Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hello on Thursday

Dear Friends,

We had another pleasant day in Kansas. We are in for another day of sunshine with temperatures near 70 degrees. The weekend might be a wet one.

Linda talked to my sister yesterday, and Mom is about the same as when we left her. They are giving her more pain medication.

We pretty much have been chilling around the Curley home here in Kansas. It has been fun watching the interaction between Isabelle and her parents. It is also amazing to watch Isabelle communicate by "Signing". We never did this stuff when our children were small.

What is also nice about this visit is that I don't have to check our calendar to see what event that I have to attend each day. I have already missed one meeting on Tuesday night. I am missing one during the middle of the week, and a Trivial Pursuit Fund Raiser on Sunday afternoon. All this, and squeezing in visits to the hospital. Our golf course is in full operation, so I would be playing golf if I was home. It is good to be like a slug for several days, and to totally enjoy the grandchild.

My Red Sox finally won a game. I wasn't able to see it on television because we are in Kansas City Royals territory.
They give the military good discounts on tickets for the baseball games except for when the Red Sox come to town. The Red Sox don't play here until September.
I have a Bruin playoff playoff hockey game to watch on national television this evening. I am happy!

Our daughter-in-law is a domestic goddess. We have had some great suppers over the past few days. If I lived here for over a year, I would shed some serious pounds with the healthy foods which she prepares. The meals aren't the usual meat, vegetables, and potatoes concoctions.

I am trying to talk Mike & Danielle into getting a suction cup window bird feeder. There are no bears around here that they know of.

We might go off and feed the ducks today. We will visit the Kansas City Zoo over the weekend.

I heard that the weather in the Berkshires has been pretty nice over the past few days. I would have been doing yard work if I was home. I still have four flower beds that I have not touched yet.

Well, I have to grab a second cup of coffee. Linda is finally starting to wake up. Her cold is getting better. I still feel great!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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