Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello on Thursday Morning

Dear Friends,

Before we headed off to the zoo on Wednesday morning, Isabelle was talking about seeing the Hippo’s. We are not sure why. Maybe she saw them in one of multiple children’s books.

We headed right to the Hippo exhibit. They were feeding the two of them as we arrived. Isabelle was happy.

When we arrived at the zoo around 10 AM it seemed like other people with children thought it would be a perfect day to visit the zoo. There was also a good deal of Moms who were pregnant like Danielle. Kansas seems to be a place with a good deal of young people who happen to be producing children.

Observation I – The zoo visit also got me thinking about how difficult the job for the female has who decides that she wants to have children. The male’s role in the production of the child is so minimal. Think of the female who has this bundle of joy growing in their body for nine months. After the child is born, the mother is still the go to person. If the mother so chooses, she then has to juggle between a job, and the family. The female is the pulse of that family no matter what form or shape it takes on.

The stay at home Mom has no easy task either. Besides being the first nurturer, the stay at home mom becomes the child’s first teacher. The stay at home mom is in charge of the household. While taking care of their first child, I can see Danielle thinking about what the supper time meal will be for her husband and child.

When the second child arrives during mid May, another challenge begins with a newborn, and toddler both with a different set of needs. I guess I forgot what it was like when we had our two boys. I guess that I never realized how strong the female of the species really was.

As soon as our son comes home from work, their daughter comes running to dad. Dad gets her out of the house and does some form of physical activities with her. The other set of hands is so important in childrearing. I praise the single moms who try and make it work, but their task is even more daunting. Having another adult to interact with after taking care of the child all day is important for the mental health of the Mom.

Observation II -- So Sandra Bullock’s soon to be ex husband is claiming that he is addicted to sex. To me these guys are like pedophiles. Most pedophiles do the crime again and again after jail, after counseling, etc. Even if it is not a crime in the eyes of the law of having multiple sex partners, I don’t think that these men (like Tiger and Bullock’s husband) can ever stop their learned behavior. How many of our wives would take us back after we violated our marriage vows, and went through counseling? My wife has already told me that she would take matter in to her owns hands with a meat cleaver!

Social Calendar – I went to be before that was decided. I know that there was some talk about egg coloring, decorating, and some bunny shaped cup cake making.

Mike does have Good Friday off which doesn’t happen that often. There was some talk about going to ribs place before we head back east on Tuesday.

We have another day on tap with temperatures in the 80’s. This means that we will be spending time outdoors today.

Well, I hope that everyone has a great Thursday.

The time is going by too fast for us in Kansas.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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