Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

Today is primary voting day in Pittsfield. You can never estimate the number of eligible voters who will come out and vote. The last vote for State Representative had 4000 of the 24000 registered voters show up at their polling places. This was a very dismal showing of the citizens of Pittsfield who need to elect someone to represent most of the citizens of Pittsfield in the StateHouse of Massachusetts.

Hopefully, today there will be more people interested in voting since we have 5 people vying for a shot at becoming our next mayor. The two people getting the most votes will be on the final ballot. The vote for city councilors, council at larger, mayor, State Representative, school committee, etc., and any ballot questions will take place in the middle of October. We also have some ward races which have more than three people running for office, and that number has to be to reduced to two.

Linda has her usual Tuesday Mah Jongg session at a friend's home while I have a bunch of outdoor projects to take care of. I might postpone my activities until cooler weather arrives, and the mosquito population starts to die off. When I washed both cars yesterday, I did so during two different time periods because the mosquitoes and me were fighting each other. The mosquitoes used to come out around dusk, but now they attack at all times of the day. One even got into my Man Cave as I watched some sporting contest last evening.

Speaking of sports, I had to turn off the Red Sox game because I couldn't bear to watch them go down to defeat. The Monday Night Football Game wasn't much better so I watched some police type programs using the "On Demand" choices that Warner Cable has to offer.

We are hoping that our candidate becomes one of the top two vote getters for the position of Mayor. We will party with the rest of his supporters if all goes as planned this evening after the polls close. I don't know how that you can get people to come out and vote. There are so many people who take the attitude that their one vote doesn't really matter. Ask the people who lost an election by a couple of votes if you don't think voting is that important? I believe that a person has no right to complain about the people who win an election unless you came out to vote.

Our military son continues to fly daily missions into enemy territory in Afghanistan even though he is on the night shift. I do send him a daily email to check on how things are going, but sometimes he is so busy that he is not able to respond until a day or two later. His family and Linda and I are hoping that his tour of duty ends soon so that we all can be together when we visit them in Southern Georgia during mid October.

The firm (Stoneturn) that our daughter-in-law, Kyla, works for in Boston opened an office in New York City last week. The firm celebrated by going out to eat at Per Se (Hells Kitchen) in New York City. That must have been some evening!
Her husband posted a picture on Facebook over the weekend of a headless rabbit. Their cat goes out hunting every day, and brings back trophies such as field mice, moles, chipmunks, etc., of the hunt. A good number of people were grossed out by the headless rabbit, but some of their friends want to hire out the cat to get rid of unwanted rodents in their yards.

Linda and I can't wait for some fall like weather, frost on the ground, etc. It is times for the summer flowers to die, and for us to purchase some mums. Some of our neighbors have already purchased fall flowers. It got so hot yesterday that I had to us an air conditioner for my afternoon nap. Our wishes of cooler weather will arrive this weekend.

News -- Nothing really jumped out at me as I skimmed the CNN News on line. I am not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.
Speaking of news, has the printed newspaper become an obsolete item?
The younger generation pretty much does everything on line. This baby boomer likes to hold a newspaper in his hands, but the daily newspaper might go the way of the Dinosaurs pretty soon.
As an example, in yesterday's daily blog I talked about the wonderful biscuits that we had at the Bob Evans restaurant in the Niagara Falls area. I went on line and found their recipe for the biscuits. As the weather gets cool, I will try and make them, and I will let you know if they come out the same as the ones which we had for breakfast on Sunday morning in the restaurant.

If there are any voting issues or people running for office required in your part of the country, then get out and vote. There are no excuses because most of the candidates in our area have telephone numbers to call if you need a ride to and from the polls. My sister actually has been working at the polls in her neighborhood / ward for years. Her picture was in the paper when we the polls were open for the State Representative primary. She will be working the polls once again today.

Have a great day at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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