Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

The Curley's are in their own home.
No matter how much fun which you have, at another friend's home, there
is nothing like sleeping in your own bed.
Using our own wireless connection instead of trying to grab a spotting
signal in a neighborhood setting is great too.
Even though we know where everything is located in our friend's home,
there is no place like home!

Well, as soon as I unloaded the car around 2 PM on Monday, I took down
the corn stalks, Thanksgiving flag, rotting pumpkins, etc. Most people
on our street had their Christmas Decorations all set up.
I say the word "most" because my golfing buddy, who lives a few doors
North of us, still had his fall / Thanksgiving decorations up.

If the things go as planned today, and I can survive the near 40
degree temperature, and some spotty noon time rain, the outdoor
Christmas decorations should be up and running.
I will hopefully accomplish all this while Linda is engaged in her
usual Tuesday MahJongg session.

After consuming a gazzillion calories during the Thanksgiving
Holidays, Linda and I decided that we are going to try and live a more
healthy life style. We might even shed a few pounds in the process.
There will be times during the holidays when there will be great
temptations to stray from eating these unhealthy foods, but we will
cross that bridge when we come to it.

We started off with a baked fish supper last evening. I hope that the
mercury in the fish doesn't kill us before we lose a few pounds.
This change in our life style occurred as we witnessed our friend who
is a diabetic. It is amazing how much the disease ravages so many parts
of a person's body. We want no part of this disease!

A crock pot supper is on the menu this evening. While Linda was
purchasing healthy foods at the grocery store yesterday afternoon, she
came across a wonderful looking pork rib roast at $.99 per pound. Yes,
I know the other white meat might not be as healthy as the fish, but
this deal was too good to pass up. Linda wants a barbecued flavor for
the meat so I am not sure what we are going to uses for spices in the
crock pot. I am hungry just writing about it.

After the Patriot loss on Sunday, I had something to cheer about last
evening as I watched my Boston Celtics Basketball team put a lot of
hurt on their opponents. The Orlando Magic team didn't display a lot of
magic on the basketball court on Monday night.

Linda's Fuji digital Camera, which she purchased on QVC, arrived just
in time before Christmas. We are talking about a camera under $150
which Linda uses as though it was worth hundreds of dollars.
I think that I am going to get her old camera. I can use it instead
of those disposable cameras which I don't work well too. I have to
figure a way to keep from dropping it into the hole when I go ice
fishing every time that I bend over. Actually, I don't even know how to
use the old digital camera. I am from the old school, on / off, and
point and shoot!

Politics -- What do my Republican Friends think about Hillary Clinton
as Secretary of State?
Bill Clinton's legacy lives on through Hillary. I
think that she will do a good job. I don't think that she will have any
trysts in the White House. She is as smart as Bill even though he was a
Rhodes Scholar.
Isn't Democracy great? At one point, you are on the campaign trail
verbally bashing each other, and now you are working together on the
same team.

Time for me to get a cup of coffee, and read the local newspaper.
I have a feeling that if I am quiet enough, Linda might sleep for a
long time.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

P.S. The e-mail list above has been modified. I removed some
recipients who I am guessing that don't want to read my daily

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