Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello on Thursday Morning

Dear Friends,

It was a long and exhausting day on Wednesday putting away the internal Christmas decorations (and working with Linda). I guess that I never realized how much stuff that Linda put out for Christmas.

I did let her read the local newspaper, and have one cup of coffee before the work began.

My first task didn’t involve her. I had to put away all the Christmas mugs, and glasses, and return the normal cups and glasses back into the cupboards. For the rest of the day, I was at her beck and call.

Taking down Christmas decorations just doesn’t mean returning things to a previous state because we had to put up seasonal decorations too. Christmas is over, but we now have winter wreaths and decorations. Pretty soon it will be Valentines Day decorations, and then St. Patrick’s Day, then Spring decorations, etc., Linda makes sure that our house changes with the seasons or the particular holiday.

When we know that we are going to be busy, we usually fire up the crock pot in the morning. Last night, we micro wave defrosted a boneless pork roast, and cooked it in the oven. Add a sweet potato, and broccoli, and we had a great meal.

I was so tired that after supper. I tried to watch an on demand CSI show with her, and I fell asleep 10 minutes into the program. She said that I was snoring so loudly that she had to turn up the volume on the television. She took my snoring only so long, and then told me to go to bed. This is why I am up so early. I am all slept out.

Well, one of my e-mail recipients did come to my rescue with respect to me going to the movies to see a semi chick flick. Linda will be doing lunch and a movie with some girlfriends while I am on the frozen pond today.

My car is all packed with my ice-fishing gear, and I am just waiting for a little daylight. I have to pack a lunch, put on my ice-fishing clothes, and head out the door. I can’t wait!

Remember – Separation is good!

My car did get fixed yesterday, and it appears to be running like a top. I had to make an appointment for the Neon because Linda has no heat in her car. It is probably is a matter of replacing a thermostat, but there are other things which need to be looked at too.

Politics / News – The earthquake in Haiti seems to be dominating the news, and deflecting the flack that our President has been receiving.

At the local level, the people in Pittsfield are all upset because our mayor appointed a former mayor of a nearby city as a consultant. The former mayor will be paid $5000 per month for three months. His job is to help the public works department run better, and more efficiently. We already have a high paid public works director. If our current director can’t do his job properly, then find a new person who can do the job!

I finally tried out one of the gifts “as seen on television”, and the product works great. I have these two hand held sharpeners one for knives, and another for scissors. If you come to our house, there will never be a dull knife or pair of scissors. I might keep the sharpeners in my car, and sharpen the knives and scissors for some of our friends. This doesn’t apply to the Brodeurs. The Broduer Lad has this top of the line electric, grinder / sharpener, etc. There is never a dull knife in their house.

The rest of our friends often have dull knives. They sometimes ask me to cut lemons and limes when we get invited to a party, and I am afraid of cutting one of my fingers off.

I am really impressed with the scissor sharpener. Scissors have a tendency to dull quickly, but not any more at the Curley’s home!

Local Weather – Sun and 32 degrees sounds like a heat wave when you are involved in a sport like ice-fishing. The temperatures in the 30’s for a week straight also sounds great.

Observation – My car is so full of road salt. I want to go the car wash, but as soon as I clean the car, and exit the place, the car just gets more salt on it. I can almost feel the salt eating away at vital parts of both of our cars. Between the salt and the pot holes our cars in the Northeast are doomed to rust and decay.

What also bugs me about the road salt is that you can be dressed in the nicest clothes, and just brush up against you car, and your clothes get white stains. Don’t wear black in the winter time in the Northeast, or don’t dress up!

Well, I have to make myself a lunch, and a thermos of coffee for my adventure.

Have a great day at work or play.

Maybe it will be my day to catch the big fish!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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