Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hello on Tuesday

Dear Friends,

The final piece of the football puzzle fell into place last night because the Pittsburgh Steelers was another team which was supposed to win during this weekend’s set of games, but they failed to do so. Their quarterback, Big Ben, was too beat up to play effectively, and this was before the game even started. Oh Darn!
Speaking of Sports – The Saturday Night Live Skit of God meeting Tim Tebow has gone viral. If you remember, I told you that Tim Tebow being on the front cover of Sports Illustrated was the “Kiss of Death.” If a person or a team makes the front cover of the Magazine, they will lose their next sporting contest. Well, that is what happened to Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos at the hands of the New England Patriots. Go Patriots!

My father was sitting in his wheel chair when I visited him on Monday with a sling around his left shoulder to ease the pain of his broken collar bone. The nurse was trying to make an appointment for dad to see a doctor from Orthopedics when I left the nursing home. My father told me that he was told that normally the doctors don’t operate on broken collar bones like he has.
Dad was in good spirits even though he had a split lip, and was in pain when he tried lifting his arm. He didn’t take any pain medication, but I am surmising that he took something last night so he could go to sleep. I have two therapy sessions this morning with the first one starting at 7:30 AM. After my second one is done, I will bring dad his favorite newspaper, the New York Daily News! He has the Berkshire Eagle delivered to his room each morning. I will keep you updated!

It is a balmy 36 degrees right now, but the temperatures are going down instead of up today. The temperatures will hover around the 32 degree mark after this morning’s high of 36 degrees.

Linda was a Domestic Goddess on Monday, but she has more baking to do. She was so exhausted when she stopped working around 2:30 PM that every body part of hers was aching. I told her that she should be going to therapy along with me. She took a shower thinking that it would perk her up, but her body still ached. She decided to call a girlfriend up to do some last minute recreational shopping thinking that her shopping would help to distract her from the pain which she was experiencing. Her and her girlfriend ended the evening going out to eat. Linda wanted someone to wait on her for a change!
If we were both working, the bakeries at our local grocery stores would do all the baking for us.
Linda made Rum Balls for the first time from a recipe from one of her knitters’ blogs. I must say that they came out spectacular. She enjoyed making them so much that she might make another batch before this week is over. I did sample a couple of the Rum Balls, and they were delicious. These rum balls might be the new dessert that she will bring when we are invited to parties.

My UNICO membership meeting went well. The small room in the bottom of the Old Forge was packed with almost 80 members. This turnout is the largest one that we have because the food which they serve us is wonderful. A good time was had by all!

I think that I am going to make a batch of pizzelles tomorrow morning since I don’t have another therapy session until Friday. This is another task where I do not need to be supervised. We have an Italian made pizzelle maker that makes two of these epicurean delights at a time. Yes, we can purchase them at all the grocery stores, but I like telling people that they are homemade.

Social Calendar – Linda has her usual Tuesday Mah Jongg session where she leaves the house to be at the host’s home at 11:30 AM. They bring their own lunches to the host’s home, and then the women play Mah Jongg for about 4 hours.
I have a free social calendar today, but I have to cut up boxes in the garage because the boxes are taking up so much space. I also have to straighten out the bar area of my Man Cave because there is clutter everywhere. I always like to be prepared for impromptu Patriot Party especially this year since the Patriots have made it into the playoffs.

Politics – There is some last minute budget wrangling taking place to keep government running for a while. Could the Democrats and the Republicans actually be arriving at a mutually acceptable compromise?

Well, I have to end this email, read the local newspaper, and head off to my first therapy session.

Have a great Tuesday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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