Life is good! Enjoy it! The Curley Lad
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hello on Wednesday Mroning
Dear Friends,
We both left the house on Tuesday in separate cars. Our 10 AM meeting with the Mayor of Pittsfield went very well. By the end of the meeting, the mayor of Ballina, Ireland almost convinced our Mayor, James Ruberto, that he should go off to Ireland on July 6, 2010 to be at their week long festival. Linda and I were mentally set to go until Linda reminded me that we are attending a July 10 wedding on Cape Cod. Oh Darn!
The Mayoral meeting broke up at 11:20 AM. Linda went off for her Tuesday Mah Jongg session, and the rest of us proceeded to the Radio Station (WBRK) which is located in the next building west of City Hall. After the radio program, there were only four of us left from the original group. We proceeded to the Beacon Cinema for a personal tour of their facilities. This tour was especially important since Mayor Kelly run the local theater in Ballina. The Mayor in Ballina is not the same as the Mayor in Pittsfield. Being Mayor in Pittsfield is a full time job which is not the case in Ireland.
Mayor Kelly was in awe of the digital set up for movies that the Beacon Cinema has. Her movie theater has not gone digital, and none of her movies in her town in Ireland are in 3 D. The tour guides let Mary see a part of Alice in Wonderland using the 3 D glasses. She soon realized what she and her movie goers are missing by not having the digital technology. The manager of the Beacon Cinema invited Mary to come to the theater during her week long visit to see one of the 3 D movies that they are currently showing. He said that the free passes would be waiting for at the box office.
After the guided tour, the Curley Lad went home for a nap. Mary Kelly and the person whom she is staying with went back to her home. The Gormalley Lad went to his home.
The covered dish party in the basement of the Dwyer Lad was wonderful. The fun, food, and merriment was still taking place when we left around 11:30 PM. We made a little batch of pulled pork because we knew that the Dwyer Lad likes pulled pork sandwiches.
Our second Irish guest will be picked up at Logan Airport today at 3:25 PM. I will be taking my afternoon nap before we head off to Anne Gagnon’s home for our second covered dish affair which takes place at 7 PM. The fun, food, and merriment never seems to end when we have our Irish guests in town.
I am not sure what plans that they have for Mayor Kelly during the day. I am pretty sure that Mary will be meeting with a current female city council person Melissa Mazzeo, and the former female Mayor, Anne Woitkowski. Women in politics is the theme of the social gathering.
I will take this down time to gather all my ingredients for making a couple of soda breads. At the party last evening I asked the Irish American Club President, Kevin Cahill, if he would like me to make some soda breads for the Saturday night Irish American Club corned beef and cabbage dinner at the Elks Club. He said “Yes” to my offer. I will make two loaves of soda bread. I need at least one day to soak the raisins in some Irish Whiskey. Soaking the raisins more than one day makes the raisins very, very happy!
Linda will be creating another covered dish. She has semi decided what she is going to make, but I think that she might alter her original dish. There was quite a selection of different foods last evening, and we don’t want to duplicate any of those dishes. We need to bring a unique dish!
As you see, Linda and I don’t have many free hours in a day.
It appears that this week will be one of those types of weeks where the exhaustion is caused by doing fun things.
Linda and I are doing exactly what my philosophy of life is: “Enjoy life every moment that you are on this earth!” This theme was brought to the forefront today, as I found out that that another baby boomer, whom I played high school football and basketball against, passed away. Frankie Scago was a star athlete at St. Joseph’s when I was attending Lee High School.
Have a great Wednesday.
Linda and I will be partying once again. The Curley Lad
We both left the house on Tuesday in separate cars. Our 10 AM meeting with the Mayor of Pittsfield went very well. By the end of the meeting, the mayor of Ballina, Ireland almost convinced our Mayor, James Ruberto, that he should go off to Ireland on July 6, 2010 to be at their week long festival. Linda and I were mentally set to go until Linda reminded me that we are attending a July 10 wedding on Cape Cod. Oh Darn!
The Mayoral meeting broke up at 11:20 AM. Linda went off for her Tuesday Mah Jongg session, and the rest of us proceeded to the Radio Station (WBRK) which is located in the next building west of City Hall. After the radio program, there were only four of us left from the original group. We proceeded to the Beacon Cinema for a personal tour of their facilities. This tour was especially important since Mayor Kelly run the local theater in Ballina. The Mayor in Ballina is not the same as the Mayor in Pittsfield. Being Mayor in Pittsfield is a full time job which is not the case in Ireland.
Mayor Kelly was in awe of the digital set up for movies that the Beacon Cinema has. Her movie theater has not gone digital, and none of her movies in her town in Ireland are in 3 D. The tour guides let Mary see a part of Alice in Wonderland using the 3 D glasses. She soon realized what she and her movie goers are missing by not having the digital technology. The manager of the Beacon Cinema invited Mary to come to the theater during her week long visit to see one of the 3 D movies that they are currently showing. He said that the free passes would be waiting for at the box office.
After the guided tour, the Curley Lad went home for a nap. Mary Kelly and the person whom she is staying with went back to her home. The Gormalley Lad went to his home.
The covered dish party in the basement of the Dwyer Lad was wonderful. The fun, food, and merriment was still taking place when we left around 11:30 PM. We made a little batch of pulled pork because we knew that the Dwyer Lad likes pulled pork sandwiches.
Our second Irish guest will be picked up at Logan Airport today at 3:25 PM. I will be taking my afternoon nap before we head off to Anne Gagnon’s home for our second covered dish affair which takes place at 7 PM. The fun, food, and merriment never seems to end when we have our Irish guests in town.
I am not sure what plans that they have for Mayor Kelly during the day. I am pretty sure that Mary will be meeting with a current female city council person Melissa Mazzeo, and the former female Mayor, Anne Woitkowski. Women in politics is the theme of the social gathering.
I will take this down time to gather all my ingredients for making a couple of soda breads. At the party last evening I asked the Irish American Club President, Kevin Cahill, if he would like me to make some soda breads for the Saturday night Irish American Club corned beef and cabbage dinner at the Elks Club. He said “Yes” to my offer. I will make two loaves of soda bread. I need at least one day to soak the raisins in some Irish Whiskey. Soaking the raisins more than one day makes the raisins very, very happy!
Linda will be creating another covered dish. She has semi decided what she is going to make, but I think that she might alter her original dish. There was quite a selection of different foods last evening, and we don’t want to duplicate any of those dishes. We need to bring a unique dish!
As you see, Linda and I don’t have many free hours in a day.
It appears that this week will be one of those types of weeks where the exhaustion is caused by doing fun things.
Linda and I are doing exactly what my philosophy of life is: “Enjoy life every moment that you are on this earth!” This theme was brought to the forefront today, as I found out that that another baby boomer, whom I played high school football and basketball against, passed away. Frankie Scago was a star athlete at St. Joseph’s when I was attending Lee High School.
Have a great Wednesday.
Linda and I will be partying once again. The Curley Lad
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hello on Tuesday Morning
Dear Friends,
Another day went as planned. I was the first one awake in the house so I heard our grandson making his usual morning noises. This meant that I was the one who rescued him from his portable crib. He gave me his usual smile which his way of thanking me for getting him out of his crib.
Kyla and Kevin woke up about the same time because they were on their way to the Albany , New York area for a college friend and his family who all perished in that airplane crash in Belize a couple of weeks ago.
After playing with Max, and after Linda gave him a good breakfast, I put down Max for his morning nap. I went off to a funeral for an 84 year old guy who was the past president of the Italian American Club. The nice man also was a substitute teacher in the vocational shops when I was teaching at Taconic High School. I skipped the reception after the funeral, and went home to help out with taking care of Max.
Our UNICO board meeting went well. The Curley Lad picked up more tasks to do for our annual golf tournament which takes place on the second Wednesday in August.
Our first Irish guest arrived on Monday. The business begins today with a 10 AM meeting with our Mayor at City Hall today. Linda is going from the meeting to her Tuesday Mah Jongg session. Our Irish guest and a couple of some local friends go off to do an interview at a local radio show after the meeting with the Mayor. We then will do lunch, and I am not sure what is going on during the afternoon. I am going to sneak off, and take a nap. No, our day doesn’t end because we have a 7:30 PM covered dish affair at one of our Irish Sister City friend’s home. I have an epicurean delight brewing in the crock pot right now. I will put it in a fancy container before heading off to the party.
Our second Irish guest will be picked up later on today, and she will be escorted to the covered dish affair.
Linda and I will be free of any political distractions from now through March 17, 2010 while we are helping to entertain our guests.
Observation— As I was pouring a cup of coffee from one of those individual cup making machines, I was thinking about kitchen devices in general. Did you ever have a device in the kitchen which you wished that it expired so that you could get a new one? We have one of the original Melita coffee making devices. The beast just won’t stop working. I don’t like the machine because you have to fill the water tank after making only a couple of cups of coffee. The newer devices have larger tanks, and you don’t have to put water in the tank so often unless you have a crowd over the house. Yes, I know some of you are thinking that why don’t I make a pot of coffee. I am a prime example of what a waste it would be. I am up for an hour before I head off to the gym. One cup of coffee is all I need for a caffeine jolt before going off to the gym. A whole pot of coffee would be a waste of money. Our present coffee machine is just one of the devices which I would love to replace.
A friend at the board meeting was on the west side of town on Sunday night. Someone took a knife and slashed one tire on his SUV. My friend wasn’t a happy camper.
Speaking of knives, a 26 year old was stabbed to death outside of a bar this past weekend. The argument started inside this bar, and it escalated out in the street.
They went through the whole life of the victim in the local newspaper. They said that he took up selling drugs to make ends meet.
Bar fights are not what they used to be. Like someone said, if you knocked an opponent on the ground, the fight was over for us baby boomers The newer generation takes out guns and knives, and tries to kill the opponent. Have we turned into a barbaric society?
Well, I have to select my workout wardrobe, and head of to Retro Fitness. I missed two days when we had weekend guests.
Have a great Tuesday. I hope that all of you have one too!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Another day went as planned. I was the first one awake in the house so I heard our grandson making his usual morning noises. This meant that I was the one who rescued him from his portable crib. He gave me his usual smile which his way of thanking me for getting him out of his crib.
Kyla and Kevin woke up about the same time because they were on their way to the Albany , New York area for a college friend and his family who all perished in that airplane crash in Belize a couple of weeks ago.
After playing with Max, and after Linda gave him a good breakfast, I put down Max for his morning nap. I went off to a funeral for an 84 year old guy who was the past president of the Italian American Club. The nice man also was a substitute teacher in the vocational shops when I was teaching at Taconic High School. I skipped the reception after the funeral, and went home to help out with taking care of Max.
Our UNICO board meeting went well. The Curley Lad picked up more tasks to do for our annual golf tournament which takes place on the second Wednesday in August.
Our first Irish guest arrived on Monday. The business begins today with a 10 AM meeting with our Mayor at City Hall today. Linda is going from the meeting to her Tuesday Mah Jongg session. Our Irish guest and a couple of some local friends go off to do an interview at a local radio show after the meeting with the Mayor. We then will do lunch, and I am not sure what is going on during the afternoon. I am going to sneak off, and take a nap. No, our day doesn’t end because we have a 7:30 PM covered dish affair at one of our Irish Sister City friend’s home. I have an epicurean delight brewing in the crock pot right now. I will put it in a fancy container before heading off to the party.
Our second Irish guest will be picked up later on today, and she will be escorted to the covered dish affair.
Linda and I will be free of any political distractions from now through March 17, 2010 while we are helping to entertain our guests.
Observation— As I was pouring a cup of coffee from one of those individual cup making machines, I was thinking about kitchen devices in general. Did you ever have a device in the kitchen which you wished that it expired so that you could get a new one? We have one of the original Melita coffee making devices. The beast just won’t stop working. I don’t like the machine because you have to fill the water tank after making only a couple of cups of coffee. The newer devices have larger tanks, and you don’t have to put water in the tank so often unless you have a crowd over the house. Yes, I know some of you are thinking that why don’t I make a pot of coffee. I am a prime example of what a waste it would be. I am up for an hour before I head off to the gym. One cup of coffee is all I need for a caffeine jolt before going off to the gym. A whole pot of coffee would be a waste of money. Our present coffee machine is just one of the devices which I would love to replace.
A friend at the board meeting was on the west side of town on Sunday night. Someone took a knife and slashed one tire on his SUV. My friend wasn’t a happy camper.
Speaking of knives, a 26 year old was stabbed to death outside of a bar this past weekend. The argument started inside this bar, and it escalated out in the street.
They went through the whole life of the victim in the local newspaper. They said that he took up selling drugs to make ends meet.
Bar fights are not what they used to be. Like someone said, if you knocked an opponent on the ground, the fight was over for us baby boomers The newer generation takes out guns and knives, and tries to kill the opponent. Have we turned into a barbaric society?
Well, I have to select my workout wardrobe, and head of to Retro Fitness. I missed two days when we had weekend guests.
Have a great Tuesday. I hope that all of you have one too!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hello on Monday Morning
Dear Friends,
Our East Boston son and his family arrived around 2:30 PM. We bonded with them for a couple of hours before they went off to visit a couple who had a baby girl in January. After an hour or so visit they returned to our house, and made a decision about their evening activities.
Since Linda and I weren’t sure of what they were doing for supper, we whipped up a crock pot of beef stroganoff. Kevin and Kyla decided to go off to a steak house while Linda and I took care of Max.
Linda and I ate the beef stroganoff, and it was spectacular . Linda fed max, we played for a while, and then it was time for his bottle, and bed.
He usually wakes up around this time so I am just waiting for his mild cries, or his talking to himself.
Kyla wants to get up no later than 7 AM since they are off to another funeral service for the plane crash victims, but this time it is in the Albany area.
We don’t have a time frame of when they are returning and packing up to head back to Boston. Kevin has to open the restaurant on Tuesday.
I am the only one socially engaged today. I have a 5:30 PM UNICO Board Meeting. One of our Irish guests is coming into Logan at 4:05 PM today. I am pretty sure that when she does finally get to Pittsfield that she will be exhausted. Her body clock will be 6 hours ahead of East Coast time. She will be longing for sleep when we are ready to go out and party.
The rest of this week, and into the following week, Linda and I are so busy that the average person could keep up with us. As a matter of fact, we aren’t sure if we are going to make it through each day.
Politics – Our President wants a Health Care vote no later than St. Patrick’s Day. One reporter said that many of these Obama deadlines have fallen by the wayside.
Observation -- It was okay weather to wash cars yesterday, but it wasn’t mine that I washed. I washed Kevin and Kyla’s Nissan Murano. When Linda returned from a little recreational shopping at the Lee Outlets, her friend who was driving, asked me to wash her car too. Well, there are several clean cars for sure here in the Berkshires. I washed Linda’s and mine the other day.
Weather – We are in the pattern of cool nights, and 40’s during the day. Even though the sun was out yesterday, there was a nip in the air. We do have a mix of wintry weather heading toward us for Friday into Saturday. We in the Berkshires are ready for spring. The kids in the neighborhood are riding bikes, and playing hoops in their yards. I keep on telling people that we are still in the month of March. Winter is not over yet.
I was happy to see that it starting to warm up in the south a bit. One friend said that she was able to wear shorts only a couple of time during the months of January and February when they were in Florida.
Have to go and try and read the newspaper before Max, and the rest of the family wakes up.
Have a great weekend at work or play.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Our East Boston son and his family arrived around 2:30 PM. We bonded with them for a couple of hours before they went off to visit a couple who had a baby girl in January. After an hour or so visit they returned to our house, and made a decision about their evening activities.
Since Linda and I weren’t sure of what they were doing for supper, we whipped up a crock pot of beef stroganoff. Kevin and Kyla decided to go off to a steak house while Linda and I took care of Max.
Linda and I ate the beef stroganoff, and it was spectacular . Linda fed max, we played for a while, and then it was time for his bottle, and bed.
He usually wakes up around this time so I am just waiting for his mild cries, or his talking to himself.
Kyla wants to get up no later than 7 AM since they are off to another funeral service for the plane crash victims, but this time it is in the Albany area.
We don’t have a time frame of when they are returning and packing up to head back to Boston. Kevin has to open the restaurant on Tuesday.
I am the only one socially engaged today. I have a 5:30 PM UNICO Board Meeting. One of our Irish guests is coming into Logan at 4:05 PM today. I am pretty sure that when she does finally get to Pittsfield that she will be exhausted. Her body clock will be 6 hours ahead of East Coast time. She will be longing for sleep when we are ready to go out and party.
The rest of this week, and into the following week, Linda and I are so busy that the average person could keep up with us. As a matter of fact, we aren’t sure if we are going to make it through each day.
Politics – Our President wants a Health Care vote no later than St. Patrick’s Day. One reporter said that many of these Obama deadlines have fallen by the wayside.
Observation -- It was okay weather to wash cars yesterday, but it wasn’t mine that I washed. I washed Kevin and Kyla’s Nissan Murano. When Linda returned from a little recreational shopping at the Lee Outlets, her friend who was driving, asked me to wash her car too. Well, there are several clean cars for sure here in the Berkshires. I washed Linda’s and mine the other day.
Weather – We are in the pattern of cool nights, and 40’s during the day. Even though the sun was out yesterday, there was a nip in the air. We do have a mix of wintry weather heading toward us for Friday into Saturday. We in the Berkshires are ready for spring. The kids in the neighborhood are riding bikes, and playing hoops in their yards. I keep on telling people that we are still in the month of March. Winter is not over yet.
I was happy to see that it starting to warm up in the south a bit. One friend said that she was able to wear shorts only a couple of time during the months of January and February when they were in Florida.
Have to go and try and read the newspaper before Max, and the rest of the family wakes up.
Have a great weekend at work or play.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
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