Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

We said our “Goodbyes” in North Tewksbury on Monday morning, and departed around 9:30 PM. After a brief stop for lunch along the Mass Pike, we were home by 1:00 PM. I unloaded the car and went right to bed for a nap.

Linda went off to the grocery store while was napping.

As I departed for my golf committee meeting, which started at 6 PM, Linda hunkered down, and decided to read the Saturday through Monday local newspapers while watching her previously recorded programs.

Speaking of the local newspaper, there was an interesting but brief article of a husband and wife riding his 2001 Harley Davidson motorcycle from a nearby town while on route to Pittsfield. His wife fell off the motorcycle, and he kept on driving for 7 or 8 miles back to their home in Pittsfield. This all took place at 6:45 PM. The wife was uninjured when the police found her or she called the police on her cell phone. They arrested the husband 90 minutes later at their home. He was found to be intoxicated. This was his third DUI offense. Do you think that his wife will forgive him?

I chatted with my father yesterday. Mom was discharged from the hospital on Sunday, and she is back in the nursing home. The pneumonia is almost gone, and she appeared to be more lucid according to my father. I will go to visit within the next couple of days, and bring her the latest pictures of the grandchildren.

I tee off at 8 AM today for nine holes of golf with the usual suspects. I will then come home and give my lawn and the next door neighbor’s lawn a trim.

Linda has her normal Tuesday Mah Jongg session which she has missed for 3 straight weeks.

No, these aren’t the only activities for the Curley’s today. Tonight we are off to Tanglewood on Parade. The ending song will be the 1812 Overture, including the firing of cannons and the shooting off of fireworks. I have to prepare a couple of appetizers after cutting the lawns. I am trying to figure out when I can squeeze in a nap. If I do fall asleep during the concert; the cannons will wake me up.

I did try and watch the Red Sox in bed last evening. I fell asleep as they were losing by a 6 to 2 score to the team who is last in the Central Division.

Observation 1 – I have said this before, but child rearing was not meant to be for 60 year olds. Every time that we go from grandchildren to the life of retirees, it is actually kind of nice. We do love our grandchildren immensely, and do enjoy taking care of or visiting the grandchildren. Chasing around grandchildren or entertaining them all of the time except when they are napping is quite a challenge. Newborns are the easiest to manage.

Yesterday, I was playing with Max on the floor before he went off to day care. He is at the crawling, touching everything, and standing up, but not walking stage. Max didn’t realize it, but Grandpa had a bit of a problem getting off the floor as we moved onto breakfast. Good thing that I have been doing a little working out at Retro Fitness, or I would have had to call 911. If I was thirty years old, I wouldn’t have had this physical challenge.

Now, I don’t want to the invitations to visit, or the invitations to baby sit to stop from our two sons and their families, I was just thinking about the woman over the past few years, who made national news, and who decided to have children in the late 50’s or early 60’s. They don’t realize what a challenge that they will have before them unless they were rich enough to have help from a Nanny.

Observation 2 – I always read the lost and found section of our local newspaper. Most of the time, it is the usual missing cats and dogs, birds, piece of jewelry, etc., that are reported. For the past week or so, someone put in a request for help to find a missing 10 inch turtle. Today, the request wasn’t in lost and found. I am hoping that the person found the creature. Family pets do become part of the family.

Kyla still hasn’t had any luck finding her missing cat in North Tewksbury. It has been over a month since the cat disappeared. She hasn’t given up all hope as of this weekend.

Well, I have to read the local newspaper, and select my wardrobe for golf.

Have a great Tuesday.

Linda and I will have a long and fun filled day, but I will be missing the Red Sox do battle this evening. My portable radio doesn’t come in good at all at Tanglewood.

Talk to you soon. The Curley lad

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