Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hello on Wednesday

Dear Friends,

I hope that the second day after Christmas went well for everyone. All of my "To Do" list items did get done; Therapy, Bringing Dad his favorite newspaper, Surround system installed by a friend, Outside Decorations taken down, Taking an afternoon nap, Washing a couple loads of my clothes, Watching Boston Celtics lose a second game in a row.

Linda had fun at a friend's home playing Mah Jong. The most tiring part of her day was doing errands after Mah Jongg in the pouring rain and wind, and picking up grocery items at two different stores. She even whipped up ham / vegetable/ pea soup for the crockpot before she went to bed which will be our noon time lunch.

Linda is the only one socially engaged this evening with her Knitting Group gathering at Panera Bread, but she is not sure if anyone will show up, or if the group has disbanded.

We will be socially engaged Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We will not be thinking about home cooked meals for any of those days.

I have to go out to Target, and get at least one Christmas tree storage bag for the 6.5 foot tree in my Man Cave that no one even observed. I suggested to Linda to leave the tree up, and make it a seasonal tree. Can you visualize a Valentines Day tree, An Easter Tree, a St. Patrick's Day tree, a Summer time tree, a Fall tree, a Halloween tree, a Thanksgiving Day tree, and then we are back to Christmas? When I think about all the work that this concept takes, I think that the tree is going to be taken down today.

News -- I see where people weren't just purchasing clothes and toys for Christmas. Gun sales were reported at the highest levels according to the FBI. Of course the NRA has already commented on the report saying that this is just a fear mongering tactic used by President Obama. I hope that the gun that the guy who shot and killed his whole family with over the holidays, including himself, was legally obtained. Yes, I am well aware that guns don't kill people, and it is the gun user.

I see where Sinead O'Connor's marriage lasted only 16 days. Her smoking too much "weed" might have been the cause of the breakup. I guess that I didn't realize that she has four children from previous relationships. Sinead might not be the greatest role model for females considering marriage, and for bringing children into the world.

Kyla update -- We were hoping that Kevin, Kyla, and Max would make it to the Berkshires this coming weekend! Not! The medical staff at Brigham and Women's hospital wanted her to be close to the hospital in case an issue arose. Oh Darn!

Kevin took Max to Dough East Boston on Tuesday,which is day off, to help get the restaurant set for a busy week. Kyla went off to her place of work in downtown Boston too. I think that she wove in a Doctor's appointment too. They were all home together during the middle of the afternoon. Kyla wasn't feeling her normal self once again. Oh Darn! She has more poking and prodding appointments before this week is over.

We have one of those days where the temperature will be the highest right now. By the time people leave work later on today, the winds will be howling, and the temperature will be dropping from the 40 degrees right now to the low 20 degree range.

I think that today is a normal Wednesday collection day for us. The recycle material is paper, and I am not looking forward to paper products flying up and down the street.

The fundraiser article in today's local newspaper said that they raised $4000 dollar last evening for the family which was burned out of their home just before Christmas. Another $2000 has been donated even before the fundraiser. Donations checks can be made out to a local bank which is processing the donations.

I missed watching the funeral for the North Korean leader who passed away at age 69 years old. I am trying to feel the love for this leader who always made the top 10 list of despots throughout the world on a yearly basis.

Well, I have to put out the trash and paper recyclables. I might have to spend some time in the garage cutting up boxes which I was supposed to cut up a couple of weeks ago. I did notice that when you don't have Christmas at your home, less trash is generated which is a positive.

Have a great Wednesday!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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