Friday, June 11, 2010

Hello on Friday Morning

Dear Friends,

We had another pleasant day with our grandson yesterday. A male friend stopped over just about the time Max was finishing up supper. When you are home alone with a 9 month old, it is nice to have some adult company. Max was not afraid to go to my friend. It is another example where Max prefers males over females except when it comes to feeding times and changing diapers.
I am not sure how Linda’s Shakespeare function went because I was in bed watching the Red Sox lose in the bottom of the ninth inning. I switched over to the Celtic game, but I must admit I didn’t stay up to watch them go on to win the game. The Celtic bench players played an integral role in them winning the game.

Well, I am teeing off with the seniors at 8:30 AM this morning. I think that we are having a pizza party after golf. I have a couple of small containers of anchovies to put some on the slices of pizza which I consume. I have one other friend who brings anchovies like I do. I can’t wait! My friend lives in a complex where Mr. Roland, the guy whose name is on the cans of Anchovies, has a summer home.

I was just going to make the comment that we were going out for supper with another couple which we do on Friday night, but then I forgot that we have the grandchild with us. We can still take him out, but it does require a bit more work. What about Max’s bedtime. We have a routine giving him a bottle at 7 PM, and chill time until 7:30 PM which is when I put him to bed.

I usually come home after golf and take a nap before we decide to go out. The lawn is in desperate need of a trim which I couldn’t get done because of the several consecutive days of rain and cool weather. Maybe Max’s afternoon nap will coincide with my nap.

We are finally going to have a day where the sun will be out for most of it. The weekend is going to be okay and warmer, but there is a chance of a thunderstorm each afternoon.

Our Saturday evening is all set. We got invited to a cookout. I do have to figure out which baby accoutrements that we have to take with us. We have been functioning all week with a booster chair, and a portable crib as well as toys.

Our baby sitting adventure doesn’t end until Monday. I am not sure if I will make the drop off alone or with Linda. If I do go alone, I was thinking of staying in North Tewksbury until Wednesday Morning. I was thinking of doing this only if Kevin has Tuesday off. With him not working on Monday, he might have to skip his day off this coming week. I wanted to do this so that if Kevin had things to do around their house, me being there and taking care of Max would free him up to do so. The only sure thing is that Max will be sleeping in his own bed on Monday night.

Observation -- When my friend was visiting last night, he said that Linda and I are so lucky to have our grandson within driving distance of our home. Our friend and his wife have to get on an airplane and fly to Atlanta to see their grandchild. They do have a daughter who just got married a year ago, and maybe when they start a family they will be living locally. They live locally for the time being.
Things sure have really changed over the years. When I was a kid growing, I had 5 cousins growing up within 25 paces of the Curley family home in Lee. We all grew up together, and went to the same schools together. This doesn’t happen so much anymore. The whole neighborhood was made up of friends whose grandparents emigrated from the same town in Sicily. We were all interconnected in some form or another. Very few of the original bunch of friends who I grew up with stayed in the neighborhood. I guess they call it a Mobile Society!

Well, it is early, but I am enjoying the peace and quiet before Max wakes up. I will turn him over to Linda at 8 AM if not before.
Have a great weekend!
Mine will be off to a great start within a couple of hours.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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