Dear Friends,
Hope that you all had a pleasant Thursday like the Curley’s did. For a change, there were no bumps along the road of life for us yesterday.
I did show up at my appointment a bit early. I didn’t read the handwritten time, which I put on our calendar, for this appointment. The appointment was for 10:30 AM and not 10AM. I also show up early for every appointment which meant I had a lot of time to contemplate as I waited for the therapist to come and get me at exactly 10:30 AM. Yesterday was my last appointment! Yeah!
I do have an appointment today which is scheduled for 9 AM, but I received a call yesterday from the pulmonary receptionist saying that I should show up at 8:45 AM to fill out some paperwork. I am not sick. I am not experiencing any breathing problems. Since I switched healthcare plans to Medicare, they won’t pay for any replacement parts for my Sleep Apnea Device since I haven’t been to this doctor since January of 2010. Oh Darn!
Linda was a busy lady yesterday! She had a body maintenance procedure at 10:30 AM. She went back to the Dottie’s Coffee Shop knitting group for a second time from 3 PM to 5 PM. She returned home in time to freshen up before she was picked up by a friend so that they could attend their Book Club Dinner meeting. Linda is hosting the March meeting.
She never came home from her busy day until 10:15 PM. The “Separation is Good” principle seemed to work very well for us on Thursday.
It is a little after little 6 AM, and I did not go to Retro Fitness with the 4:30 AM crowd. I decided that after my appointment this morning, I will go directly to Retro Fitness, and do my thing with the beautiful people. The scenery does change quite a bit compared to what I see at the gym at 4:30 AM.
I skimmed CNN news, and the best article which I read was from James Carville, former advisor / strategist to several Democratic Presidents, most notably Bill Clinton. He assessed the Republican candidates just like he was reading my mind. He went through every candidate explaining how each one keeps on shooting themselves in the foot as the expression goes. If Mitt does get the Republican nod, the Democrats have enough ammunition to take him down especially when Mitt made that gaff of the poor people, and the safety net that the government has provided for them. Rick Santorum also thinks that women should be “barefoot and pregnant”, and stay home and take care of the offspring. Newt Gingrich, and his vision of family values, open marriages, etc., will be his downfall too. It is looking very good for the Democrats in the next Presidential election.
After I composed yesterday’s email, I read an article in a local newspaper of a couple who got arrested for stealing cans of Red Bull, and selling them to purchase heroin to feed their addiction. I guess the drug dealers need to stay awake during the wee hours of the morning to sell those illegal substances.
At various times during my travels yesterday, I listened to my talk show host friend on the radio. He and his main guest for the day said that our newly elected, Mayor Bianchi, should request a forensic audit for the City of Pittsfield to see exactly where all the budgetary funds are going. This got me thinking of our daughter-in-law Kyla (Certified CPA) who does this for a living. Her firm, located in downtown Boston, is called “StoneTurn” does this kind of work every day of the year. Their motto at StoneTurn is to “leave no stone unturned”. If there is any way that a person or a department in the City of Pittsfield is not using funds properly, her firm will discover the problem in a heartbeat. Maybe the City of Pittsfield should hire an independent firm like StoneTurn to do a forensic accounting.
Social Calendar – We have a free evening, but the Shamrock is closed this week because the owners are in Aruba using their 2 week timeshare. We are going to use one of those Radio Auction restaurant coupons which Linda purchased on Wednesday. We haven’t decided on which place to go to as of this moment.
Our week old grandchild, Piper Lee, is doing well in Tewksbury. We will be visiting Piper and her family next Friday. Even though Kyla is home on maternity leave, she is doing work from home, when Max is off to daycare, and Piper is sleeping.
I didn’t have a Chicken Novena last night. A friend gave us a piece of one of his smoked Salmon which he prepares himself. It was wonderful! My body is so happy that I gave it some healthy food for a change. We used to call fish “Brain Food”. Do think that it might help me, and my Liberal view of the political landscape?
Weather – They weather forecasters keep on lowering the high temperature for the day on Sunday, which is when the local Jimmy Fund Ice- Fishing Derby will be taking place. As of this moment, 16 degrees F, will be the high for the day.
I will be home on Sunday studying for my SafeServ Recertification test which will be administered on Valentines Day in the evening.
Our friend from Atlanta can’t wait to leave the Berkshires and get back to her house. Linda and I told her that she brought the cold weather. We have some mild weather for weeks until she arrived in the Berkshires on Wednesday.
Both of our cars need a good external washing. I am afraid to do so with the chilly forecast for Saturday and Sunday. I have done dumb things like that before, and then I couldn’t get into the cars.
Well, I have to read the local newspaper, and select clothes for my appointment, and clothes for the gym. I think sweatpants over a pair of gym shorts might be the best way to go.
I did watch some sports last evening while reading a book on the IPad. The Celtics lost an entertaining game because none of their aging stars could make a basket at the buzzer!
Have a great weekend!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad
Friday, February 10, 2012
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