Monday, November 15, 2010

Hello on Monday Morning

Dear Friends,

Another day went as planned.

The Special Olympics Awards / Dinner/ Dance went well at the Masonic Temple yesterday. We had some new UNICO brothers and one UNICO Sister involved with preparing the pasta dinner for a little over 100 adults and children with special needs. Our services were over by the 2 PM hour. One of the two female organizers of the even, who used to do everything by themselves, gave all of us a hug as we exited the Masonic Lodge. UNICO will be helping out with this event for many years to come.

Linda had an okay day reading the newspapers in peace and quiet for a while, but she got busy making telephone calls trying to locate a mate to a chair that she fell in love with at Home Goods. She located the mate in Tewksbury. Kevin and Kyla were tied up with a birthday part for a friend’s child so we enlisted the help of the Brodeur’s who also live in Tewksbury. The Brodeur’s said that they would pick up the chair for us which we will get it when we go to Thanksgiving at the Brodeur’s.

Linda turned into a Domestic Goddess for supper last evening. She whipped up a Chicken Picatta supper. She knew that when I came downstairs after an afternoon nap, that I didn’t want to leave the house. I just wanted to sit on my butt and watch some NFL football.

Well, I did go to bed a happy man because the Patriot’s did win the Sunday night football game against the home town Pittsburgh Steelers. The Patriots looked pretty awesome, and recovered quite nicely after their lack luster performance from the week before.

Social Calendar – I am the only one socially engaged this evening. I have a UNICO Board Meeting at 6 PM. Even though Linda may not be booked into anything officially her first task to today will be to give me a Holiday haircut, moustache trim, and do a little work on my eyebrows which sometimes turns into a unibrow.

She is hosting Mah Jongg on Tuesday.

In preparation of the carpet installation on Thursday, we do have to move some items. One of the big items is to deal with the hutch which has multiple glasses, platters, tablecloths, bowls, etc. It is like cleaning the closets which we were engaged with last week.

Observation – I always check out the lost and found in our local newspaper each day. I have been following a found item for the past few weeks. A person in a small town right outside the town which I grew I was brought up in found a horse. The person who found the horse has put an ad in the newspaper since October 23, 2010, but no one has claimed the horse. It is one thing losing a camera, or a piece of jewelry, but not claiming a missing horse seems kind of weird.

I also checked the “What’s doing” portion of the local newspaper each day. For the past few days, there has been and advertisement for a new help group. There is a SLAA program here in Pittsfield. All you have to do is call a particular number, and sign up for the 12 Step Program which will help you with you Sex Love Addiction. I didn’t realize that we had a problem like that in Berkshire County. Could this be a problem created by people who have too much free time on their hands? If these people worked in the kitchen with my fellow UNICAN’s like we did on Sunday, they wouldn’t have the time or energy for a Sex Addiction problem.

Well, I have to feed the birds, and wait for Linda to get into her hair cutting mood.

Have a great week at work or play.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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