Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hello on Thursday

Dear Friends,

The weathermen on the local channels apologized for their miscalculations for what was supposed to be a snow event. We got the ground coated with about an inch of snow. Schools in the county shut their doors in anticipation of a snowy event, but it never happened. A few schools did stay open, and their superintendents seemed to have made the correct call.

Another storm is brewing, and we will see if it reaches us in the Berkshires.

Our crock pot beef stew was so good. If we could bottle or can it, we would become part of the rich and famous. I decided to fire up my bread machine, and I made prepared a bread called “Peter’s Winter Bread.” It came out perfect!

I am the only one socially engaged this evening. There is one of those Pasta Fund Raisers at the Italian American Club. I am going to see if they need my help. I will probably be part of the serving line. We start serving at 5:30 PM.

Linda doesn’t have any social commitments. I tried to encourage her to call up a girlfriend, and go off and see a “Chick Flick”. There are a couple being shown at our local theaters.

Politics – The snow has shut down Washington for three days so there isn’t much going on.

Observation – While on the treadmill at Retro Fitness, I had the television on. When the channels that I was surfing around on went to a commercial, all there was were advertisements for Valentine gifts. You can send your Valentine a Teddy Bear, a Candy Gram, a Pajama gram, Strawberries dipped in Chocolate, or give her a box of Chocolates. You could send a dozen roses, or arrange a Spa day for her. From a man’s perspective, have you males figured out what your Valentine really wants?

If we had endless funds, I think that I would do a three or four day getaway to an exotic place, or maybe a Cruise to the Caribbean. A nice romantic dinner at one of our favorite restaurants could be another option, but we have done that in the past.

Well, none of the above is happening in Curley world. We will be heading east this weekend to be with our East Boston grandchild, and his parents. Our grandchild is the best Valentine gift that Linda and I can have. He is our little Teddy bear. He is sweeter than the finest chocolates that we can find. I would rather spend money on our grandchild than on a dozen of over priced roses which have a limited life span.

Our other Valentine is in Kansas. We are working on flight plans to visit her and her parents soon.

We will also spending time visiting our friends, the Brodeur’s.

Spending time with family and friends is the best Valentine gift that a person can give and receive.

Finally, the warm and fuzzy feeling that happens on Valentine’s day should last all year long, and not just on one day of the year. If you don’t work on it during the year, you won’t have someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with when it does arrive.

Retro Fitness was quiet this morning. I was the first one in the place at 4:30 AM. A few distractions arrived after 5 AM.

Have a great Thursday!

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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