Dear Friends,
I hope that all the candidates which my readers voted for won in the November 2, 2010 elections. I think that all of my Democratic selections won here in Massachusetts. The Democrats did experience some loses in other parts of the country, but Massachusetts still remains a Democratic controlled State. I was so glad that the voters saw through the all those political campaign advertisements. The big bucks spent by the Republicans to get rid of the Democrats didn’t seem to work in our State.
Linda did have fun with her Tuesday Mah Jongg session. She won quite a few games. She might be ready for one of those Mah Jongg cruises which they have each year which draws players from all over the world.
I decided to give my leg a rest, and be a slug on Tuesday. I started a new book, and waited for the carpet guy to come and do measurements for the two rooms where we decided to change the carpets. Oh Joy! The guy said that he would give a call in a couple of days, and see what color of carpet that Linda has chosen so that it can be ordered and eventually installed.
We have nothing on our social calendar today except for Linda’s 6 PM knitting group meeting at Panera Bread. I have another Celtic game to keep me entertained.
The Celtics won their game last night. More bench players were active in the game, and they beat the Detroit Pistons. The Pistons haven’t won a game this season.
Observation – I was thinking of friends, and how and when we socialize with them. As you see from my daily blogs, the Curley’s have all sorts of friends. It is difficult to make a decision when and for what event to invite certain sets of friends. Take my Patriot Party as an example. I tried to invite people who follow football. It makes no sense inviting people to watch a game if they don’t care one iota about anything to do with sports. A couple wives at the party fell into that category including my Queen.
Sometimes we invite friends who we haven’t seen for a while just to catch up on things going on in our lives and the lives of our children.
Every couple has their own set of friends with some being closer than others. Some sets of friends we would be comfortable to take trips with while others it might be just a night out together.
As another example, the Halloween Party which we attended the other evening was a bunch of people from our Irish Sister City Committee. I would imagine that some of them were wondering why they didn’t get invited to our Patriot Party since they are on my daily blog. As I said in an e-mail that day, the Curley’s would have to rent a hall if we invited all of our friends.
We also have a set on friends from UNICO, the ITAM, Italian American Club, Irish American Club, Irish Sister City, people whom we taught with, etc. There are some of those people whom I would invite over for a cookout, gathering, etc., and others the warmth may not be there yet.
I would like to continue putting our social calendar in my daily blog even though at times Linda wishes that I didn’t.
My point of telling people what we are doing is not to brag or what ever you want to call it, but just to remind people that staying active is so important in your daily lives even during retirement.
Every couple has their own way of doing this.
Some of our friends think that we are overbooked, and they are content to have nothing on their social calendar. They don’t want to be booked in for days, weeks, and months in advance like we are. I am okay with that. Sometimes, even Linda wants to have a couple days a week totally free on our schedule to catch a matinee, go shopping together, visit the grandchildren, etc. I am not sure if we have any of those weeks until after New Years.
So if you read about some party that is taking place at our house or a friend’s home, or one that we were invited to and wondering why you didn’t get an invitation to attend, don’t be all upset. You could turn this apparent unhappy situation around, and have a party and invite the Curley’s.
Sometimes we invite a few couples for a dinner and a little socialization, but we want the exact number of people who will fit around our dinning room table with both leafs in.
Sometimes we invite a couple or two to play cards after going out for supper. Why would we invite couples who don’t play card games?
Over the past few years, we have developed a small dinner group (which can fit around a dinning room table at any of the hosts’ homes). We rotate where the party is being held. We usually have the dinner on a Saturday night, and there are exactly 8 people around that table including the couple who are hosting the party.
Sometimes we want a house full of people, but most of the time it is a fixed amount of people so that we can enjoy our company and not be too exhausted.
We have a luncheon at our home for my father this coming Friday. My father’s brother and his wife as well as my sister and her husband and some of her children will be joining us. We had to celebrate Dad’s actual birthday (he will turn 87 on Sunday) a couple days early since we have some weekend activities already scheduled.
Well, I have to finish my morning routine quietly.
Have a great Wednesday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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