Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hello on Wednesday

Dear Friends,

Another day went pretty much as planned.

My first activity of the day was to take out all of the Christmas lights which I have woven into in the bushes in front of our house. I now know why our electric bill was over $200 during the Holiday season.

While Linda was preparing for her Mah Jongg session, I was loading up my car with ice-fishing gear.

My first stop was to visit Mom in the nursing home. She once again was in good spirits. She told me that the nursing home was where she was living now. She also told me to cut my mustache. She wants me to return to what my High School picture looks like. My picture is one of the many which she has on the top of \her dresser drawer in her room.

A little after noon, I left Mom and headed to Laurel Lake to do a little ice-fishing for a couple of hours. When I arrived in the parking lot, I saw two sets of fishermen, and a good deal of water along parts of the shore line. I decided to skip the ice-fishing, and go an visit dad. He too seem to be in good sprits even though he was just finishing up a bout of a stomach bug.

After an hour or so, I headed back home, and Dad said that he was going off to get a haircut.

As I was driving home, I was thinking that my parents are pretty lucky to have my sister and I just 12 miles from where the family home is in Lee as well as the nursing home which is about 6 miles from our Pittsfield homes.

I believe that we have a totally free day. I think that we will turn into a couple of slugs. I want to make a dent in the 1000 page Stephen King book. I am half way through the book right now. I felt like I have read two of my normal size books. I asked Linda not to purchase any novels of this size anymore.

Politics – The President will be giving his State of the Union address. It will probably be a great speech in the mind of us Democrats. What really disturbs me is the mindset throughout the nation that Democrats are bad politicians, and Republicans can do a better job. What also irks me is that municipal employees, State workers, teachers, people on Medicare and social security, are starting to forget who has providing the “butter for their breads” as the saying goes. The Republicans are doing a good job of brain washing the American public. Of course the Republican talking heads just keep on repeating this message on a daily basis. Even our local call in radio programs have people beating up the Democratic politicians.

Have to head off to the gym. I want to be there when the doors open a 4:30 AM.

Have a great Wednesday.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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