Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello on Thusday Morning

Dear Friends,

The snow is just about coming to an end in Boston area. Boston will have picked up 8 to 12 inches of the white stuff as the storm exits the east coast. We dodged a bullet in the Berkshires, and we only got a dusting of snow. Linda and I wanted the storm to hit our area. We haven't been home for any of the snow events which hit the Berkshires.
Boston and the surrounding towns have closed their schools once again. They will have to make up the multiple snow days which they have had this year.

There is another potential storm heading this way during the middle of next week. People from the Boston area want no part of this storm.

The snow doesn't bode well for Kevin's restaurant business in East Boston. I am surmising that he might be forced to close today or at least open later even though the storm ends in a couple of hours.

I am so glad that Kevin told me to stay home instead of going to Tewksbury to do some baby sitting. I would most likely would be doing snow removal if I was in Tewksbury.

Linda and I left the house a little after noon on Wednesday. We had lunch near the Pittsfield City Hall at a restaurant which has been in business since 1936. It is an Italian based restaurant which serves good food cheap. It is a hangout for local politicians, and for people who work in downtown Pittsfield. Linda and I had scallop sandwiches.
We were in this area because we were asked to bring some Irish Sister City pictures which are going into a display case in City Hall. All of our sister cities will be represented in this display case.

Speaking of Sister Cities, a friend and I will be picking up the Mayor, and a Bishop from our Italian Sister City next Friday. We are not sure what airport which they will be arriving at because their current plans have them flying from Washington, D.C. To Logan. We are trying to get them to change this flight to either Albany, New York or Bradley International in Connecticut which is much closer to Pittsfield.

We went from City Hall to a nearby CVS. Linda wanted to make some updated pictures of our grandchildren. She is a master of those machines which can be found at CVS and Walmart. Only one of the three machines was available. After an a hour or so of selecting her most favorite pictures, she gets them printed. When we arrived home, not all of the pictures were in the packet. She calls CVS, and they can't find them. Could some stranger have been given the pictures of our beautiful grandchildren?

While she goes back to redo the pictures at some point today, I will be working that fund raiser at the ITAM today. My services in the kitchen are not required until after 2:30 PM today.

A friend was chatting with Linda on the telephone yesterday and asked why I keep picking on Linda quite often in my emails. Well, I got punished for doing so yesterday. I bumped into the garbage at the end of the driveway while going to our first adventure. Let me say I got distracted because a garbage truck was directly across the street at the time. I also put out the incorrect recycle material to. I put out bottles and cans, but it was paper pick up this week.

Observation -- I didn't see any news which jumped out at me today, but I started thinking about sports after football when the Super Bowl ends next Sunday. I still have my Boston Bruins hockey team which won last night, and the Boston Celtics which appear to be playoff bound. Golf viewing has taken a hit after Tiger Woods story book life came to an agonizing end. Golf is one of those games where you can't rely on teammates when you are having a bad day. Golf is one of those sports which require you to have your head in the game. I am not sure if Tiger can return to his Number One Golfer in the World Status.
His failures go back to the biblical story of Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden of Eden, and when Eve tempted Adam with fruit from a tree. Tiger wasn't content sampling one piece of fruit. He sampled all the fruit on the tree, and now he is paying the consequences of his over indulgences.

Well I have to finish my morning routine, and go off to Retro Fitness. I will be there when the beautiful people will be there.
I also want to communicate with Kevin and see how much snow he got in North Tewksbury. If I was there, I would help him with snow removal.

Have a great Thursday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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