Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello on Tuesday Morning

Dear Friends,

I just returned from Retro Fitness. There was little confusion in the treadmill area today. A technician was replacing the 2.5 year old treadmill mats. It appeared to be a slow process since he was only on the third one after one hour.

Do you think that it is weird if I watch the food channel while on the treadmill?

If I don’t watch the food channel, I usually watch those infomercials which try to sell a particular product. I love all those infomercials. I am almost ready to purchase a portable Shark steaming device which has some great uses especially in the kitchen, but also throughout the house. I always go to a consumer comment page before making such a decision. Since the product is relatively new, there have been only a couple of reviews, and the reviews have both been positive.

I like watching the Ron Poppeil knife commercial. My father purchased a set for my sister and I several years ago. I love the set and the butcher lock which costs as much as the set of knives. One of the neat things is that the knives are labeled for what type they are, and the knife slots on the butcher block are labeled also. I really find this is helpful especially when I go to sharpen knives while at friends’ houses. Many people spend a good deal of time grabbing for the incorrect knife on their butcher block because of the lack of labeling, but not the Curley’s.

The rain finally arrived last evening, and it might go into Wednesday as well.

Social Calendar – Our first busy day of the week starts today. Linda has her usual Tuesday Mah Jongg at a friend’s home. She is really excited because the host this week has never hosted a session before in the several years since they women have been playing. This lady used an excuse of installation of a new kitchen as a reason for not hosting a Tuesday session. This excuse has lasted for over 5 years!

During the St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Italian American, this women and her husband were sitting with the Mah Jongg ladies. Her husband wondered why his wife never hosted a session. After the woman was put on the spot, she agreed to host the session today.

I never understood what the big deal was for hosting a session because all you need is a table with four chairs, and another chair or couch for the extra people who have to wait for their turn, some snack food and beverages, and a bathroom. If a person has a messy house, just close the door to the messy rooms.

After Mah Jongg today, Linda is heading off to Mazzeo’s Ristorante at 6 PM with a couple of female friends. These friends all had children the same time that Linda and I had our two boys. Our children and their children have been friends for life! Yes, the grandmothers will be carrying the albums full of grandchildren pictures.

I don’t have to leave the house until the middle of the afternoon. I have two things to do today also. We have another pasta fundraiser from 5:30 PM until 7 PM. UNICO is cooking for over 200 people at the Italian American Club. The second event takes place at the Italian American Club right in the middle of us UNICO members serving the food. There is a Golf Tournament Committee Meeting which starts at 6 PM, luckily it takes place in the Italian American Club in the Members bar located in the basement level of the club.

Parents – Mom made a visit to the emergency room last evening. She has pneumonia, but not severe enough to admit her. My sister took over during this episode with dear old Mom. Our mother is one tough woman!

Yesterday was definitely a slug day. I left only once to pick up that Radio Auction gift certificate in a southern Berkshire town. Linda never left the house.

I did try and bond with her as I read a book throughout the day. I made it to “Dancing with the Stars!” I watched a professional football and his partner go first in the competition, and then I felt the urge to leave the room and watch a sporting contest. I fell asleep watching the Celtic’s lose their basketball game.

Well, I have to grab a cup of coffee, and read the local newspaper.

Have a great Tuesday!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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