Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hello on Wednesday Morning

Dear Friends,

Tuesday was our first full day with our grandchild. Linda did most of the baby work, but I entertained him a lot!

This is the first child among family and friends who is not afraid of me. I hope that it continues this way. It probably due to the fact that his father wears facial hair during the winter months and therefore Max has seen a hairy creature four out of the six months since his birth.

Good thing that the host of Linda’s Tuesday’s Mah Jongg cancelled the session. The roads were fine in the morning, but not during the afternoon.

When I left for my 1 PM meeting the roads were just wet. As the meeting came to a close, it was snowing quite heavily. I had to get the snow off of the car before I headed home. The roads were slippery and I was so happy to make it home without any incidents.

While at the meeting, where most of us are grandparents, one lady told me that one of her grand daughters is at the Olympics, and working as a nanny. She is a nanny (just for the Olympics) of a locally born woman and her husband who are producers of the “Today Show.” This family lives in New York City.

I had the temporary nanny in my Math class.

The child whom she is working with is in the middle of “potty training.” I am not sure if I can handle this part of the job.

The current snow is about to end within a couple of hours. Another storm is forming with cold air coming from the west, and warm moist air coming up the coast. We are getting another round of snow when the air masses collide.

We did have a lull around supper time, so I did some snow blowing of the sidewalks, and I made paths to my bird feeders in my back yard. I will be out there again this morning after the snow comes to an end. As I look out the sliding glass doors to my deck, the snow on the deck railing looks to be about 9 inches high. We still have a few more inches of the white stuff to fall before this first storm is over. Higher elevations in the Berkshires picked up a foot or more of snow.

My father was on the roads the same time that I was. He struggled to get his car up Dublin Hill, but he eventually got his car up the hill and into his garage. I told him to stay home, and cancel his doctor’s appointment for today. I am not sure about Mom’s dental appointment for Thursday.

We received two telephone calls from family memebers in Florida yesterday. My sister is with her husband in Orlando. He is at a business conference, and my sister was enjoying the warm weather.

The second call was from Max’s mother. She is at a work related conference which sounded interesting; “How to recognize and deal with White Collar crime!” As a forensic accountant, it is definitely in her field of interest. The conference is in Miami (South Beach) which is even warmer than Orlando. The views are better too, and this is from personal experience!

Kyla was doing okay about leaving her child for a few days until she saw that a woman, who was attending the conference, had brought her new born. The longing pains began!

Social Calendar – I am not engaged today, but Linda has BONCO. It seems that the lady who hosts the February gathering always has to deal with bad weather. If the session is not cancelled, I will be putting Max to bed. There was some talk of me bringing Max to the beginning of the session so that her BONCO friends can see Max in person instead of in photos.

News – The testimony from Toyota car owners during the congressional hearings was heart wrenching. The Toyota Company has a lot of work to do to regain customers. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Mr. Toyoda (spelling is correct) falls on his sword over this.

Military News – It appears that the Navy has decided to allow women on submarines. A confined situation with men and woman working close to one another could cause a few problems. I hope the military is reading for the change. The engineers will have to redesign the living quarters, and bathroom and shower facilities. Oh, I almost forgot about the “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” individuals will be on the submarine too. Can all of the individuals stay focused on their mission, and not be caught up in all the distractions? Time will tell!

The crock pot pork shoulder turned out wonderful. Last night we had a vegetable and potato with pieces of the pork.

Today we will have some pulled pork sandwiches.

The meat turned our so good, that I might head off to the grocery store, and pick up a couple more of the meats before the sale is over.

This is my quiet time before Max wakes up. Yesterday he woke up a little after 7 AM. Yes, he woke up with his usual smile. It is like he is saying “Thank You for getting me out of my crib!”

Well, I have to put on my boots and get my newspaper in the driveway.

I will have just enough time to have a second cup of coffee, and finish the newspaper before Max wakes up.

Max and I will be dashing in the snow before this day is over. I am so glad that I bought those sleds when both sons and their families were home for Christmas.

Have great Wednesday

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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