Monday, June 1, 2009

Hello on Monday Morning

Dear Friends,

Our Sunday went as planned.

Our guests arrived around 11 AM which was just in time for Brunch. I prepared the famous Curley bacon, egg, and Swiss cheese
McMuffins with home fries. Everyone was a member of the "clean plate club."

I spent the afternoon in the screened in room on the deck reading a book, and trying to watch the Red Sox. The wind picked up, and thunder rumbled through Pittsfield, but with hardly any rain. It got so cool on the deck that I had to go inside to finish watching the game.
The Sox did win their game, but the Yankees lost theirs. The Yanks lead the division by 1/2 game over the Red Sox.

Social Calendar -- Linda has golf at 3:30 PM with her girlfriends.
I will spending a good portion of the day with Mom in the nursing home, and with Dad in Lee.

Weather -- We missed a killing frost by a couple of degrees last evening. There is another advisory for this evening.

Politics -- Who paid for the President's trip to New York to take in a cultural event on Broadway? I hope it wasn't the American Taxpayer!

Have a great week at work or play.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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