Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

Our Martin Luther King Day went as planned.

Today is back to work or play for my readers and the Curley’s.

Today is Election Day in Massachusetts. This special election was created so that the people of Massachusetts can vote for a person who can fill Ted Kennedy’s spot. It is the Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley versus the Republican Candidate, Mr. Brown. The pollsters have Brown ahead at the moment, but the race is too close to call. If the Democratic voters come out in force, like Linda and I, we can keep the seat Democratic. Yesterday, the Brown supporters were engaged in a rally at our Park Square, and outside the American Legion where Martha was giving a campaign speech. When the television reporters interviewed the people carrying the Brown signs, it was reported that this rally was made up of people from neighboring New York State. Some of the people in the Nation dislike the President so much and the programs that he is trying to get passed like health care reform, that they will do anything including crossing state lines to get their point across.

Linda is the only one socially engaged today. She has her normal Tuesday Mah Jongg session.

I am totally free, but I am considering my options. I could do a little ice-fishing, but I am not sure if I want to fish during a day of snow showers. I could start a house project of shampooing the rugs in the house, but I require supervision for this project. I could just sit on my butt all day, while Linda is doing her thing, and savor another book which I started yesterday. Decisions, decisions, what am I going to do?

Of course, I could go and visit Mom in the nursing. That would for sure pick up my spirits! Even the priest who says Mass at the nursing home, and who is our UNICO Chaplin said that he missed me yesterday. He says Mass on Monday’s at the nursing home.

I have the crock pot fired up with a pork roast. I am not sure if it will be pulled pork sandwiches, or a pork dinner with all the fixings. I lathered up the roast with a store bought barbecue sauce. I added a quarter cup of water, and it will be done in 10 hours or less. I took the roast out of the freezer last night, but it wasn’t completely thawed this morning, but that is perfectly okay.

Observation – I was thinking, as I was playing with food when I first woke up, of how people function when they do wake up. I wake up energized, and raring to go. I need 30 seconds to wake up, and get moving. I start thinking of things that I am going to do before I even have my first cup of coffee of the day. On the other hand, there are the people who want to be left alone. They like to move slowly, pour that first cup of coffee, and read the newspaper, and don’t like anyone to talk to them or ask them questions for 30 minutes to an hour. I think that I live with a person like that.

It is like the turtle versus the hare story. I am not convinced that the rabbit really wins the race. It is a matter of the hare getting along with the turtle.

What kind of morning person are you?

Creatures in my yard – When I went out to do a little snow removal on Monday morning; I saw this set of tracks that went from the front of our yard through to the back of the yard. At a first look, I thought that they were dog tracks. Upon further inspection, I realized that they were not dog tracks, but deer tracks. It appeared that a doe and a couple of her fawns were looking for food in our neighborhood. Some tracks were right in front of the bushes in front of our house. They must have tried nibbling on some of the branches. We are talking about these deer entering our neighborhood. There are houses everywhere. There is a woodsy area behind the house across the street. Maybe they were pushed by some coyotes. The tracks went through our back yard, and diagonally across our neighbors, and through the yards of houses on the neighboring streets. I need to get one of those cameras which you attach to trees to verify my observation. Motion sets off these cameras during the time when it is dark.

So now I can add to the list of creatures who visit the Curley’s – We have bears, raccoons, squirrels (red and gray), chipmunks, birds, moles, field mice, feral cats, an occasional hawk, and now deer. I was named after St. Francis of Assisi who was fond of all of God’s creatures.

Have a great Tuesday.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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