Dear Friends,
My bio rhythm is out of whack right now. I should be sleeping, but I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I tried fighting the urge to get up, but nothing I could do could get me back to sleep. So I am sitting at the computer with a cup of fresh coffee, and trying to create my morning blog. I will definitely need a couple of naps today.
Max was his good natured self on Wednesday. We took a mid morning nap at the same time. He slept for an hour longer than I did. After lunch, we packed up and headed off to do a few errands. We did go and visit Mom in the nursing home, and Dad was there at the same time. They both got a chance to see Max which turned out well.
Max prefers my “Man Cave” instead of running around the first floor. He gives me a clear signal when he doesn’t want to be on the first floor. In a few years from now, I can visualize Kevin and Kyla finishing off at least one of the two rooms in the basement of their home, and creating a Man Cave.
Max’s mom and dad have sent e-mails saying that they miss their son. Linda spent several hours sending the latest pictures to them over the internet. Maybe one day, when we get “I phones” like our children and their wives have, we can send pictures instantaneously.
Linda had fun with her Knitting group at Panera Bread last evening. She said that there were a large number of knitters. This was probably due to the cold weather which we have been having. Today we are going to hover around the 20 degree mark all day long. It is 16 degrees out right now, and it usually goes a few degrees colder by the time the sun comes up.
When the temperatures reach in the high 30’s on Sunday with rain, it will be like a heat wave. The temperatures then drop once again. By the time next Thursday gets here, it will be in the low 20’s once again. I will be bell ringing for the Salvation Army with my UNICO brothers and sisters. My shift goes from 3 PM until 5 PM on December 16, 2010. The first hour usually starts out okay, but as the sun goes down, it gets down right cold. I will be wearing my electric socks for sure.
There was an article in the CNN news blog that said that someone stole a Salvation Army Kettle (not in Pittsfield).
This week I would normally be writing out Christmas Cards, but I can’t do that while chasing Max around. I decided to send cards if I receive one from friends and relatives. Am I weird because I like sending cards out with a little personal note? Yesterday, I received a nice Christmas card from my Aunt Lil who lives in Ohio. Her hand writing (The Palmer Method) is just the way that we Catholics were taught in Elementary school. She often sends me an article related to something that I put in my daily blog. Yesterday, she sent me an article from her local newspaper about feeding the birds which she knows I love. The article said that it was a myth that we do harm to the furry and feathered creatures by feeding them.
While I was feeding Max lunch yesterday, Max started pointing to the suction cup bird feeder, which had a couple birds eating my sunflower seeds, which I have attached to the kitchen window. He knows that Grandpa likes to feed the animals too.
I think any family which has small children should put up bird feeders so that they can appreciate all of God’s creatures. Now if you happen to have bears coming to the feeders, like we do, you might want to alter times that you put the bird feeders out, or take the bird feeders in at night.
There is nothing prettier than seeing a bright red cardinal against a snow white background. Seeing a woodpecker attacking a suet cake is another great sight for kids to see.
Linda is socially engaged today, but I have nothing on my social calendar. She has a body maintenance procedure at 10 AM, and her monthly BONCO session at a friend’s home at 7 PM.
I have another sporting contest to watch after Max goes to bed.
Speaking of Sports, the Boston Celtics won their game last night. To summarize, the New England Patriots won their football Game on Monday night, the Boston Bruins won their hockey game on Tuesday night, and the Celtics last night. The Boston sports market seems to put out great teams whether in the football Stadium, at the Hockey rink, on the Basketball court, and on the Baseball diamond. The New England sports teams play to packed houses and tickets are often difficult to come by even in this depressed economy. There aren’t many States in this great country which can make this claim. This is why I love living in New England. I always have some team to cheer about.
Well, I am going to go back to bed.
I am getting a little tired even after having a cup of coffee.
I hope Max sleeps until 8 AM like he did yesterday.
Have a great Thursday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Thursday, December 9, 2010
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