Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hello on Wednesday morning

Dear Friends,

Well, I hope that your candidate won the Presidential election. My candidate did win.
Now all you conservatives stop thinking all gloom and doom. Obama is not going to give away the store. We are not going to turn into a socialist type of nation. If we do get universal health care for our citizens, it won't be like the ones which don't work that well in foreign countries.
If you are in military, Obama is not going to weaken the military. The crazy people who threaten democracy will still be out there. We will still need a strong military. We will still need a superior intelligence agency.
Lets give a Obama a chance to accomplish a majority of his promises!

In Massachusetts, if you get caught with an once or less of marijuana, you won't get put in jail, and get a police record. See what happens when you talk college students into becoming voting citizens. I really should blame them because I have some friends who used to dabble in marijuana in their college years, and they voted for this change in Massachusetts state law.

In Massachusetts, we also voted to eliminate dog racing. 1000 people will be losing their job because of shutting down these tracks.
I taught with a lady who used to rescue those greyhounds. She eventually adopted two of them. She could tell you horror stories of the greyhounds which she came across when she volunteered for the local animal shelter.

On a different note, I will be a bachelor for a few days. The queen is being picked up in one hour. Her and her girlfriend are going off to New York City by way of a train. The girl friend is on a job related mission. After the friend's work day ends, they will have some fun in the City. They are booked into a Broadway play, and several restaurants throughout their three day stay.

Thursday, my UNICO brothers and sisters, and I are booked into a cooking for 100 people who are donors of an organization who serve needy families.

Well, I have to go for now.
I hear footsteps in the master bedroom. I am going to bring Linda a cup of fresh brewed coffee.
Have a great day at work or play. The Curley Lad

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