Friday, August 21, 2009

Hello on Friday Morning

Dear Friends,
Yesterday went as planned.
My house cleaning adventure went okay. Cleaning four bathrooms was a bit much.
I wish that I was among the rich and famous so that I could pay people to do
such a messy job.
If you are wondering why Linda took a supervisory role as opposed to an active
role, it was due to a manicure the day before. She has to have perfect nails
when she attends the Saturday bridal shower.

Linda's lunch with her girlfriends went well. It was a a three hour plus
affair. They go to an eatery in downtown Lenox and then walk the streets, and do
a little window shopping. Each mother shared a little news /dirt, but I am not
allowed to put some of the news in print.
We did find out that the engaged couple have set a wedding date of 10/10/10 at
a place in New Hampshire.

My 3 PM meeting went for 1.5 hours, and I also can't discuss what the meeting
was about. Oh Darn!

In a few short hours, I will be teeing off with my senior buddies. It is so hot
right now that I better take some beverages so that I won't get dehydrated.

Yesterday was so hot that we couldn't get the heat out of the house. The
coolest spots in the house were the bedrooms which have air conditioners in
Even our basement was hot as I watched the Red Sox sweep the Blue Jays last
evening. The Yankees were idle, but they play in Fenway tonight. Us Red Sox fans
are hoping that the Yankees don't beat us up like they did in the last series in
New York.

Politics -- The President hasn't given up with his Health Care fight like the
Clinton's did.

Observation -- Linda's godchild jumped into a swimming pool the other day with
her cell phone in her pocket. That sounds familiar. Luckily her parents went to
Colorado to visit her just about the time it happened. Mom and Dad to the
Do we ever stop taking care of our children even when they become adults?
Absolutely not! You make them, and you have them for life no matter how old that
they are. It is all part of the cycle of life!

Our house guests arrive early evening from New Jersey. We aren't sure what we
will be doing for fun and merriment until they arrive.

Have a great weekend!
We are praying that the heat wave ends soon.
We are so lucky that we are not returning to our two high schools which don't
have air conditioning.
If our house is unbearable, the school must be awful.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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