Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hello on Tuesday

Dear Friends,

I hope that all of you had a great Columbus Day weekend. It was picture perfect weekend weather wise. Linda and I actually thought that it was a bit to warm for the middle of October.

Kevin and Kyla took their son Max to one of those Pumpkin Patch places near their home in North Tewksbury. They too thought it was a bit warm.
Kevin closed his restaurant over the weekend, but the filming crew was still doing some filming over the Columbus Day weekend. Kevin said that the filming crew will be there for the rest of this week.

The family meeting with my sister, me, and the doctors went well yesterday.
My dad agreed to rehab in a nursing home for a couple of weeks. I am in charge of making sure he gets settled in today at the nursing home, but we aren't sure of which one it will be. Dad had to give the case worker 3 choices of nursing homes, and the caseworker will find out which one has an open bed today.

After the meeting and a short visit with dear old Dad, I headed off to Retro Fitness. There were several muscle bound guys working out at the same time that I was doing a light workout. One guy had a tattoo on his upper arm. It got me thinking that maybe I should get a tattoo. I would get a small one and as my arm grew muscle wise the small tattoo could expand. I was trying to think of what kind of tattoo I should get. Well, this tattoo stuff is a "pipe dream" as the saying goes. I am not getting any tattoo on this baby boomers' body.

News -- The usual turmoil, protests, etc., are taking place even as we celebrated the Columbus Day weekend.
One thing did catch my eye, and it was about the fleet of Air Force drones based in Nevada. A virus has been infecting the drones. When the computer experts fix the virus, the virus returns. There is a concern the virus is stealing military secrets / technology. Military officials aren't saying much because the drone data is classified.

Linda was enjoying the morning alone until I walked in the door a little after 11 AM on Monday. I gave her a headache in no time at all. I really didn't try to do this, but stuff just happens. After the Retro Fitness workout, I decided to go across the street from the gym, and pick up a prescription at Stop and Shop. I picked up the prescription, and brought it home. I asked Linda if the amount I paid was a little high. She said that the thirty day supply of the pills should have cost a little over $3. I paid
$16.99 for the 30 day supply. Linda got on the telephone and started making telephone calls to the local pharmacist, and the CareMark service which we go through. My claim for the pills was denied, and that is why the pills cost more than usual. After going through a series of pushing buttons she talked to a human being who tried to explain the denial. Linda eventually went to the local pharmacist, and used his phone to CareMark, and got the situation straightened out. You would think that a simple thing of picking up one prescription would be such a simple task for the Curley Lad. Not!

Linda did a little recreational shopping as I took an afternoon nap. She also picked up a few basic food items like milk and cereal, etc. She even purchased some cargo pants for me at one the multiple stores that she went into.

We had a sandwich at Berkshire Hills Country Club for supper before Linda was picked up for her Mah Jongg session which took place at a friend's home.

Social Calendar -- Linda has her Tuesday Mah Jongg session during the day, and her once a month BONCO session this evening. I have UNICO board Meeting tonight at 6 PM.
Linda and I will be missing a 6 PM Irish Sister City Committee meeting.
I have asked one of the Sister City Committee members to take notes for me since I am the recording secretary of this organization.
I also have to stop off at the Pittsfield City Hall at some point today to sign up for Medicare supplemental insurance which the City offers to retirees at a reasonable price. My Medicare card came in the mail the other day. I will be part of the Federal Health Care system starting on December 1, 2011. As mentioned above, I also have to get my father settled into a nursing home hopefully before noon time today.

This social calendar is a preview of how busy we will be for the rest of the week which includes a Saturday wedding for the son of friends' of the Curley's.

Well, I have to read the local newspaper, and get dressed. I want to be at City Hall when the doors open at 8:30 AM. I think my next stop will be at the hospital to visit with dad until he is shipped out to a nursing home.
Linda leaves the house a little after 11 AM. Our paths might not cross today. At least, I won't be around to give her a headache! On the other hand, I have been known to give her a headache even if we are not home together.

Have a great day at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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