Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello on Saturday Morning

Dear Friends,

I did a little cleaning of the garage, putting up some out door bird houses (not bird feeders), getting down spring buckets in the garage, grabbing a quick lunch before I went off for a nap.

While I was doing my thing, Linda was removing all the St. Patrick’s Day decorations, wreaths, outdoor flag, etc. She even did a little closet rearranging with respect to heavy wool sweaters.

Linda went off for a little recreational shopping while I was napping.

We didn’t go out to a restaurant last evening. Some friends invited us for a grilled Steak and Salmon dinner. The hostess whipped up some scalloped potatoes, fresh green beans (al dente), and a salad with a nice whole wheat baguette. The meal was better than any restaurant can serve, and if you wanted seconds, it was available.

The weather yesterday had everyone outside. I didn’t get to my yard work. I still remember the time that we had a spring tease in March when I did yard work and uncovered some tender plants instead of letting them stay leaf covered until winter was truly gone. The tender shoots froze to death because we had a couple nights of a deep freeze. It is still the month of March, and not the month of June.

My friend and neighbor up the street must getting pressure from his wife like I am about our golf membership. We both promised our wives that we would get our monies worth of golf this year especially since the cost is nearing the $2000 dollar mark. Every golf course in our area has been advertising for new members because people are cutting back when it comes to family budgets. If you can’t play at least 40 times per year, then you aren’t getting the value of your membership. We retirees can do it!

My friend wants to play on Monday during the mid morning. The forecast is for rain showers and temperatures in the 50’s. Monday is the beginning of the cool down. We are heading back into the 40’s for day time temperatures as next week progresses.

Our son and his family in Kansas will be getting a little snow today.

Social Calendar for Saturday – I will be heading to Retro Fitness for 6 AM weekend starting time. After the workout, I should go around the yard and pick up the twigs that are scattered all over the front and the back of our yard. Some sticks are from when Billy the dog came to visit with us during the snowy part of the winter. I don’t plan on raking up the flower beds yet.

This evening we are going to a house party with several other couples. It will be another evening of food, fun, and merriment. I will be taking an afternoon nap so that I can make it through the whole evening. I have to be a good boy this evening because we are going on a Casino trip out of the Italian American Club on Sunday. You know that the Curley’s like to keep busy.

As I see my aging parents and friends going through various physical ailments, I (and Linda too) am reminded to do everything that I can until the body parts stop working.

Hopefully Universal Health Care will get me though the Golden Years as my father calls it.

Speaking of Universal Health Care – Massachusetts passed a form of it a couple of years ago. The law had to be tweaked as the years progressed, and no one took away my health care program based out of the City of Pittsfield. When Linda and I turn 65, we will be going on Medicare. I hope that the opponents of Universal Health Care get on board soon.

Our grandchild Max is doing okay after Thursday’s fall. Kevin showed what he tripped over by way of a picture on the internet. It wasn’t some little hand held toy. It was like one of those village types / hands on toy that stands at least 2.5 feet tall.

Well, I have to grab a cup of coffee, and select my workout wardrobe.

Have a great weekend!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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