Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hello on Sunday


I am starting to lose my mind. I went out to get the local newspaper in the driveway, and when I picked it up, I began to wonder why it was so heavy. I soon realized that it was the Sunday newspaper. This bonding with Linda for these so many weeks has me totally disoriented. I have to check my cell phone or look at the date on the local newspaper to remind me of what day of the week that it really is.

Now that I have determined it is Sunday, I realize that Linda and I would both be up right now and getting ready for the Irish Sister City Committee Casino bus trip to the Mohegan Sun. Not!

Yesterday was a long day for me, and somewhat tiring for Linda. I left the house first because my sister called and said that she couldn't deal with dear old dad since she wasn't feeling well. She ended up taking herself to the emergency room. She has been antibiotics, and her body is all messed up. She now has Thrush like my father has, but she couldn't function as well as my dad.

I had to go to Lee and deal with dear old dad. I made him breakfast which he completely ate. I wasn't so lucky getting his prescription to combat the Thrush problem. Hopefully the prescription issue will be resolved today. Lesson learned: "Don't get sick on the weekend."

After the adventure with my dad in Lee, I needed a nap when I arrived back in Pittsfield.

After the nap, is when Linda and I went on our grocery shopping adventure. I say adventure because Linda had coupons in hand, which does save money if used properly, but the process requires a good deal of patience. Patience is not one of my strong points.

While at the grocery store, Linda and I went down the isle which has all the over the counter medicines. She was looking for Saline, but we couldn't find any. I went to the Pharmacist, he said that you can get it by prescription only. Luckily I knew the Pharmacist so I didn't have to go through a doctor to obtain a bottle of it. I asked myself why is Saline is valuable and restrictive to obtain. What could the bad people be using Saline for?

I made the mistake of asking a friend who I grew up with in Lee how he was doing while we were at one of the supermarkets during our adventure. He was with his son who graduated from the school which I taught at. My friend said that he wasn't doing well. He worked for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority until he had an accident. His supervisor told him to cut the grass in a steep area of Turnpike. My friend told his supervisor that the grass was wet, and it could be dangerous. The supervisor said that if wanted to keep his job, he better cut the grass. Well the mower flipped over, and landed on my friend's back. After an 8 hour surgery, and weeks of rehab, he still couldn't function. He is on disability for the rest of his life.

There was a great article in our local newspaper about Red Sox tickets. Can the economy be that bad when 85 % of the season tickets have been sold already. There are 8000 people on the waiting list for season tickets. The corporate and luxury boxes are pretty much all sold. You can get tickets through those reseller agencies at an average price of $117 per ticket. Good luck to anyone who had thoughts of taking the family to a Red Sox Game.

The Red Sox looked terrible for the second day in a row. The starting pitcher last 3 2/3 innings.

If you travel on Southwest airlines, your bags fly free. You do have to worry that parts of the airplane might come off during the flight. I am betting that some of the people on the plane that had the problem with the five foot section of aircraft coming off might change to a different mode of transportation.

The Florida Pastor who burned the Quran opened up quite a hornet's nest is the Muslim community. He put a lot of military personnel and Nato troops in harms way by doing so. Religion once again becomes the root of conflict and violence. Oh Darn!

The Wyoming and Montana type States are fighting the way of life concept of sipping beer while driving. One of the their Senators, who is a bar owner, believes that it is awful to take away this right which has been passed on from generation to generation.

Sports -- The Boston Bruins Hockey team clinched their division yesterday.
I did stay up and watch another New England team, the UConn Huskies, win their NCAA game and make it to the finals against Butler. Since I watched the Butler vs Virginia game, I am picking UConn to win it all on Monday night.

Since I am talking about sports, I imagine the rest of the Nation just hates all of these New England sports teams because we have a tendency to win and make it to the playoffs. Jerry Jones built one the largest football stadiums in America, but failed to put a winning football team on the field. We always seem to find some of the best coaches, and have the best luck of recruiting of players. Yes, we did have Spygate with the Patriots, and Jim Calhoun and Rick Pitino got themselves in trouble with some recruiting violations. With the Red Sox, they have had the PreMadonnas which Francona has had to deal with. All these coaches have mastered dealing with "bad seeds". They know when it is time to get rid of these disruptive players who could reek havoc with team morale.

Social Calendar -- We did stay home last evening. I prepared a tasty supper, but it didn't set well with Linda last evening. I felt great!
We have nothing on our social calendar, but I was tempted to call a few friends, and have them come over for some food, fun, and merriment while watching some professional golf. I don't think Linda has the stamina to prepare for a party. After a couple hours in a couple of grocery stores on she was whipped.
Yesterday was not a good day to sit on the deck, but today might be if the wind doesn't blow like it did at times. 50's and abundant sunshine is on tap for today, but a wintry mix is on tap for Monday.

Our golf course is completely open as of yesterday. No more temporary holes. The pins are on the greens.
All the courses around Pittsfield must be hurting for members because they are all advertising for new memberships with all kinds of four for the price of three deals.

Well, Linda is up, and we are reading the Sunday newspapers while waiting for the VNA nurse to call to tell us when she is coming to change Linda's bandage.
Have a great Sunday
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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