Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

It was a brisk one in the Berkshires on Monday, and it will be another one today.

The weather forecasters said that the cold weather will be with us through the weekend.

I couldn’t believe how the cold weather is reaching in a southerly direction in the United States. My Berkshire friends said it was a little cool yesterday morning in Ocala, Florida where they have a place.

The male in this household retired the same year that I did from Taconic High School. His wife sent an e-mail saying that they too are enjoying retirement. She ended her e-mail by saying “Life is Good!” You see, I am not the only one who believes it.

I should be at Retro Fitness, but Linda told me that opening and closing the garage door woke her up yesterday to the point where she had trouble getting back to sleep on Monday. The guilt was overwhelming! Yeah Right!

One friend suggested that I park the car outside of the garage, and quietly go out our front door if I want to go to the gym at 4:30 AM in the morning. This might work in the summer time.

I would think that the Queen would hear me scraping the ice off of the windshield if I left the car in the driveway during the winter.

My body says to wake up early so after sending this e-mail, I will try doing a quiet activity. I have already decided what this activity is going to be. I am going to take down the Christmas tree starting with the decorations. I want to just throw all the ornaments in an empty bucket, but Linda said that I must wrap each ornament, and place them gently in the bucket, and then label the bucket. Can I follow that many directions?

Linda has her Tuesday Mah Jongg session today from 11:30 AM until 4:30 PM. I will be picking up a friend at 4:15 PM to help work that Jimmy Fund Polenta Dinner that I mentioned in yesterday’s e-mail.

I have to call my Father and wish him a happy 64th Anniversary even though with Mom’s dementia it won’t be the same celebration as in past years.

I did purchase a Sporting License at Walmart on Monday. I have to transfer my ice-fishing gear, which is buried in the storage shed, to the garage. It looks like Wednesday might be my first day on the frozen ponds. I think that I will try Laurel Lake (in my home town of Lee) so that I can sit in my car in the parking lot right next to the Lake, and watch my tip ups.

The Mass Wildlife people put in another batch of those aged breeder salmon in the lake a couple of weeks ago. Someone caught one already!

Linda and I did lunch and a movie yesterday. We ended up seeing Avatar in 3D instead of the Sherlock Holmes Movie. It was a timing problem. With the senior discount, it was still $9.50 per person. The movie was fine for me, but great for Linda. Watching tall blue colored beings for over two hours, with 3D glasses, was a bit much. It was the typical good versus evil, but you will have to see the movie to see who wins.

The movie was very colorful even for a color blind person like me. Our neighbors saw the movie on Sunday. Their elementary school daughter said that she wouldn’t mind seeing it again.

We still do want to see the Sherlock Holmes movie.

Politics / News – As I scanned the CNN webpage, there do appear to be a lot of unhappy people throughout the United States and World in general. Some use bombs and guns to settle their issues, and others use the courts. Some people get fired from their jobs, and kill their bosses.

It is the same old thing day after day.

One of our friends seldom reads the newspapers, and watches very little news on television. Her approach to life might be the smart one.

Watching and listening to the news each day could be depressing? As an example, how about the two professional basketball players who tried to settle their issues with guns? One of the basketball players brought several hand guns to practice, and put him in his locker at where the team works out. He said that he was just trying to scare a fellow player who owes a $26,000 gambling debt.

Didn’t one of my readers call some of those professional athletes nothing more than athletically talented “thugs”. I sure do have intelligent readers.

Well, it is time for me to read the morning newspaper, and start my quiet project.

Have a great Tuesday, and try to stay warm.

Al Gore would have trouble convincing most people in the United States that there is such a thing as Global Warming with the cold weather that is reaching the southern most points in the United States.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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