Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello on Saturday

Dear Friends,

It wasn’t a good day for my Red Sox or my Celtics since they both lost their games on Friday.
There were some positives in the Red Sox game like Ortiz hitting a home run to tie the game at one point, but their bull pen let them down.
The Celtics did have a chance to win their game, but they were tired since they played a home game on Thursday night and an away game in Atlanta last night.
What I was impressed with is the number of Boston Celtic fans who were in Atlanta watching the game. I think that the Celtic fans cheered louder than the Atlanta fans.

One of my email recipients from Pittsfield will be getting a new hip at Bringham and Women’s Hospital in Boston any day now. Linda and I wish him well. Hip replacements are pretty much a routine operation now. Our friend should be out of the hospital and walking very soon.

I was perusing CNN on line and I observed that we lost six American soldiers in the 20 year old range in Afghanistan this past week. I wish some one could convince me that we should be there.

The Taliban has been very active with suicide bombings of not only NATO troops, but many times it is their fellow countrymen.

The disaster in Japan continues, and now radio active water from the Nuclear plants is leaking into the ocean. Glow in the dark fish will soon be on American dinner tables.

On a happier note “Life is Good” for me and getting so much better for Linda, and for my dear old dad.

Speaking of Dad, my sister will be going to Lee today to check on my dad, and to make sure that he is doing what he is supposed to do.

On the way home from visiting with my dad in Lee, I got behind a Septic Cleaner truck. I began to think about what would happen if a person got into a car accident with one of these vehicles, and the contents went all over the road. It definitely would be a “crappy” mess.

I did see a flock of Turkeys in a person’s yard on the way home too. Those turkeys are so elusive when it is turkey hunting season.

My bird feeders have been attracting birds of prey. The last couple days, hawks have been circling my yard ready to make a kill of my feathered creatures. A rabbit has been living under our storage shed, and he might be a target too when he is eating sunflower seeds which have fallen under my bird feeders. The rabbit even makes his way to our deck to pick up some seeds from my suction cup bird feeders. Luckily the bears haven’t been around so far.

As I was driving the car this past week, I observed another hazard. Many people seem to be driving with what I call their “Rodent” size dogs in their lap. I think that these dogs are just as much as a distraction as texting while driving. Note – I am sorry if I offended any one of my e-mail recipients who owns one or more of those small and cuddly dogs.
There are some neighbors on our street who own those typesof dogs. Small dogs mean small fecal matter, and their owners better not leave a deposit by my mail box or on my lawn.

The weather is going to be pretty nice for today, and tomorrow with abundant sunshine for sure on Sunday. Monday looks like another wintry mix is heading our way.

Speaking of next week. Linda decided that she is well enough to host her Tuesday Mah Jongg session. Linda hasn’t played in over a month, and she hasn’t played with the new card. The National Mah Jongg league changes the way you can win games each year so you have to play with your updated rule card nearby.

Social Calendar – I know that we have to make a grocery run at some point this weekend unless she thinks that I could do it alone. The VNA nurse has to change the bandage before we do leave the house. I am not sure about the rest of the day. If the temperatures do warm up to the 50 degree mark, she might be able to get some sunshine of the deck.
I do have plenty of sports to keep me happy. The Red Sox, Boston Bruins, and NCAA college basketball playoffs will have me in my man cave for a good portion of the day. Oops! I better spend a few hours bonding with Linda.

I see that my neighbor retuned from his winter time adventure with an Air Stream Camper group which he belongs to. I can see his huge camper parked in his yard when I look out the windows in the back of our home.

Well, I have to do some quiet chores before the Queen wakes up, and the VNA nurse arrives.
Have a great weekend.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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