Monday, November 24, 2008

Hello on Monday Morning


Life is good!
Our Sunday went as planned. The making of the 500 lunches by my UNICO brothers
(no sisters helped out with this project) for Diocese Youth Day went very well.
We made 100 more sandwiches than the day before, but we did so 10 minutes

I arrived back home just in time to help Linda with her baking project. She
made so many wonderful desserts that it would have taken too long to describe
them all. We were going to put the completed desserts in the screened in room on
the deck since it has been like a refrigerator outside for a week or so, but I
had a fear that creatures like bears, raccoons, etc. would have had a feast last
evening. The room on the deck has screens , but no windows. Also, I have been
feeding the birds for the past couple of weeks, and the bears haven't gone into
their hibernation cycle yet. The bears could get to those desserts with one
swipe of their paws.

I even had some time between the mixing, stirring, and cleaning up to watch the
Patriots defeat the Miami Dolphins. Matt Cassel, the back up quarterback for the
Patriots, played like a seasoned veteran for a second week in a row.
After this win I am really psyched for the November 30, 2008 against the
Steelers in Foxboro. Our son , Kevin, and I will have a great time at the 4:15
PM game. I am just hoping that there is no precipitation at game time. It should
be in the 40 degree range when the game starts.

Our social calendar is light today since we have to pack for our Thanksgiving
I do have have two items on my social agenda, but I think Linda has none.

I am going to make a quick visit to my parent's home in Lee this morning.

I will be putting on my Irish hat for a 2 PM meeting with the coach of a
local kids' Rugby Team who wants to travel to our sister city, Ballina , Ireland
during the April school vacation in 2009.
I am anticipating that the coach and his team will need a lot of fundraiser
help. The prices for flights are at their highest during school vacations.

Politics -- I once again say give the President elect and his Cabinet a chance
to do their job. The fault finders will have plenty of time to put in their "Two
cents" if Obama's promise of "Change" doesn't happen.
McCain, the supposed Maverick, didn't offer too many rays of hope when he ran
his campaign. The Bush / Cheney legacy didn't help the Republican cause either.
Gore wasn't helped by Bill Clinton's trysts during his governorship, and while
Bill was in the White House.
Oops! I did it again. Politics and the Holidays aren't a good mix unless I am
surrounded by Liberal Democrats, or people who have lost their jobs, or seniors
trying to survive on Social Security checks, or retirees depending on 401 K's to
supplement their pensions, or people trying to find affordable health care
options, etc.

Have a great work week even though it might be a short one. Enjoy your
Thanksgiving with family and friends. Don't over eat! Yeah Right!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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