Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello on Tuesday

Dear Friends,

It is a winter wonder land outside right now. All the dirty snow has been covered up by the light snow fall. If I could get Linda outside before the front moves out and the winds start up, she would get some great pictures for sure.

Even though the Super Bowl is over, I still can't get the Patriots out of my mind. They had the Coach of the Year, and the Best Quarterback of the Year, but the team couldn't make it to the Super Bowl. I hope that this situation gives the team motivation next year to go all the way.

I was supposed to be the only one who left the house on Tuesday. I went to the Tax Preparation guy at 10 AM, bought some salt for our iced up driveway and sidewalks, spread the Eco friendly salt, cleaned up my man cave, and started to read a book that I had read before.
Linda was in her sweats just relaxing as planned until she received a 4 PM email reminding her of a gathering at Panera bread at 5:45 PM. This gathering was just for a few close girl friends, and not her Wednesday night knitting group.

Today Linda is hosting Mah Jongg. It was cancelled last week due to weather. The snow, which started around 11:00 PM last night, shouldn't be bad enough to cancel today's game. Time will tell if today's session is still a go or not.

I am on a local radio (1340 on your AM dial) today at noontime. The UNICO president and I will be discussing upcoming Italian events.

Whether or not Mah Jongg is played, Linda and I will be attending a 6 PM meeting of the Pittsfield Irish Sister Committee. Our meetings are held in the Conference Room of the Pittsfield Public Library.

I see where the British Royal couple is leaning toward Sicily as their honeymoon destination. Everyone seems to like what Italians have to offer.

Observation -- I was wondering whether my readers are aware that the incandescent light bulb is just about ready to be phased out of our lives. Some people are starting to hoard them, which I am tempted to do. California has already banned them. We have a few fluorescent lights scatter throughout the house, but every 3 way bulb in our house is a 50-100-150 watt incandescent bulb. The Curley's like their house well lit. Some of those energy saving bulbs just don't give us enough light. When we visit some friends and relatives, they function with almost no light at all. As they get a little older, and their vision starts to deteriorate, they will wish that they had incandescent lights.
Sometimes when we are visiting these homes, we feel like we need to bring night vision goggles. A few of these homes have light fixtures that can handle a three way bulb, but the owners put in the 60 watt size. Did you ever try and read in bed with a 60 watt bulb?

Well, I have to do some very quiet activities at this very early hour. I think that I will need a morning nap to get me through the rest of the day's activities.

Have a great Tuesday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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