Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hello on Thursday Morning

Dear Friends,
Our Wednesday went as planned for the most part. I headed off to visit dear old dad, and removed at least five bucket's (five gallon size)of sand which were deposited on his driveway throughout the winter. I vacuumed the driveway. Yes, you heard it correctly! I used my Sears 16 Amp wet vac to do the laborious job. I did convince my father that next year we would stick to environment friendly salt, and skip the free sand and salt mixture from the town of Lee.

I did go from the family home in Lee to visit Mom at the Laurel Lake nursing home. She seemed in pretty good spirits for her first night back there. She told me that she fell trying to get up to go the bathroom without assistance. Luckily she didn't hurt herself.

The movie event did happen, but I wasn't invited. Linda went to the movies with a girl friend. They saw one of newest movies with Julia Roberts. Linda hated it it which means I would have been checking my watch every 5 minutes.
There was no food involved before or after the event since her friend just had gastric bypass surgery. I was assuming that I wouldn't see Linda for supper, so I fired up the grill and cooked some chicken leg quarters (which Linda doesn't love). Linda whipped up some rice, and peas, and we ate a coordinated meal.

I finished savoring another book. These last series of books are from the author who created the "Jessie Stone" series of books. Every once and a while, we see one of the books turned into a "made for television" event. The books are so short that they are easily adapted to television.

I got myself in trouble the other day while doing one of my two radio interviews. There is a political race going on our our ward, and I made a comment that "One candidate ( I used her name) knows that I have two signs in my yard for the other candidate (I used his name)." It seems like a harmless comment, but I have written two letters to the editor supporting the other candidate besides making this comment. Her husband is a member of UNICO, and I am President of UNICO, and I did say that the UNICO organization was apolitical. Well, her husband got so upset (but I think that it was her campaign people) that he is withdrawing his help, with respect to food, for two of our major fundraisers. His family is in the restaurant business. I will be spending a good portion of the day trying to find a replacement for the mess that I created.
Actually, I felt like the President when he made the Special Olympic comment. The only problem with what I said is the fact that our ward has a heavy Italian block of voters. Italians never forget, they get even!

On a happier note, did anyone read Dear Abby yesterday? A college girl was seeking advice about her roommate. It seems that her roommate invited a boy to their room the other evening. While this girl was sleeping in the top bunk, her roommate was having sex with her boyfriend in the bed below. The rocking and rolling, and the moaning and groaning below woke the girl up on the top bunk. What advice would you give the girl on the top bunk?

Social Calendar -- The first thing on my agenda is for me to get a hair cut. Linda is so good at it that I don't trust anyone else.
I think that we will head off to Lee, and visit Mom, and then do lunch at an eatery in Lee.

Weather -- It is a balmy 26 degrees right now. The forecasters have predicted a warm up in the lower 50's with rain coming in this evening.

Politics -- You will have to go to yourself to see what is going on with the political front. There is the usual mayhem going on throughout the world.
There is a constant theme in war against terror or whatever you want to call it. We bomb, and then we are expected to be an integral part of the rebuilding. I got behind a car the other day with a big sign in the rear window. The sign said that "War is not the answer."

Have a great Thursday.
I have to mend some fences before mine day turns into a good one. The Curley Lad

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