Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hello on Thursday

Dear Friends,

Another day went as planned in Curleyworld. I accomplished half of my outdoor tasks. The manual labor of raking the front lawn, raking and bagging leaves in bushes, and taking them to the recycle plant was enough for me to do in one day. I did this manual labor from 8 AM until noon.
I am going back to the outdoor tasks today around 8 AM.

It is going to be another spring like day with warmer temperatures than it was on Wednesday. I did shut off the heat in the house, but the current outdoor temperature of 28 degrees chilled the house too much. I turned the heat back on to take the chill out of the house before shutting it off again.

Today I will put away my ice-fishing gear back in the storage shed as well as the snow blower. This sounds like a simple task, but I have to empty the storage shed first.

Linda has a busy day on her social calendar. She has a mid morning body maintenance procedure and a Knitting Group gather from 3 to 5 PM at Dottie's Coffee Shop. She will meet me at the Heritage Tavern for food, fun, and merriment at the UNICO Celebrity Bartending event. My 45 minute shift begins at 6 PM. We are going to dine on Pub food after my shift.

I didn't go visit dad yesterday, but my sister did call me to say that dad has caught a cold. I am hesitant to go there now because neither of want to get sick because the Tewksbury grandchildren will be coming for a visit on this coming Monday and Tuesday.

Even if you don't like sports at all, I heard that a professional basketball player would resign from a team if the player's contract didn't have the stipulation that the player be part of the coach selecting process. It is like the inmates running a prison. This is a first! Who would want to be a coach on a team like that?

The coach of the New York Knicks basketball team submitted his resignation. He and one of his star players picked up from a blockbuster trade last year that the coach was not in favor of can't get along. The coach can't coach the team like he wants to coach the team because of the star player. Management is taking the side of the player. Oh Darn!
This coach is good enough to coach anywhere in the league.

As our society has changed with respect to the family unit, it would appear that the breakdown has permeated even the sporting world. Police have lost their authority. Teachers have lost their authority in the classroom. Coaches on sports' teams have lost their authority too. When will it stop?

On the local scene, a Landlord in a nearby Vermont town was arrested for incinerating a neighbor's cat in an outside boiler. A tenant let her cat out, and the Landlord claimed he threw a log at the cat to scare it. Well, the man crossed the line when he killed the cat and tried to hide the evidence. The police found the charred cat remains in the boiler. Could this landlord be fined, imprisoned or both?

Also, on the local seen, there is an article about a local exotic pet business located in the Berkshires. They sell exotic snakes, fish, insects, etc., including poisonous frogs. I was thinking about what happens when one of these creatures escapes from the person who purchases these creatures. Florida is having an awful time with pythons which have escaped from their owners, or just released into the wild when the owner realized it was too difficult to take car of a python. These pythons are disrupting the natural habitat of Florida. Floridians have to be conscious of the alligators, but now they have to worry about pythons too.
Why can't animal lovers stick to purchasing dogs, cats, and tropical fish?

Since I am up so early, I am going to make a batch of Irish Soda breads. Linda was telling her Panera Bread Knitting group about the Irish Soda Bread that I make. She is going to give each one of the knitters a couple slices of the Irish Soda bread to take home next Wednesday.

Have a great Thursday at work or play!

Talk to you soon. The Curley lad

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