Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello on Super Bowl Sunday

Dear Friends,

Hope that your Saturday went well. Ours didn't go as planned because of the weather. The rain, and freezing rain caused a slippery mess so we didn't go out after I did a few errands. I knew that we were in trouble weather wise because the front steps, the sidewalks leading to the driveway, and the driveway itself were solid sheets of ice as I gave up trying to go to the mailbox at the bottom of our driveway.
I see that the driveway right now has a coating on snow on it, but the snow is just hiding the ice. I will put some ice gripers on my footwear when I retrieve the Sunday newspapers from the driveway.

We had some leftover beef stew for supper to help us get through the long day of being housebound. We were supposed to go to a neighboring town for a fund raiser, but we decided that the roads were too treacherous. A girlfriend of Linda's happened to be out on the roads when the freezing rain was coating our roads. She followed a City truck home which was spreading salt and sand. I am guessing that there might have been a few fender benders on Saturday.

Well, today is Super Bowl Sunday. I was going to watch the game alone, but I changed my mind a day ago. I decided that I couldn't make it through the game alone even if I stop watching the game after half time. Linda said that it was okay to invite a few friends to keep me company.

I must have passed on the Party gene to my son in Tewksbury. He is having a party at his house. He showed a picture of three full racks of ribs which have been dry rubbed that he will be cooking for his guests. He has already gotten some positive comments from his Facebook friends. One friend said that he was " putting on the feedbag" in anticipation of diving into those ribs. When you are invited to a party, and the family is in the restaurant business, you really have something to look forward too.
Linda and I would be heading east to Kevin and Kyla's party in a heartbeat if we didn't have such a busy week coming up.

We are supposed to be above freezing when our guests arrive for the game, but we will be heading into the teens toward the end of the game.
The strange weather has really put a damper on the Super Bowl which is being held in Texas. They have been experiencing snowy and icing conditions all week long. The restaurants have been taking a hit since the fans weren't able to make it to all the week long festivities. Snow and Ice falling off the dome of the stadium has injured people. Travel has been a nightmare. Even though the fans will be watching the game in a domed stadium, snow, ice, and freezing rain will be greeting those fans when the game is over. Just think that in a few years the game will be played in an open stadium where the Jets and Giants play their home games.
After the not so good things which are happening in Dallas, the NFL might want to consider having all games in places like Miami, Florida. Even if it is cold in Miami, it will still be a heat wave for people who have to deal with snow and ice all winter long.

I would like to see the Packers win because I don't like the quarter back of the Steelers because I think that he really did assault that girl. Even though he wasn't convicted of the crime, the NFL wouldn't have suspended him for the first four games of the regular season if he was totally blameless.

Observation -- I experienced one of those days yesterday which makes me appreciate what Linda goes through when she goes off to do a few errands. I needed two items at a grocery store which was having a sale on the meat. I also was looking for some particular heavy duty plastic glassware which I have purchased in this store before. I head directly to the meat section of the grocery store, and the cut of meat which was supposed to arrive on Saturday wasn't there. I get a raincheck. I go to the party and paper product isle, and the plastic glasses which I wanted were not there.
I go off to a second grocery store, and the meat that I was looking for looked awful. I left the store empty-handed. I forgot to go down the isle that has the plastic glasses which I wanted.
I drive to a third grocery store, but couldn't find a parking place so I went to a fourth grocery store. I did find the meat that I was looking for. A butcher friend at this grocery store sees me pawing over the meat and asks me what I was looking for. He said that he would find one in the back for me. He cuts a large one in half, packages it up, and give me a 10 cents per pound discount.
Linda calls just as my friend brings out the meat specially prepared for me. While I was traveling all over Pittsfield, she got on the telephone and called the parent grocery store of the first one which I went to. This fifth grocery store set aside two monster pieces of meat at the sale price of $1 per pound. Linda tells me to just put back the meat that my butcher friend just got through preparing for me. I could't return the meat. The guilt was overwhelming, and I got in line, and purchased the meat at this store.
I forgot about the plastic glasses again.
I get in my car just as the roads are getting slippery, and head to the fifth grocery store to pick up the meat which they have waiting for me. I did remember that I was supposed to get plastic glasses, but this store was out of them too. On the way home, I stop at a wholesale warehouse store which I know have the plastic glasses which I am looking for. I finally arrive home with the two items which I went off to get.
In summary, I had to go to 6 stores to get two items. I can't imagine Linda going shopping with her coupons along with a mile long grocery list. I really, really appreciate what Linda does for me.

One of the pieces of meat has been in the crock pot all night long. When it is done and semi cooled, I will strip the meat, and use it for pulled pork sliders for the Super Bowl Party. I am hoping that the pulled pork sliders will be a big hit for the party.

Well, I have to do some quiet activities, skim the Sunday newspapers, and do some gathering of tax stuff. I have a date with the Tax Man at 10 AM on Monday morning.

Have a great day on this Super Bowl Sunday.
The highlight of most Super Bowls are the commercials, and not even the game.
I can't wait for the game to start. If our guests arrive around the scheduled starting time of the party, we will have 2.5 hours to socialize before the kickoff.

Talk to you soon.
The Curley Lad

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