Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hello on Saturday Morning

Dear Friends,
No luck on the ice yesterday, but the weather was nice. I left the house a little after 6 AM. It is only 12 miles to the pond. I drilled five holes, and had the tip ups set up by 7 AM. Two of my Lee Goombahs showed up about 9 AM, and set up next to me. One of these friends started talking about that charcoal grill, which someone had left, that he had been eying for several days at the boat ramp parking lot. He thought that if the owner didn't return, that he would take the grill. You had to be there to listen to, and see his response when I told him that I took the grill after I was there just one day. I know a good deal when I see one.

Around 3:30 PM, I had packed up, and went across the street to visit my mother at the Rehab Center. My sister and my father were there. My father has made a family decision to keep my mother in the nursing home for one month. He will have to dip into his modest "nest egg".

Linda had a pleasant day while I was doing my thing. She decided to go off to the movies without me. She saw the "Slumdog Millionare". She really enjoyed. She did say that there were very few people were in the theater. There were about seven people by themselves along with a few couples in our age group.

Isn't get great that we can find pleasure doing different things? Not everything has to be a couples affair, especially when you get older.

I would go back to pond for a couple hours today, but the temperatures are supposed to fall like a right starting at daylight if not before.

I have been sleeping well. Being in the fresh air for several hours at a time beats taking a sleeping pill( which I never have taken).

Politics -- It is still early in the political game with the new President. It would be nice if the Republican Talking Heads would give the guy a chance for a little while before finding fault with his every move that he makes.

Social Calendar -- Since Linda and I have been meeting for supper only for three straight days, it might be time for a couples day. With the cold forecast, we might just stay at home and bond together. This is just one possibility.
Oh, I forgot about Mom at the nursing home. Well, I still have my ice-fishing gear in my car. I could drop in a few tip ups, and go across the street and visit her.

Have a great weekend.
If you live in the Northeast, try and stay warm. It will be cold for a few days before the temperature rises.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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