Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello on Monday

Dear Friends,

Our Sunday went very well including the Patriot Party especially since the Patriots did win the game.

The food which people brought was also a big hit. We had a honey glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, sausage, onions & peppers, baby back ribs, Mexican dip, Pumpkin Cheese cake squares, and baked nacho & cheese concoction.

Everyone was stuffed by the time that the game ended.

After we did a cursory cleanup of my “Man Cave”, Linda and I were quite exhausted. It was time to put on sleep wear, and relax.

I have to do a little cleanup of the bar area, and that should be it.

Our next party in my “Man Cave” is the Pittsfield Irish Sister City Annual Meeting which Linda and I are hosting on November 9, 2010.

Politics – We are one day away from voting for our candidate who we think can do the best job. I can’t wait for the political campaign advertisements to come to and end. You all know that I will be voting for the Democratic candidates. I don’t believe in getting rid of the incumbents because people are angry that political change didn’t come as fast as the President promised.

We have some tax issues to vote on, and I am still hesitating on one of them. My heart says to reduce the Sales Tax in Massachusetts from 6.25 % to 3 %, but we are already in a deficit in Massachusetts, and we will be deeper in the hole if I vote to reduce the sales tax. Of course my Republican and Independent friends want our State government to “tighten their belts”, and function with less money. Most of the Sales Tax funds come right back to the city and towns to help run the schools, and the government in those cities and towns.

After the elections, Linda and I will party with the winners who hopefully will be the Democratic ones.

Yes, we Democrats are a little nervous about the elections. The Republican backed campaign ads have been quite vicious. The talking heads like Limbaugh, Hanity, and Beck, have been attacking the Democratic candidates on a daily basis.

My sticking with Democratic candidates might infuriate my readers, but if any of the readers work for any social type agencies, the schools, elder services, or receive social security benefits, etc., it will be the Democrats who will make sure that your programs are funded.

Yes, there might be some abuses of these social programs, but I am glad that we have them.

If you work for places which make bigger and better weapons, the Democrats will fund your program too, but sometimes their hearts many not be into spending as much as the military really wants. This doesn’t mean that Democrats are weak with respect to our National Security. We Democrats think that negotiations should be one of the strategies of attaining world peace. We Democrats are aware that you can’t negotiate with some of the wacky groups, but the “shoot first, and ask questions later” might not be the best approach.

Social Calendar – Linda has already given me instructions that she wants this Monday to be “relax and do nothing day.” She doesn’t want me to come up with any of my activities which could involve her. I could do this for a while, but to do this all day long might be impossible for me.

When I went out to the driveway to get the newspaper on Sunday, I found a cell phone. Linda called some names on the cell phone, and we found out who owns the cell phone which was dropped on “Trick or Treat”. Linda talked to a girlfriend of the 17 year old who owns the cell phone. She said that she would contact the owner. Linda gave the friend our home telephone number.

We expected a call all day long from the owner so that we could tell her where we live. Well, no one called. I think that the 17 year old really wants one of the newer cell phones. She probably told her parents that she lost her cell phone.

Danielle is starting to feel the effect of not having her husband home (due to military commitments) to help out with things like Trick or Treat. Danielle set up the Halloween decorations on her own. How did she pass out candy, and take her two children out Trick or Treating?

Trying to raise children as a single parent is a very difficult task.

Have a great week at work or play.

Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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