Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,
I visited Mom, and ran a successful meeting last evening. I did get tied up with some friends, and solved all the problems of the world until almost 11 PM. The dinner meeting ended at 7:30 PM.

While I was in Lee, Linda was off with a girl friend doing a little recreational shopping. She picked up a couple of bags of baby outfits for babies of all ages some of whom are not even born yet.

Social Calendar --Linda starts her day with a 1 PM meeting to go over the books at the ITAM. For supper, Linda is going off to a retirement party for a lady who just completed a career working for the City of Pittsfield as a cafeteria worker.

I might take out my ice fishing gear, and combine a visit to my mother at the rehab center, and fishing at a pond across the street from the rehab center. I will check the weather forecast.
This evening I could attend the Irish session which takes place every Tuesday night, but after a day in the fresh air, I usually come home exhausted.

Politics -- The inauguration

Well, I have to get to my normal morning , quiet activities.
Have a great Tuesday. Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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