Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello on Wednesday

Dear Friends,

Another day went as planned on Tuesday. Everything that I had on my “To do” list was accomplished.
Linda’s two Mah Jongg sessions went well; one she hosted, and the other she was a substitute player. The Tuesday lunch and afternoon gaming playing went well. The ladies always enjoy when Linda hosts this regular Tuesday session. I think that they like the various snacks which she provides.

I have a mid morning doctor’s appointment, and Linda has her Wednesday evening knitting group gathering a Panera Bread.
While she is at her knitting group gathering, I will be in my man cave watching the Boston Bruins do battle. It will be another party with myself, but this is fine with me during the week.

I did visit dad in the nursing home on Tuesday. The therapist came in about five minutes after I arrived, and took him off for a two hour session.

We also have to decorate the 3 foot tree in the living room, and the 6.5 foot tree in my man cave. She also has to put some limited decorations around the house. My only job will be hauling labeled buckets to and from the garage into the room which she is decorating.

Politics – I didn’t see much on the national news worthy of my comments except for the Herman Cain troubles which keeps surfacing. The lady claimed that she had a 13 year extramarital affair with Mr. Cain. He claims that no sex was involved. Yeah Right! Well he did call his staff in and said that he was going to reassess his campaign, and possibly makes some decisions as to whether he should continue campaigning or not. This is a corporate version of Tiger Woods for sure.
I was listening to my Radio Talk show host friend while setting up the artificial tree in my basement when I heard my friend say that Mr.Cain’s political views on the issues are more important than his personal life. I was going to call up the radio show, and respond to my friend’s comments, but I didn’t do so. I think a candidate should have some strong family values. If a candidate is married, and he is unfaithful to his marriage vows (multiple times in the Herman Cain situation), I can’t trust him in political matters. The unfaithfulness becomes a way of life after a while. Rich people (even like the Kennedy clan) always seem to want to have their cake and eat it too as the saying goes. Most powerful people want control of everything, and they think that they have the freedom to do so.
How come female candidates for political office have fewer issues related to sex than the male candidates? Males must have two brains, and the second one is located below their waists.
If we lived in a society where having multiple wives was the norm, all of my comments above would be meaningless.

Observation – While I was on the highways and byways yesterday, I got behind some timid drivers. I am not aggressive like some people, but I really did get the feeling that some of the drivers which I observed were afraid to be on the roads. Can a cautious driver actually cause an accident? I say yes! I like it when I am on roads where a minimum speed is posted. On the other hand, are these timid drivers a preview of the way I will be driving as I get older? Oh Darn!

I fired up the crock pot this morning. I put in a small pork rib roast, sliced up some apples, and added a little white wine along with some spices. Later on, I will roast some potatoes, carrots and onions to compliment the meal. A nice meal, and the Boston Bruins, can anything be better than that?

I put the trash out at the end of the driveway last evening. The wind knocked over the buckets. I hope that some of our trash didn’t go rolling down the street.

Have a great day at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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