Dear Friends,
Last night was the eighth straight day that I went home an empty house. If I was single, it would be the way things are.
Linda is getting better, but she really hasn't had a good night's sleep. Her longest hours of sleep have been in the three hour range. Her changing of the bandage in the incision area, the pokes and prodding by the doctors, the intravenous doses of antibiotics, and pain medication always interrupts a good sleep. While the visiting of friends is good for her mental health, it does interfere with her ability to get any extra rest.
When I visit Linda in the hospital, I will have more friends to visit. One of my Italian friends had surgery for Diverditiculitis. They had to cut out about a foot of this 84 year old man's colon. I stopped in to see him as he was returning to his room. His wife and her daughter stopped in to say "Hello" to Linda.
While partying last evening, I found out that the elderly Aunt of one our Irish Friends fell and broke various parts of her body. She is on the same floor as Linda. All the nieces and nephews were not allowed to find out how she was doing because of the HIPPA regulations. The woman has a daily supper time routine. When they didn't see or hear from her, the family started making telephone calls. When it was determined that she was in the hospital, no one from the hospital would relay any information of her status. The family went absolutely bonkers.
On a happier note, I attended a birthday party at Patrick's Pub last evening for our President of the Irish Sister City Committee which was after I said goodnight to Linda. There was much food, fun, and merriment before I called it a night.
The party was still going on when I left, but I was tired from the seminar which I attended in Worcester. That part of the day lasted from 7:15 AM, when I left Pittsfield, until I got back to the hospital at 4 PM.
Weather - We missed any measurable snow, but a good deal of rain is in the forecast. The rain will last for a couple of days. I hope that our finished off basement remains dry which it has so far.
Our Military son went off to the Valdosta, Georgia area in search for a house to rent. His next assignment will be at Moody Air Force Base. Valdosta, Georgia is located in the southern most part of Georgia. When Linda and I go to visit, it might be easier for us to fly into Jacksonville, Florida, and rent a car and drive to their new house. The house which he decided on has a swimming pool which is good for our grandchild Isabelle who swims like a fish. Her little brother will be a swimmer too even though he isn't walking yet. I can't wait for our son to send us pictures of the new home. They are looking at a mid June arrival if things go as planned.
My raisins have been swimming in Whiskey since Wednesday morning. I am on track to make four loaves of Irish Soda Bread for the 40 Shades of Green Art Show on Sunday. Linda said that I should make a couple of loaves for the nurses and staff who have been taking care of Linda for over 8 days. The raisins which are dancing in the Whiskey will have some new playmates before this day is over.
Did anyone see the new toilet that I saw highlighted at one of those national home shows? The toilet seats have a sensor which opens and closes the toilet seats. This is very good news for women.
National news -- It was the usual murder and mayhem throughout the world.
I did see where the Wisconsin workers are starting to lose some of their bargaining rights. This doesn't bode well for us who grew up in Union households, and who kept the tradition going.
Well, you know what Linda and I will be doing today. Since I visited Linda so little on Wednesday, she will get my undivided attention today.
I hope that the news continues to be good and upbeat for Linda today.
Life is Good!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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