Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello on Thursday

Dear Friends,

It was another calm day in Curleyworld on Wednesday.

I did some outside chores before I decided to do a little ServSafe studying for my Recertification Test.

Linda did go off to her Panera Bread knitting gathering for an hour before going off to BONCO. I was in bed by the time she arrived home last evening.

I have a medical appointment about the same time that Linda has a body maintenance procedure today, and these are the only things which we have booked in.

Linda did find out that there a bunch of knitters which meet on Thursday afternoon at a downtown coffee shop located near St. Joseph's Catholic Church. She might attend this gathering while I am taking an afternoon nap.

This means that I will be preparing supper this evening. We could go out to eat, but we have to save some bucks for Game Night at the Polish Falcons on Friday, Saturday night Rotary Auction at the Crowne Plaza, and a Mohegan Sun Casino trip out of the Italian American Club on Sunday. It looks like we will be carrying on the tradition of letting no moss gathering under our feet.

Supper -- I was thinking of preparing a small, and lean pork loin, sweet potatoes, and some type of vegetable.

I read a report from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota which claimed that men in their 70's and 80's are more likely than women to experience memory loss and decrease in cognitive skills which often leads to Alzheimer's Disease. Hopefully by me writing a daily blog with words of wisdom each day, I won't run into these problems. With this being said, Linda thinks that my mind seems to wander at times.

Our Navy seals rescued a couple of people who were kidnapped by the Somalians. The Seal Team rescue went as planned, and all of the bad guys did not survive the assault.

Politics -- The voters in Florida won't vote for Mitt Romney because they think that he is too rich. Newt picked up some votes from the laid off NASA workers because he promised to create a permanent space station. A lot of people in Florida lost their jobs when our government tried to reduce the budget by making cuts in our current space program. On the one hand, Newt and his Republican buddies want to have no tax increases, but how else can those people get their jobs back?

Sports -- None for me last evening. The quarterback of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady, is once again on the front cover of this weeks edition of Sports Illustrated. He beat the "Kiss of Death Curse" the last time that he was on the front cover. We Patriot fans hope that he beats the curse on Super Bowl Sunday.
I do have some Boston Sports team to watch this evening evening while I am savoring a book on my IPad.

The Blah, Blah, Blah, sports talk people have been talking about the Super Bowl since Monday.
Next week, they will be doing their broadcasting from Indianapolis ( where the Super Bowl takes place) instead of Boston all week long. I am not sure if I can handle the daily barrage of all of these talk show programs.

We have winter weather advisory, but there is no major winter storm in our forecast. We have the possibility of some snow, sleet, freezing rain, and all rain. I am still waiting for some weather that will make me want to do a little ice-fishing. The ideal conditions for this baby boomer is temperatures in the middle 20's to low 30's, snow cover on the ice of 3 or 4 inches, sunny day, with not much wind. The next time that that these conditions are forecasted, you will be able to find me on some frozen pond.

Observation -- My radio talk show host had a couple of Vietnam Vets on his talk show program for one hour of his 3 hour program. The guests try to help fellow veterans of all conflicts in their local chapter. Some interesting things came out during the interview. One Vietnam Vet has been struggling since he came home from the Vietnam War. He said that the doctors back then would prescribe Valium for anyone experiencing Post Traumatic Stress from the war. As you can guess, pills and alcohol could not make the mental and physical pain go away. One of the guests turned to meditation as a way to get through each day.
As I listened to this two hour discussion, I came to the conclusion that war doesn't end when the physical conflict ends for these military men and women.
The radio talk show host is also a disabled Vietnam Vet who also was in the "thick and thin" of it when he went off to Vietnam as a teenager.
Another thing that I didn't realize was the adrenaline rush that our military warriors get when they are involved the daily conflict. When they come back home, there is no adrenaline rush like they were experiencing in the war zone. The guests said that this why you will see many Vets who purchase motorcycles to get some of the adrenaline rush that they experienced in war. The guests also pointed out that some of the Vets who couldn't handle life after war, would use the motorcycle as a method of suicide.

On a happier note, life continues to be good for Linda and me. We both realize that things can change in a heartbeat, and this is why we try to keep busy in every form that we can.

My Father -- He wants to go back to his home, but there is a problem. The head therapist has to approve Dad's leaving the nursing home so that Elder Services can step in and get dad help to either go back home or into an assisted living setting. The Head Therapist told my sister that my dad is not physically ready to leave the nursing home. If dad just leaves the nursing home on his own, he can't get any reduced cost services for having a Home Health Aide helping him out at home. Oh Darn!

Kyla is doing well with respect to her pregnancy. She is less than a month away from delivering her baby girl. For anyone who has had children, you know how difficult things become as your due date gets closer. I am not sure when her doctor will tell Kyla that it is time to stop working!
Actually, Linda and I are on call when the blessed event happens. When we get the word, we will be heading East to take care of Max and the two dogs and three cats. We thought that Kyla's Mom was flying from Florida to Boston around the time of the birth, but we found out that she is arriving after the birth in early March. This means that all of our February social calendar booked in events will be subject to change.

Well, I have to read the local newspaper, and get dressed for my 9:15 AM appointment.

Have a great day at work or play!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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