Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hello on Thursday

Dear Friends,

I am up early this morning because I had food preparation on my mind. I have to thaw and peel some raw shrimp which Linda will cook when she wakes up. I also have to cook some sweet sausages to render the fat before I crock pot them with some red sauce, onions, and peppers.

Yesterday went well for the Curley’s. We went to the movies instead of me making pizzelles. I might make a small batch of pizzelles after I finish my first two tasks of the day.

We went off to lunch at a downtown eatery next the Beacon Cinema called “On a Roll”. We saw the four star rated Mission Impossible movie which we thought was better than the Sherlock Holmes movie which we saw last week.

Speaking of lunch, there was a table next to us at which four women were sitting. One the four ladies is a friend of ours whom we see at the Shamrock all of the time. Since the place wasn’t busy, I listened off and on to their conversation especially when the waitress came over to take their order. “On a Roll” has a simple menu, and usually a couple luncheon specials for the day. Listening to four women order a meal is so puzzling to me. Every person just couldn’t have the particular food item listed on the menu. All of the women had special requests and variations from the food items listed. If was waiting on them, I couldn’t keep all the changes straight. We men are simple creatures. Most of us order and receive exactly what is on the menu. When the waitress took care of me I ordered a Chicken Quesedia, and that is what was delivered to the table. The waitress asked if I wanted any side dishes, but I declined. I did like one conversation which the women were talking about before the waitress arrived. Our friend from the Shamrock said that the “Liver and Onions” dish on the menu looked good. One girlfriend said that she would have to sit at another table if she ordered that particular dish. Linda would have had me sitting by myself if I ordered that dish because she can’t stand the sight or the odor of liver. When she was teaching there was an experiment that the students did in the biology lab. Linda would go to the store, and buy liver. The students would grind up the liver, and check the ground up liver for enzymes. Linda also would explain the function of the liver in the body. Our Liver acts like filter of all the stuff which we eat or drink whether it is good or bad. Linda couldn’t stand the thought of eating this filter. Needless to say, do you think that Linda ever cooked me a batch of liver and onions during the over forty years which we have been married?

After the movies, we did head off to Staples to laminate the article about our son’s restaurant which appeared in the food section of the Boston Globe on Wednesday. I copied the written article and gave my dad a copy. Dad thought the write up about his grandson’s restaurant was great. I visited dad for about an hour before the therapist took him away for the first of two sessions.

When we came home from Staples, I fired up the oven and made some cakes. One of the cakes required a glaze so I let Linda put that on when she came home from her Panera Bread Knitting group gathering.
No one showed up for the knitting group so Linda dined alone and drove home after eating supper there. I ate one person size portion of pot roast leftovers. Linda missed the last gathering because of a scheduling conflict. I am surmising the group decided to cancel yesterday’s meeting because it was too close to Christmas.

Iraq – Our troops left, so the bad guys in Baghdad set off 4 car bombs, and 10 roadside bombs killing 63 and wounding 185 of their own people. It doesn’t appear that there is much stability after our troops departed the other day. How would you like to be the political leaders of that country right now?

Well, I am going to cut the email short, and get to the food preparation. Peeling shrimp is the most time consuming, but it is worth the effort when the finished product is done. It is a matter of preferring firm or limp shrimp. We prefer the firm variety.

Have a great Thursday at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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