Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hello on Saturday After Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,

Linda and I did a little Black Friday shopping, but according to the Boston
Globe this morning, it wasn't the big day that retailers had hoped for. I must
admit that I predicted this result several days ago. Maybe , I should be a
member of Obama's cabinet.

We actually didn't leave the Brodeur home until noon time. Since they live so
close to the New Hampshire line, we shopped in the "Live Free or Die" state.
Most of the items which we purchased were for ourselves. We had no luck finding
those lighted wooden figurines. I have to figure out something so that Linda can
look out through the sliding glass doors to our deck, and see some hint of
A friend suggested to put some Christmas lights on the bushes which are 30
feet from the electrical outlet located on our deck. I can't run a wire from the
deck to these bushes because I snow blow paths to my bird feeders. Can you
visualize a wire getting caught up into the blades of a snow blower? I could
light myself up like a Christmas tree! Now that would be something to look at!

I decided to flip between the Boston Celtics and the Boston Bruins last night
while the other adults watched different programs on television in the Brodeur
family room. I was halfway through both sporting contests when I realized how
could the Boston Bruins be playing Hockey, and the Boston Celtics be playing
basketball at home at the same time at Boston Garden (actually TD North Garden)?
The Boston Bruins played their game in the afternoon while I was watching only
the Celtic Game live. I am really starting to lose it!

One of the stores we went into yesterday was Staples. We went in there to
purchase CD's which Linda uses to copy music. We left the store and came back in
because we forgot to ask a technical question about using our lap top away from
home. We are using an unsecured wireless remote signal from a person in the
neighborhood where we are staying. The signal keeps on going on and off as we
are checking and sending e-mail. We wanted to ask a salesperson how to get a
wireless signal similar to way you can use a phone card. I looked around for an
unoccupied sales person. I sent Linda to a person who looked like he was from
India. This was a big mistake! He seemed to know what he was talking about, but
there seemed to be a language barrier. Linda pretty much couldn't understand a
word he was saying, and it wasn't the technical stuff that confused her.

If Linda has an urge to go Mall shopping today, I think that I will stay at the
Brodeur home and act like a slug. I will have plenty of college football to keep
me entertained. I think that there might even be a Boston Sports' team in action
this evening.
I also can prepare my gear for the football game on Sunday. I am thinking wet
toward the middle and end of the game (4:15 PM start). The forecast is still for
temperatures to be in the low forties at the start of the game which is great
football weather.

The Boston Globe was full of articles about bombings, and killings throughout
the world. "Man's inhumanity to man" is unbelievable. Is there some kind of a
happy drugs which we can put into the water of these crazy and angry people so
that we can stop the bloodshed?

On a happier note, one of the people around the Thanksgiving Day table at the
Brodeur's work at TD Bank North in the Boston area which is where our pension
checks get deposited. We have been with this bank since we got married in 1971.
The name has changed about 10 times. I think that the most recent change is to
TD North. As long as the way they service accounts remains the same, we will
stick with them.

Have a great Saturday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hello on Thanksgiving Day

Dear Friends

We had a pleasant day at the Brodeur home on Wednesday. It took several hours of chopping and dicing before I was able to take a nap.
The side dishes, which will be served at the Thanksgiving Table, will have texture to them. The mashed potatoes and turnips (which only two people like) are the only vegetables that you could consume if you had a teeth issue.

The first set of guests arrived on Wednesday around 3 PM. By the time that we chatted, had munchies, and eventually sat down to the pre Thanksgiving dinner, there were 10 people at the table. When supper was over, including dessert, I decided to watch some sporting contests. A few minutes after I sat in a comfortable chair, I proceeded to fall asleep. My snoring didn’t wake anyone up because the room that I was in was away from all the action.

Yes, I did get into a discussion of politics by asking one question. I didn’t even mention the word Democrat or Republican, Obama, Hillary, etc. I asked two of the guests, who are in their late 20’s and early 30’s, who they voted for in the Presidential Elections. This is all that it took to get a political conversation going. These two male guests are the sons of the only two Republican voting people at the dinner table last night. The other guests, who will be arriving after 11AM this morning, all voted for Obama. I can feel a political discussion once again, but maybe I will let someone else get it started.

A friend, who lives in a town just outside of Pittsfield, narrowly escaped from his house being blown up. It was one of those Propane tank explosions. The fire marshals are surmising that there was a leak in the basement, and the gas built up. A flick of a light switch is probably all that it took to set off the explosion.

Didn’t you just love the story of the guy in Leavenworth, Kansas who tried to steal an ATM Machine with a stolen fork lift? He uses the fork lift to dislodge the ATM machine from its location. He decides to drop the ATM machine down a 50 foot ravine with the hopes that it would open up. The thief is so dumb that fork lift tumbles down in the ravine and lands on top of the guy. The ATM, and the man both survive. The thief will be spending many years in the Fort Leavenworth Federal Prison.

Just before we left the Berkshires, there was a letter to the editor in our local newspaper about the joy of having a Toufu Turkey. The person was also touting the Vegetarian life style. Thanksgiving just wouldn’t be the same without a real Turkey.
Even the first setters to this continent had meats and vegetables on their tables.

The one, non militant vegetarian, who was supposed to be joining us, would have been impressed the many vegetable oriented side dishes which we prepared for her and the rest of the guests. She decided to stay in Washington, D.C. to study for some tests which she has early next week. She is studying to be a doctor.

Well, what can I say, it is Thanksgiving Day. In a few short hours the 27 pound bird will be going in our friend’s convection oven. There is nothing like the wonderful smells which will be permeating the house in no time at all. Toufu just doesn’t seem to have that same effect. I am stuffed just thinking about how stuffed that I am going to be.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. If you have to be on the roads, drive carefully.
Try and make that warm and fuzzy feeling last all year long.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hello on Wednesday Morning

Dear Friends,

I must make a correction about one of the two babies born on November 24, 2008.
My niece had a boy, and not a girl. Linda and I stopped at Berkshire Medical
Center, and saw that bundle of joy before we headed east on Tuesday.

I am sending this e-mail from our friend's home in Tewksbury. We had a pleasant
day with them on Tuesday. I even had time to weave in a long nap before supper.
Even though I send an e-mail almost every day, we can always find something to
talk about. My seemingly "tell all" e-mails always have some information which I
do leave out.

Seven more friends and family will be with us this evening, some of whom are
staying over at the Brodeur home. There will be much fun and merriment before
this day is over.

After breakfast, and when everyone is totally awake. We will start chopping,
dicing, etc. in preparation for Thanksgiving Day. I think that the last count,
which is subject to change, is 17 people around the table. It will be another
day of great fun.
Kevin and Kyla, our son and daughter-in-law , will be with us too.

I love any Holiday as long as I am surrounded by people who too want to have a
good time. One of my tasks on Thanksgiving is to keep Jerry's 88 year old dad
entertained. Yes, he still drives, and he will making the hour or so trip from
his home in New Hampshire. God Bless him!
My father is 3 years younger than the senior Brodeur, but I am not sure if I
want him driving on roads like Route 495, or Route 93 in this end of the State.

Linda and I were impressed with the Brodeur 50 inch HD television which they
purchased a few months ago. The Brodeur's are electronically challenged, and
have yet to learn all the potential in running the cable box, and the remote
device. They have a surround sound system, but they don't know how to hook it up
to the television. I am betting some of the youngsters who will be with us over
the next few days can hook it up in no time at all.

Politics -- Obama and his cabinet are going to put forth a way to get the
economy jump started. I am really hoping and praying that whatever they propose
is successful. The" Limbaugh type" talking heads won't have much to talk about
if the Democrats are lucky to pull it off.
If Obama' platform of "Change" really happens, maybe the Republican voters
will vote Democratic in the next Presidential election. Yeah Right!

Have a great Thanksgiving Day celebration whomever you are with.
If you are alone, you can volunteer to work one of those "Serve the needy" in
your town or neighboring community.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

My parent visit on Monday went well. I made some turkey soup using the carcass of a turkey breast which my mother cooked the other day. Dear old Mom doesn't have the strength in her arms anymore to even slice the turkey.
During every visit, she tells me to do everything you can physically and mentally do right now. She advised me to keep busy, and enjoy life because there will be a time when most of the good times will come to an end (or at least slow down).

On a happier note, my sister and her husband became grand parents once again. Their daughter Missy had a baby girl during the early evening. Linda and I are going to make a quick visit before we head east this morning.
Our Dalton friends also became grand parents for the first time around noon yesterday. Their son and his wife live in Atlanta. Our friends drove to Atlanta, and they arrived a day before the birth. How about that for timing?
I am guessing that my friends are going to have a real difficult time when they have to leave next week, and head back to the Berkshires. They will be like Linda and I because they will be long distance grandparents.
I also know that if we lived closer to our grandchildren, we would be volunteering to babysit every chance that we could get.

I have been thinking about Thanksgiving for days now.To me this is like opening day of one of my professional sports' teams which I follow. I get really psyched for the big event. I liked being surrounded by people who get that warm and fuzzy feeling just like I do when the umpire says: "Play Ball".
It could be the first Patriot home game of the season. Visualize being in the stands (65,000 people strong) with people in the row in front of us, and behind us who are the same people year after year. It is like being at the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day.

My meeting in the afternoon on Mondsay went well. As I surmised, the coach of a local kids' rugby team want to play some games in Ireland , a couple of which he would like to play in our Irish Sister City. You know what that means: "Fundraisers".

I came home in between my parent visit, and my meeting with the rugby coach. The telephone rings just as Linda is coming out of the shower. One of her friends needed a knitting consult immediately. I say immediately because the lady was in a yarn store trying to purchase yarn, and bamboo needles of a certain size. Linda asked if she had a coupon for the store which she was in. The answer was : "No". Towel wrapped Linda went looking for some coupons. Linda sent me to the store to deliver the coupons.
The saga continues. I had two coupons, but the rule is one coupon per person. I had to go through the checkout line with one of the two purchases. Now this sounds simple enough, but there is always a story. I had walked back to where the lady picked up the yarn in one isle, and the needles in another isle. She couldn't find the needles which she put down before she rushed outside of the store to greet me. Of course in the needle isle, there were no more #6 Bamboo needles. Franny to the rescue. I retraced the woman's steps, and I found the needles semi buried in the yarn pile. Linda always dislikes it when she has to get involved in my projects. Well, "What goes around, comes around" as the saying goes.

Finish packing, load up the car with luggage, and home baked food, visit my niece in the maternity ward, drop off something at my parents' home in Lee, all takes place before we get on the Massachusetts Turnpike and head East today.

Well, I have to do some quiet chores.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hello on Monday Morning


Life is good!
Our Sunday went as planned. The making of the 500 lunches by my UNICO brothers
(no sisters helped out with this project) for Diocese Youth Day went very well.
We made 100 more sandwiches than the day before, but we did so 10 minutes

I arrived back home just in time to help Linda with her baking project. She
made so many wonderful desserts that it would have taken too long to describe
them all. We were going to put the completed desserts in the screened in room on
the deck since it has been like a refrigerator outside for a week or so, but I
had a fear that creatures like bears, raccoons, etc. would have had a feast last
evening. The room on the deck has screens , but no windows. Also, I have been
feeding the birds for the past couple of weeks, and the bears haven't gone into
their hibernation cycle yet. The bears could get to those desserts with one
swipe of their paws.

I even had some time between the mixing, stirring, and cleaning up to watch the
Patriots defeat the Miami Dolphins. Matt Cassel, the back up quarterback for the
Patriots, played like a seasoned veteran for a second week in a row.
After this win I am really psyched for the November 30, 2008 against the
Steelers in Foxboro. Our son , Kevin, and I will have a great time at the 4:15
PM game. I am just hoping that there is no precipitation at game time. It should
be in the 40 degree range when the game starts.

Our social calendar is light today since we have to pack for our Thanksgiving
I do have have two items on my social agenda, but I think Linda has none.

I am going to make a quick visit to my parent's home in Lee this morning.

I will be putting on my Irish hat for a 2 PM meeting with the coach of a
local kids' Rugby Team who wants to travel to our sister city, Ballina , Ireland
during the April school vacation in 2009.
I am anticipating that the coach and his team will need a lot of fundraiser
help. The prices for flights are at their highest during school vacations.

Politics -- I once again say give the President elect and his Cabinet a chance
to do their job. The fault finders will have plenty of time to put in their "Two
cents" if Obama's promise of "Change" doesn't happen.
McCain, the supposed Maverick, didn't offer too many rays of hope when he ran
his campaign. The Bush / Cheney legacy didn't help the Republican cause either.
Gore wasn't helped by Bill Clinton's trysts during his governorship, and while
Bill was in the White House.
Oops! I did it again. Politics and the Holidays aren't a good mix unless I am
surrounded by Liberal Democrats, or people who have lost their jobs, or seniors
trying to survive on Social Security checks, or retirees depending on 401 K's to
supplement their pensions, or people trying to find affordable health care
options, etc.

Have a great work week even though it might be a short one. Enjoy your
Thanksgiving with family and friends. Don't over eat! Yeah Right!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello on Sunday Morning

Dear Friends,

Sometime people might think that I am not telling the truth, but Linda and I had another pleasant day in the Berkshires.
Even though the temperatures never reached the 30 degree mark all day long, we just make believed that it was a warm and summery day in the Berkshires.

The sandwich making event went well on Saturday. We had a great crew putting together those 400 bag lunches, of either turkey, ham, or vegetarian. My UNICO brothers and sisters do a repeat performance at 8 AM this morning, but today we are making 500 sandwiches.
One of my UNICO brothers brought a bottle of his home made Grappa. A little touch in our coffee warmed a little more that our hearts.

I did come home and take a nap after the sandwich making since we were attending that Folk Singing concert in the evening. The musicians played for free to help raise money for a local charity.
Another couple and Linda & I did also have a great meal at a downtown eatery. I felt that were like the Blue Hair crowd since we sat down at 5:15 PM in the restaurant.We had to eat early so that we didn't have to rush to the 7 PM concert.
I must admit that the concert was wonderful. Besides the Guthrie Family performance, Bobby Sweet, and his band played for the second half of the show.
I was so glad that Linda has to sometimes force me to go to these shows. Most of the time I end up really enjoying the concert , and the friends whom we meet at the show.
If any of you Berkshire people missed the concert, the organizers and musicians decided to make it an annual event.
As the Arlo Guthrie's daughter Sarah, and her husband, and their 4 year old daughter were up on stage at one point, I was pondering the artistic talent that we had, and continue to have in the Berkshires. We had Normal Rockwell living in a neighboring town which now includes the Norman Rockwell museum. We have had Herman Mellville (who wrote "Moby Dick" while in the Berkshires), Edith Wharton (who mansion is a tourist destination), Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Taylor and his talented family, and Arlo Guthrie lives in the Berkshires (and has a recording studio), Arlo's children live in the Berkshires too, the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra is at Tanglewood, and the list goes on and on.
We have had great inventors create things in the Berkshires. Pittsfield is home of Lexan. The paper that they use for making the currency for the United States is made 5 miles from our home in Dalton, Massachusetts.
Of course, you have those talented people like Linda and I who hopefully made an impact on the lives of many children during our teaching career.

The Berkshires are fiercely Democratic when it comes to voting. Oops, I said that I was going to keep away from politics for the Thanksgiving holidays. Yeah right!

My New England Patriots play in Miami today. I am hoping that they fair better than the beating that the Dolphins gave them at Gillette Stadium a couple of months ago. My friend and I left that game early as we saw "The Handwriting on the Wall" before the fourth quarter even started.

While I am doing my thing this morning, and after Linda reads the newspaper, she will be doing some baking. I should be arriving home just in time to stir the ingredients.

We have been taking the gin soaked golden raisins. I am not sure if Linda's arthritis in her hands (which she uses for knitting) is getting any better. Eating 9 raisins at a time has been very difficult to do. It is like eating a handful of nuts. Can anyone of a sound mine just eat nine nuts? I know that I can't!

Well, I have to conclude this rambling e-mail. One of the songs last night was about telling a person who talks too much to "Shut up" because it turns his "ears black and blue." Linda loved the song, I think that she might buy the band's "CD' that they were selling, and play it when I walk in the door.
I thought wives like it when their husbands communicate with them. I must be the exception to the rule!

Have a great Sunday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hello on Saturday Morning

Dear Friends,

It was another quiet day for the Curley's.
Linda's retiree breakfast went well except one of the participants forgot to show up. They had to call her at home, and she did eventually show up. This friend even enlisted a new retiree to join their once a month breakfasts.
I am amazed how many people never write anything down in appointment books, or on calendars.

Linda went from the breakfast to a body maintenance appointment.

While she was doing her thing, I was doing mine. My first stop was to a friend's restaurant to make sure that all the ingredients for the sandwich making for today and tomorrow had been procured.

I had time to take an hour nap before I headed off to my retiree gathering at 3 PM. Some of the usual suspects didn't show up probably because they didn't write the date and time on their calendar at home. The organizer of the gathering forgot to invite certain people too.
As I left this gathering, we scheduled another one for Friday, December 19 at a different restaurant. Maybe these group of guys need to be sent a post card as a reminder. No , I am not the recording secretary of this group.

Well, I have to send some other e-mails.
I am picking up at friend at 7:50 AM who will be helping with the sandwich making.
Have a great weekend. The Curley Lad

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hello on Thursday Morning

Dear Friends,

Linda had a wonderful time in New York City with three of her girlfriends. She
said that it was a bit brisk in the City because of the cool temperatures and
the wind. She said the play that they went to was about three hours long (which
is a bit long for the Curley Lad). "It was really, really good" were her exact
words. Of course, I forgot what the name of the play was. I think that her and
her girlfriends are pondering another trip to New York.

I finally returned to raking leaves. I was the only person doing so at 8:30
AM. I am still raking a neighbor's leaves two doors north and two doors south
from the Curley home. Do you think that they are thanking me as they drive by
when I am slaving away?

I did a whole bunch of errands, before ending up at my UNICO friend's Italian
Restaurant to discuss how we are going to make 400 sandwiches on Saturday, and
400 Sandwiches on Sunday for the Diocese Youth event which is going to be held
at St Joseph's Catholic High School. Making sandwiches sounds like an easy task.
Not !
It is turning out to be a costly event even though my friend got the best deal
for all of the sandwich ingredients through his wholesaler agent.

Politics -- I like leadership roles, but being the President of the United
States would not be one of them. They showed some pictures of Bill Clinton, one
of my most favorite Presidents, and boy has he aged. His hair is white like a
person who in in their 80's, but he is the same age as the rest of us baby
I am trying to visualize what Obama will look like four years from now. The
Presidency makes you age faster than if Mother Nature was in charge.
I am trying to figure out how Obama is going to attack the many issues which
are before him. The list seems endless.
The financial bailout has so many people lined up for a handout. One of our
local banks is asking for a handout even though they are not in financial
trouble. What is wrong with this picture?
Somalia- Piracy on the high seas - Seeking ransom for the ship which the
pirates have seized. I say have the military blast them out of the water before
they capture any ship. After showing the pirates that we mean business, then let
the negotiation process begin. This might be another group of people who need a
lesson in how democracy works.
Gasoline Prices-- Can someone tell my how and why I am paying $2.14 per gallon
at the pump around here when it was around $4.00 a gallon a few months ago?
Christmas Shopping -- Is anybody out there shopping except for us grandparents
who will still spoil our grandchildren no matter how bad the economy really is?

I am thinking that there will be endless bargains after Christmas which doesn't
bode well for Holiday sales. I am thinking that "Black Friday" might be a "Red
Friday" as more red ink flows instead of the black ink.

Thanksgiving -- I love this Holiday! Besides the food, I like being surrounded
by happy people. I am going to try and stay away from discussing politics
especially since there will be some staunch Republicans at the home where we
will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Yeah Right!
There will be several octogenarians around the table, and I can't wait to hear
their take on the Presidential elections, economy, health care, and conflicts
around the globe.

Our social calendar is free today, but I am already thinking of things to keep
Linda busy. She hates it when I do this, but she will get over it.

I have to make a list of the clothes which I have to pack for our trip East
for Thanksgiving. One set of clothes is for the November 30 Patriot Home game
which I am attending with our son Kevin. A 4:15 PM football game calls for a
different set of clothes compared to a 1 PM game. Also, I have to pack clothes
with the possibility of rain / and or snow. I might even put in my battery
operated socks to keep my feet warm.

Have a great Thursday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

My Monday almost went as planned. A trip to the Greylock Credit Union was my first stop of the day. I had to drop some bills and receipts off to our UNICO Treasurer who is also a loan officer at the institution.
Next, I met my sister and my mother for Mom's appointment. It was with one of those "Dr. Phil" type of doctor's. Everything went well.

The afternoon appointment for my father was canceled and postponed to a later date. I was actually kind of nervous that my father had to eat a light breakfast, and then fast until 2 PM when he was scheduled for an ultrasound. I didn't think that he could physically make it from breakfast to the ultrasound without eating. I had fear that we would be picking him up off the ground. The rescheduled appointment is for 8:30 AM which is a much better time for the procedure.

Linda didn't exactly have the free day that she had planned. She loved it when I went for an afternoon nap.

Linda made a wonderful Italian Risotto in the crock pot to go a long with some leftover beef. It takes only two hours in the crock pot, and it was so creamy and delicious. I was getting tired of the boring brown or white rice which we get at a Chinese takeout.

I have a pot roast going right now in the crock pot on low. We are doing the one of the recipes which I shared with my readers which has the ingredients of: 1 pack of dry soup mix, 10 or 12 crumbled ginger snaps, and one can of regular cola (or 1.5 cans of diet soda), and the pot roast. I will do my carrots , onions, and potatoes in a separate pan.

Linda is off playing MahJongg with her normal Tuesday group. I have to attack the leaves which I didn't do yesterday because it was too windy.

I have a new gadget which I am learning how to master. I have a device called a Rotodent . It is a rotary tooth brush system. It is not one of those "Water Pick " devices. If I use it properly, I might not develop the great quantities of plaque which I have every time I go for my 6 month check up.
The first time that I used it caused quite a mess in the bathroom. I wasn't using common sense when I tried it for the first time. I put tooth paste on the brush, and turned the device "On". Well, you can visualize the tooth paste flying off the brush, and hitting everything in sight. I spent more time cleaning up than I did brushing my teeth.
I have to remember a three step procedure so that I don't make a mess: Put tooth paste on the brush, put the tooth paste laden brush on my teeth in my mouth, and then push the "On" button. I am getting good at the three step procedure, but I do mess up every once in a while. Linda bought me a container of "Handiwipes" just in case!

As I left my mother's Doctor's appointment, I was thinking that I could be like a Doctor Phil. The discussion was basically not to dwell on the past, and don't get hung up on the trivial stuff, and do things in life which make for a happy relationship as we grow older.
Also, when you have been married, or in a relationship with someone for a long time, give up trying to change that person. The doctor said to be kind to one another, and try and avoid saying mean things about one another. He stressed that separation for few hours at a time is good for a relationship. For a husband and wife to be together
24 / 7 for 365 days per year was a breeding ground for trouble. You don't have to tell me that!

All this goes back to the themes in many of my e-mails. Enjoy every moment that you are on this earth. Laugh at yourself, and life in general. Do you want your epitaph to read " The person who was always right", or the person who "Nagged her / his partner to the grave?" Life is Good", but take time to enjoy it!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hello on Sunday Morning

Dear Friends,

My two hours of volunteering in the kitchen turned into 3 hours. We found out what we were preparing in the kitchen when my crew arrived at 10 AM.
There was a big cross town rivalry football game between St. Joseph's Catholic High School, and Pittsfield High School. The Catholic High School wanted us to prepare Macaroni Salad and Sloppy Joe's for 100 Alumni for a 7 PM affair. We accomplished that task, cleaned the kitchen, located in the school cafeteria, and left by 1 PM.

Linda decided to go to a craft's fair, and do a little recreational shopping with a friend while I was doing my thing.

I was able to squeeze in a power nap before went off to our evening adventure. We had a wonderful meal at a restaurant on the Pittsfiled / Lenox road that we have never eaten before except for the couple whom we were with. The food was prepared by a female Chinese chef who came out to see if we enjoyed the food. She stressed that all the ingredients were fresh, and contained no MSG. All of the different dishes which we had were absolutely wonderful. Yes, we would go to that restaurant again, and bring more of our friends.

The Rock & Roll Fundraiser at the Colonial Theater was also superb. We have been to many of these shows performed by local people before. I was a little hesitant about going because they are often so similar. Well, this one wasn't! The performance lasted for 3 hours (which is a bit long for me), but it was different enough to keep me awake until about 11 PM which is when it ended. If they ever did a repeat performance, I might consider going again. This is from a person who would normally be home watching a top college football game on a Saturday night!

In a few short hours , I will be off to the Masonic Temple volunteering for another event. My UNICO brothers & sisters will be putting on a Pasta Dinner for the local Special Olympics organization from 1 to 4 PM.

I have to leave at noon to go home and take a quick shower and head off to a UNICO Baseball Hall of Fame dinner / membership meeting. Linda is coming with me, but we are taking separate cars. A cocktail period takes place one hour before the 2 PM dinner. The awards part of the ceremony takes place after the meal.

If I still am not exhausted, I could attend a monthly meeting of the Italian American Club at 6:30 PM. They are nominating officers for next year. I am not volunteering for any jobs since I am already President of two other organizations, and a recording secretary for a third one.

When a front finally pushes through, we are in for several days of temperatures not getting out of the 30's. I am ready for winter even though some of my friends aren't. I never wore a jacket last evening to the restaurant or the theater, and it is the middle of November.

I watched some of Saturday Live, and I wasn't impressed with what I saw. Linda recorded it, so I will finish watching it today.

I am going to read the local newspaper before I begin the activities for the day.

> Have a great Sunday.
> Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hello on Saturday Morning

Dear Friends
Our doctor's appointment went well on Friday. The doctor (we have the same Primary Care guy) told Linda that she is fine.
The doctor sent me for a lumbar X-ray. We will see if the picture can find any abnormalities.

After the medical stuff we went to see the new James Bond movie. Our newspaper had given it a two star rating. The ratings were on the mark. I would advise people to wait to see it when it comes out on a DVD.

We went to the Shamrock for some seafood last evening. None of our friends were available so we sort of went on a date.

I watched the Boston Celtics go down to defeat in their own house while Linda watched some reruns and some of her favorite live shows.

I am heading off to do some volunteering from 10 AM until noon today. My UNICO brothers and sisters will be doing a little food preparation for a St. Joseph's Alumni gathering. I am not sure what the food preparation is, but a bunch of Italians in a kitchen is a great deal of fun. I am not sure who will be the general in the kitchen today, but everybody wants to be a leader at some point.

This evening we are doing dinner, and a show with another couple. The show is a Jimmy Fund fundraiser. It will be some local people performing a Rock and Roll themed event. I will need to squeeze in an afternoon nap so that I can make it through the dinner and the show.

Politics -- It seems like a lot of different groups are in line for a financial bail out. Do I detect a little hint of a Socialist type of government?
I can't wait for Saturday Night Live. Our politicians give the comedians a lot of raw material to work with each week!

Shopping -- I was thinking about how people are not flocking to the stores buying things. Linda and I have been in discussion with family members about skipping, or at least decreasing the number of Christmas gifts which we usually give each other. Belt tightening may not be a bad thing.
Us Americans are notorious for spending beyond our means, and then try and getting out from under that debt. Maybe we can go through some of our buckets in our garage, and find some gifts.
Re-gifting might be a tactic that we may use this Christmas. I say this in jest because I know Linda really likes the hunt for the perfect gift. She enjoys creating a list, clipping coupons, and battling the crowds in the small stores, and Malls. Usually, she comes home from her shopping adventures exhausted, but down deep she loves it.
Speaking of coupons, Macy's ( and many retail stores) are experiencing a downturn in sales. You can find a Macy's coupon in our local newspaper, or in the mail on an almost daily basis, but did you ever try and use the coupon. The restrictions in the fine print of the coupon don't allow you to get any discount at all.
Maybe gifts this year should be in the form of gift cards for grocery stores, pharmacies, retail stores, restaurants, fuel for heating homes, auto repair shops, etc.
I am all for this kind of gift giving, are you?

We are in for some rain today in the Northeast, but don't let that dampen your spirits.
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hello on Wednesday Morning

Dear Friends,

My head hit the pillow a little after 9:30 PM last night. I was exhausted
from all the stuff which I did on Tuesday. I started off the day doing errands.
I guess I am starting to realize that going out for specific items can be
very time consuming. I had to go to three different stores to get three
different items. I like to go to one store and find everything that I am looking
for. Well, it didn't happen for me yesterday!
I had to go to Job Lots for the least expensive sardines. Sardines are one of
those foods which are good for male health. I am not allowed to eat the
sardines in front of Linda because the smell makes her want to gag. I love them.
The Golden Raisins are not for baking. Linda is going to try one of those
natural cures for arthritis. You take a handful of Golden Raisins, and soak them
in gin for 24 hours, and then eat the gin loaded raisins. I contend the gin
makes you forget about the pain from arthritis. Many people claim the arthritis
pain is very much alleviated with this raisin and gin concoction. I prefer my
gin with tonic water and a lime wedge. In a future e-mail , I will tell you if
this homeopathic remedy works like people says it does.

Linda went to her usual Tuesday Mahjongg session after a morning hair

I went from errands to the Italian American Club to help my UNICO brothers
and sisters prepare for a Pasta Dinner fund raiser. I set up tables, and chopped
and diced vegetables for salad before I had to leave for our next adventure.

Linda and I took separate cars to the Pittsfield Irish Sister City Annual
meeting. I forgot that she also had her Monthly BONCO session at a friend's
house which she went to as the dinner party ended.
The covered dish affair was wonderful. There were 15 of us at a friends home.
I chose to sit with 9 women at the dinning room table. I shared some of our
crock pot recipes with them. They all wanted me to come to their houses, and
cook some food for them. I do assume that it was to cook food only!
Speaking of crock pot recipes, I just got through filling up the crock pot
with a soup concoction. Linda bought this Slow Cooker Gourmet Soup in a box
during one of her shopping adventures. Today's soup is called New York Italian
Deli Bean Soup Mix. The spice packet has salt free ingredients. The recipe on
the box requires three ingredients: Zucchini, Chicken, 15 oz can of diced
tomatoes, plus the beans in the box. We like soups which are a meal in itself.
So I added some onions, carrots, celery, and parsnips. About 30 minutes before
we eat, Linda will put in some of that mini Colavita macaroni. Some grated
cheese, and some Italian bread to soak up all those juices, and there is your

I forgot to mention that I violated the rule about being quiet while Linda
was sleeping. It was so hard to chop and dice vegetables quietly. The knife
hitting the cutting board was like the noise of a woodpecker when everything is
still in the woods. I am in the quiet mode right now. I think that she fell back
to sleep. I hope so. A tired and grumpy wife doesn't make for a pleasant day.

I have to attend a funeral service at a funeral home at 9:30 AM this morning
for the father of one of our UNICO members.
After the funeral service, I am going to make a grocery run for my
tailgating food for the Thursday night Patriot Game.
The rest of the day, I will be at Linda "beck and call". I will be moving
some of those plastic buckets which have Christmas related stuff in them. These
aren't the decoration set of buckets which are in the garage. I think that today
I will be moving only ten or 12 buckets (with my not so good back).

Well, I hope that you all have a great Wednesday.
Finish your outdoor activities today because Thursday is supposed to be a
rainy day including while I am at the Patriot Game on Thursday night.

Hello on Friday Morning

Dear Friends,

I am a bit tired from the Patriot Game last evening. It was mentally
exhausting with overtime and all. Even though the Patriots did lose, us fans
really found out that we have a pretty good replacement for Tom Brady. It does
hurt that the Jets beat us in our own stadium, but time will tell if we can make
it to the playoffs.
Linda's programs had ended so she watched the end of the Patriot Game
including the overtime. She was all excited telling me about what she saw on
television. Could she becoming a wife who likes football?

Linda just left for a routine doctor's appointment, and I have one a 10:10 AM
with the same primary care guy about my back problems. My problem is manageable
with drugs, but I don't know for how long. I am guessing he will send me off for
an MRI to see what is going on.

Leaves -- As I was driving to my parents yesterday to drop off some of that
Crock pot soup, I started to notice leaves. I have a neighbor a few doors north
of us who decided to rake the leaves, and surround the base of some of his trees
with leaves instead of bagging them up. Well, you know what happens when the
wind blows. All the leaves are starting to cover my property. I thought I did a
great job of raking up, and bagging leaves. My lawn was in pristine, and in a
leave free condition, but now it needs some work. I think that I am going to run
over the leaves with a lawn mower until they are pulverized. I am done bagging
leaves especially since that are not even from my trees.

I am not sure what is going on with our social calendar, but I do know that we
are booked in for Saturday evening, and Sunday afternoon.

Well, have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Hello on Thursday


Linda and I spent a pleasant day together after I went off to a morning wake /
funeral service as well as a grocery run to pick up tailgating food.

I thought that the funeral service started at 9:30 PM according to the obituary
in the local newspaper. I arrived a little after 9 AM, and there was no one in
the funeral home parking lot except for the hearse, and a couple of limousines.
I asked an attendant if I was at the correct place, and he said "Yes". I walked
into the funeral home to view the body, and there wasn't one family member
After a few minutes, I saw a couple of non family members arrive to pay their
last respects. The family finally arrived around 9:15 AM.

I did some outdoor chores, one of which was to replenish the bird feeders. The
Chickadees showed up faster than I could complete the task. I am working on
getting the birds to eat out of my hand.

Soon after my outdoor chores were done, I went in the house to help Linda with
those buckets. I hauled 12 buckets out of the furnace / storage area so that
Linda could go through them. We ended up with 10 buckets when she was done. She
is getting much better of letting go of items.

How appropriate was the Oprah Winfrey show on Wednesday because the theme was
getting rid of clutter in the homes and apartments!

I am all packed for the Patriot Game except for food and beverages. I am
picking up my friend at 1:30 PM so that we can arrive in Foxboro 4 hours before
the start of the game. It won't be a heavy down pour as we are tailgating. The
heavy rain is supposed to occur toward the end of the game.

I think that Linda has an empty social calendar today. It will be really empty
when I leave the house.

If I didn't have the game tonight, I would be working another pasta dinner.
This one is for a sports team from the high school which I taught at. The event
is taking place at the St. Mark's Parish Hall / School. We have worked many
fundraiser out of St. Mark's. It is nice to have a UNICO member who is also the
Pastor of this Church and school.

The gin & raisin remedy for arthritis hasn't started yet for Linda. You have
to let the mixture soak for a week. You eat 9 raisins at a time. One of the
people on this e-mail list said that his mother tried the recipe, and he said it
didn't work on the 94 year old woman. Linda is over 30 years younger than this
woman. I say give it a chance!

The crock pot soup was so yummy for supper last evening. I might drop some off
for my mother this morning after the freezing rain turns to all rain.

While in the car yesterday, I tried listening to the talking heads like Rush
Limbaugh, Sean Hanity, etc. The discussion on their programs now is about how
Obama is going to fail as President.

I also heard a story of a woman who decided she wanted to join the Klu Klux
Klan. Part way through the process, she told the powers to be that she wanted
out of the Klu Klux Klan. They shot and killed her.
Her killers got caught because they went to a hardware store , and asked how to
get blood off of their clothes.

Well, I hope everyone has a great Thursday. Don't let a little East Coast rain
dampen your plans.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

Monday went as planned.

My visit with my parents was semi okay.
If my pension can't keep pace with inflation, I decided how I can make a few extra bucks. I am going to start a cleaning business tailored to the needs of senior citizens. I am trying to decide what to call the business. How about: " Fran the Man Clean and Swish service." Sociailzation and cooking meals are extra for a nominal fee.
After three hours with my parents yesterday, I called it quits. I was so wacky at the end of three hours, that I drove away with the hatch back door of my Subaru Legacy wagon totally open.
Luckily, the vacuum cleaner in the back of my car, didn't fall out as I rounded a corner a 1/4 mile from my parent's home. I thought I felt a wicked draft, and that the engine of cars and trucks of oncoming traffic was a bit noisy. I checked the windows, and they were all up. I looked in the review mirror, and I couldn't see anything but air.

Well things got better as the day progressed. Linda's car got fixed for $38. Yes, you heard that correctly. The brakes were okay. My honest auto repair guy said that car models like the Neon are notorious for having squeaky brakes even thought the brakes are in perfect working order. The sqeaking goes on and off.
He did find the bubble on the inside of one of the tires. He put that tire on the rear of the car, and said keep an eye on it. I told him that Linda drives the car in Berkshire County only, and that she never takes the car on roads like the Massachusetts Turnpike.
Can you imagine if we took the Neon car to any old auto repair place? They would have put brakes on the front and the back , and probably replaced all four tires. Linda and I would have been looking at least an $800 bill.

My UNICO Board Meeting went well. It took less than an hour. I have to have a fast meeting because there is one guy who can't wait to say: "Motion to adjourn" at any point during the meeting. We firmed up some of the dates, and workers for the multitude of volunteer activities we have coming up.

There is a pasta dinner this evening for 18 students who are going on a trip to Italy. I am helping out in the kitchen for a couple of hours this afternoon. The sauce is being prepared off site, but we will need people for salad preparation as well as for setting up the tables at the Italian American Club.

After a couple hours of work at the Italian American Club, I (& Linda too) am putting on my Irish hat. Linda and I are heading off to the Annual Pittsfield Irish Sister City covered dish meeting at a former member's home. There will be a great selection of different foods. It will be another evening of food, fun, and merriment. I might have a Guinness or two before the night is over.

I checked the forecast for the Thursday night football game at Gillette Stadium. There is a 50% chance of rain for the 8:30 PM kick off. I don't mind cool or darn right cold weather, but rain mixed in makes for a long evening.

I am going to stay away from Politics for a few days. My son from Kansas, and some liberals from Massachusetts were going back and forth with the Marijuana issue. Both people made some excellent points.
This is exactly why I send e-mails. I try and give you something to think about or something to laugh about each day. Isn't the ability to delete something wonderful?

How about "Gay Marriage" as something to think about? If two people of the same sex want to be together, they should have the same rights and privileges as a man and woman do when they get married. Yes, I can hear the naysayers who don't like these same sex couples to call it "Marriage". If you decide to be with a person for the rest of your life, and share in every aspect of a relationship, who cares if you call it "Marriage"?
To be able to be with someone for many years, and go through the joys and sorrows of such a relationship is such a challenge whether you are the same sex or different sex.
I also don't want to hear quotes from the Bible about what God said about this and that. Who wrote the Bible? Men. Some of those men dabbled in homosexual life styles. If you study history, some of the greatest heroes were in love with people of the same sex. Homosexuality is not just an American phenomena.
Maybe the Catholic Church ( and their celibacy rule for priests) would not have had so much trouble if they let their male priests enter a relationship whether it was with a female, or with a person of the same sex. My philosophy has always been:
"Man cannot live on bread alone!"

Well, you know were I stand.
What is your position? The Curley Lad

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hello on Monday Morning

Dear Friends,

My friends and I had a wonderful time at the New England Patriot football game. We once again had much food, fun, and merriment. The weather was spectacular for this time of the year.
We also had something to cheer about since the Patriots won the game, and knocked out a first place division rival.
They play a game on Thursday evening (8:30 PM) with a chance to knock out another division rival, the New York Jets. This is another home game, and yes, my friends and I will all be at the game.

Linda had a semi peaceful day for most of the day on Sunday. She left the house only to go out to supper with a couple of girlfriends. I used the word "semi " because the person who delivers the Sunday Boston Globe delivered the New York Times by mistake.
Linda didn't adjust to the mistake very well. As a matter of fact, she calls me as we were on the way to the game to asks me who delivers our Boston Globe. Well, we had a couple of different sets of names on the refigerator, and I couldn't remember which one was the current delivery person.
She knows that if I were home, I would have gone out a purchased a Boston Globe, and made her happy. See what I mean when I say that I bug her even when I am not at home.
She tried to solve the problem by calling the Boston Globe. They said that they were sorry for the mistake, and the paper would be delivered in 90 minutes. It didn't happen!

My social calendar has two items on it today. I am going off to my parents to do a few things for them this morning.
I also have to run a UNICO board meeting at 6 PM this evening at the Italian American Club.

Speaking of UNICO, I also have to find out how the pasta fundraiser went on Sunday when I was at the game. I will find our for sure at the Board meeting.

We are functioning with one car for a portion of the day since Linda's car it getting some brake work done. This might be a stressful situation.

Politics -- There was an article in the local newspaper the other day that said that our Universal Health Care system in Massachusetts was rated number one in the Nation.
Our Health Care system might be a model for the nation! Can you believe that coming from such a liberal State.
So in Massachusetts, we won't go to jail if we get caught with an once or less of marijuana. We now don't allow dog racing in Massachusetts. We have a pretty good health care system. We we still have gay marriage.
Don't you just love it?

Guns -- How about all the people going out, and purchasing guns of all shapes and sizes in the fear that Obama is going to take away their guns? I might know a few liberals who like the shooting sports who would probably put up a good fight to make sure that this won't happen. Where is Charlton Heston when you need him?
There has to be a way to keep the crazy people and gangs from getting weapons without infringing on our constitution rights. The bad guys always seem to be able to get guns no matter what laws we have in place.

Taxes -- How about all the millionaire athletes wanting to settle contracts before the new administration takes office in fear that they will take a higher hit on their taxes? I still remember the athlete who was upset a while ago because he wanted to renegotiate his contract, and he was meeting resistance. His rational to renegotiate was that "He had to feed his family". Tell that to a retiree on a fixed income, and with 401 K which has lost half of its value.

Maybe the statement "Less in more" would be a good wake up call for our Nation. The city leaders, and the school committee used to use that statement when my wife and I were teachers. Could it be true?

Well, I still think "Life is good!"
We can work around all the twists and turns which are before us each day. Stop complaining, and enjoy your family, friends, and life in general.

Have a great week at work or play.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hello on Sunday Morning

Dear Friends,

It was a quiet day on Saturday for both Linda and I. I finished a book , and started another one.

Linda went to a crafts' fair for a couple of hours.
I overdosed on College Football as I started my book.

I gathered all my tailgating stuff for today's 1 PM Patriot game. They are playing the Buffalo Bills. There are many players on both teams who will be out because of injuries. My friend and I are not sure what we are going to see today. Of course , we think New England is going to come out a winner.
The menu for the tailgating is beef steak tips in a Teriyaki marinade. Our other friends, who never get there as early as we do, are bringing some Ginness Irish Beef Stew. Of course, we have the usual cheese and crackers, and we share food with the guys next to us in the parking lot. There will be a lot of food, beverages, and fun before we go into the stadium to actually watch the game.

I am not sure what the Queen is doing while am gone. She might go off to a place with a girlfriend an hour away called Trader Vick's and the Whole Food Market next door. For sure they will come home with some interesting goodies. The Whole Foods Market is where we get our Irish Bangers for the Pittsfield Ethnic Fair.

I am also going to drop off Linda's car at the auto mechanics on the way to the game. On Monday morning, they are going to replace the brakes, and a tire with a bubble in it.
We are trying to make that 1996 Neon last as long as possible.
Both cars are paid for, and we would like that situation to continue for a long time.

Of course , I am missing a fundraiser today. My UNICO brothers and sisters are preparing and serving a pasta dinner for a guy, who already passed away. The family decided to have the fundraiser because they are really hurting financially. The fundraiser will be at my ITAM Lodge.

There is also another fundraiser on Tuesday night at the Italian American Club for Italian Cultural Exchange Students. I am going to help prepare the food in the afternoon, but Linda and I have our Annual Irish Sister City covered dish affair at a former member's home. I am the recording secretary for the Irish Sister City organization, so my services are required.

People continue to ask: "What do you do during your retirement? Aren't you bored?".
I have trouble keeping straight all the things which I volunteer for. No moss grows under my feet.

Have a great Sunday! The Curley Lad

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hello on Saturday Morning

Dear Friends,

Hope that you all had a pleasant Friday whether at work or play.
All my tasks were accomplished, and I have Linda back home. Life is good (at least for me).

The guy from the assessors office was at our house at 9 AM to do a 1 minute walk through of our house. I did ask him if it was legal for me to refuse such a request. His answer was "Yes". He said the he had people slam the door, and verbally abuse him when he (and a crew of workers) did canvass neighborhoods during the spring and summer.

My doctor's appointment went okay. I am on Naproxen right now to reduce the inflammation around a disk in my lower back. It was the first day, in several days, that my legs did not ache when I laid in bed while trying to get a good night's sleep.

Naproxen is some strong stuff that messes up your liver so that I must be monitored. I am hoping that my back problems can be solved naturally, and without surgery. Time will tell!

We had a nice meal at a Vietnamese restaurant which is where we met our wives on their journey home from New York City. More people are going to this restaurant since one of the son's won one of those Top Chef's contests on national television. We discovered the food was great before any of the chefs became famous.

I think Linda's goal today is to have a day of peace and quiet. As most of you know that doesn't happen too much if I am around.

My most difficult task is to set the menu for tailgating before the 1 PM Patriot Game in Foxboro on Sunday. I also have to confirm whether our friend from Attleboro, who lives 20 minutes from the Stadium, is going to bring his turkey fryer or not. The menu changes when you have to select foods to fry as compared to foods that require grilling. I saw that steak tips were on sale at a local supermarket. I would think that grilled food would be a bit more healthy than food fried in peanut oil.

Speaking of Turkey Fryers devices, I saw that the oil for Turkey Fryers was on sale at Walmart. I suggested to Linda that I should purchase some oil, and try frying a turkey. One of my Italian friends, whom I was with the other day at the Pasta Fundraiser, said that he cooks two turkeys every Thanksgiving at his house. Everyone at their gathering prefers the one which is cooked in the turkey fryer instead of the oven.
Linda said "No" to me using my tag sale Turkey Fryer to cook a turkey. She thinks that I could be one of those people who burn down their garage, and / or house. I am only allowed to cook using water, or to use the Turkey Fryer to keep soups, and stews warm. Doesn't this sound like Linda is the mother, and I am the child? Sometimes the child doesn't listen to his mother!

I have enough college football games to keep me entertained from noon until midnight. My back issues will be a good excuse for me to go into "slug" mode. The rain in the Berkshires also will contribute to me being a "slug" today.

Some of my friends think that I drive like the senior citizen in the 80 year plus range. They told me that I should drive one of those big Lincolns or Cadillacs, and put a row of hats on the shelf below the rear window of the car so that they know that I am a senor driver. They told me to wear those sun glasses which people wear after cataract surgery so that they know that I will be driving slow. Yes, I stop at yellow lights. I come to a complete stop before turning right on red. I stop for people in crosswalks. I am just a cautious, and courteous driver!

Well, I have to get a second cup of coffee.
I am really going to try and be quiet. I am hoping that Linda gets a chance to sleep as long as she wants today. I will even have a telephone nearby so that I can pick it up on the first ring. Maybe I will finish reading a book. Isn't that a quiet activity?

Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hello on Friday Morning

Dear Friends,

Another day without Linda went well.
I better pick up some stuff around the house before she comes home a little after 7 PM.
Men don't see clutter like some women do.
We try and keep our house orderly so that if someone might happen to drop in, they could think that we cleaned the house just for them.

The pasta fundraiser went well. There were a little less than 100 people whom we served. There was much fun and merriment in the kitchen as we prepared the food. One of my UNICO brothers and sisters brought some of his recently bottled home made wine. He went home with several empty bottles.

I can't play golf with my senior buddies today since we have a person from the assessors office going through the interior of our house at 9 AM. Assess high, and tax more.
I legally don't have to let him in, but I don't want to have to file for an abatement if they make the assessment too high because I denied him access. Linda told me to keep my big mouth shut as the person goes from room to room.

I also have a doctor's appointment at 1 PM. Hopefully, my back issues will be addressed. I didn't sleep well last night, and it wasn't the red wine.

Today is my father's birthday. He is now 85 years old.
I might go and visit with him after my appointment, but that depends on what the doctor says about my back problem. I am thinking an MRI might be the next step so that can the doctors locate where a pinched nerve is located in my back.

Well, I tried to do a little painting on Wednesday. I didn't want to change out of the decent clothes which I was wearing. It was only a ten minute job. I put on an old apron to catch any spills. I completed the task, and thought that my clothes didn't get a speck of paint on them. Not! The New England Patriot long sleeve shirt which I was wearing had paint on both sleeves. I didn't even notice the paint until I went to wash some dark colored clothes. Off white paint on a blue shirt doesn't go well.

Politics-- Obama is working feverishly to surround himself with a great staff. He is well aware of what a daunting task that he has before him. Give the man a chance to do his job instead of pointing out why he might not succeed.

Time to get dressed.
Have a great weekend. If you are in a region of the country which has mild weather, enjoy it while it lasts. The Curley Lad

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hello on Thursday Morning

Dear Friends,

I hope that everyone has recovered from the elections. Obama is going through the process of setting up his staff already. He realizes that he can't wait until his inauguration to start solving some of the many problems which he and our nation are confronted with.
I know the hurt which many of you Republicans are experiencing. Us Democrats went though the same thing.

On a different note, I did my chores yesterday. One chore was to get an oil change for Linda's car. After driving the car for a little while, I realized that her car appears to need a brake job. The brake job will be done on Monday morning.
The oil change guy said that there was a bubble in one of the tires on the 1996 Neon. The car is lot like my body. The parts are starting to wear out.

Speaking of my body, I am booked in for a doctor's appointment on Friday with my primary care guy. I have been experiencing leg pain in both legs. I think the back problem from a few weeks ago might be the culprit.

Well, I am not going to help the problem today since my UNICO brothers and sisters, and I are working a pasta dinner. A friend and I are going in early to start the sauce, and and do some chopping and dicing at 1:30 PM.

Linda called yesterday around 1 PM while she was on a shopping adventure in New York City. She was alone at the time because her friend was attending a work related seminar. I know that they had dinner plans last evening.
Tonight they are booked in for dinner and a Broadway play.

It is like a heat wave in the Berkshires. It is in the 50's right now with a little drizzle.

Have a great Thursday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hello on Wednesday morning

Dear Friends,

Well, I hope that your candidate won the Presidential election. My candidate did win.
Now all you conservatives stop thinking all gloom and doom. Obama is not going to give away the store. We are not going to turn into a socialist type of nation. If we do get universal health care for our citizens, it won't be like the ones which don't work that well in foreign countries.
If you are in military, Obama is not going to weaken the military. The crazy people who threaten democracy will still be out there. We will still need a strong military. We will still need a superior intelligence agency.
Lets give a Obama a chance to accomplish a majority of his promises!

In Massachusetts, if you get caught with an once or less of marijuana, you won't get put in jail, and get a police record. See what happens when you talk college students into becoming voting citizens. I really should blame them because I have some friends who used to dabble in marijuana in their college years, and they voted for this change in Massachusetts state law.

In Massachusetts, we also voted to eliminate dog racing. 1000 people will be losing their job because of shutting down these tracks.
I taught with a lady who used to rescue those greyhounds. She eventually adopted two of them. She could tell you horror stories of the greyhounds which she came across when she volunteered for the local animal shelter.

On a different note, I will be a bachelor for a few days. The queen is being picked up in one hour. Her and her girlfriend are going off to New York City by way of a train. The girl friend is on a job related mission. After the friend's work day ends, they will have some fun in the City. They are booked into a Broadway play, and several restaurants throughout their three day stay.

Thursday, my UNICO brothers and sisters, and I are booked into a cooking for 100 people who are donors of an organization who serve needy families.

Well, I have to go for now.
I hear footsteps in the master bedroom. I am going to bring Linda a cup of fresh brewed coffee.
Have a great day at work or play. The Curley Lad

Hello on Tuesday morning

Dear Friends,

The highlight of my Tuesday accompanying my father to a 2:30 PM doctor's
The doctor thought that my father was doing okay for a guy a few days shy of
his 85th birthday. The doctor told him that he should consider joining a gym,
but the kind that a physical therapist place would have. He has to get his legs
moving was the basic theme of the day.

Linda had fun at her jewelry party, but less fun at her ITAM finance meeting.

Our supper was made at a pizza place, but it wasn't great at all except for the
price. After last night's pizza, we decided to cross this place off of our list.

Today is the big day. Linda and I are not going to vote at the same time. She
is going to cast her ballot on the way to her Tuesday MahJongg session. I am
going off to vote in a little while. I hope that the candidate whom you vote for
Us liberals in Massachusetts have two other issues to consider:
1. If you are caught with an once or less of marijuana, it will be just a
2. A yes or note vote on whether to get rid of the State income tax.

Our gay marriage system is still in tact.

Well, it is time for me to get dressed.
Have a great election day. The Curley Lad

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hello on Sunday Morning

I was a slug on Saturday. I never left the house except to get the mail. I sat
on my butt all day long, and finished a book. All outdoor chores were put on

Yes, I did bug Linda even if I wasn't with her on her shopping adventure
which lasted from 9:30 AM until 5 PM. I bugged her because I had totally
uninterrupted time to do absolutely nothing. I reminded her that she too enjoys
this situation when I am off to a Patriot Game. I also received no telephone
calls which she always gets when she is home alone. Maybe if we lived monastic
lives she would have great periods of time to do nothing, and interact with no

I just got through firing up the crock pot. I decided to just give you the
recipe so that I don't have send it after you read my e-mail. Here it is:
3 to 4 pound pot roast
1 package of dry Lipton soup.
1 can of regular coke or 2 cans of diet
1/2 bag of ginger snaps broken up as you put them in the crock pot
Some water almost to the top of the beef roast
Low setting for 8 hours ( I put in a totally frozen roast so I will cook it 8
to 10 hours)

The ginger snaps cookies, Lipton soup, and the cola create a gravy that is
wonderful, and not sweet!

I am going to make a batch of my carrots, onions, and potatoes in a separate
pyrex dish. You could just put the vegetables in the crock pot while the roast
is cooking. I didn't want the vegetables and beef to all have the same flavor.

I am ready to read the newspapers. I have been going around the house changing
clocks back one hour. You would think that this would be a quiet activity, but
changing clocks on the microwave, and stove make beeping sounds.

I really am going to try and get outside, and do some chores today before my
professional football comes on television today. The most important game in my
mind is the Sunday night football game where my Patriots do battle with the
Colts in their dome at 8:30 PM.

The best college football game of the day was played last evening. The number
one rated team got knocked off by the number seven team. Being number one this
college football season is but a fleeting moment.

I think that Linda wants a totally uninterrupted day. I know that she has to
call her shopping girlfriend at mid morning. I know that she can care less about
football. I am not getting good vibes about her having a relaxing day. The least
I can do is let her sleep as long as she can.

Have to skim the local newspaper and the Boston Globe.
Talk to you soon.
Have a great Sunday. The Curley Lad