Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hello on Wendesday Morning

Dear Friends,
It was another day of plenty of fresh air, and no luck ice-fishing. It seems like every day, I meet an old Lee Goombah whom I haven't seen in many years. Many of these guys stop by Laurel Lake just to see if us ice-fisherman are catching any fish.

I did visit Mom at the nursing home after I left the ice. She seemed comfortable as we chatted for a while. She doesn't have a roommate in her new room. They moved her the other day because her previous roommate had some kind of contagious infection. They even put a sign on her old room that says visitors have to check with the nurse before entering. I am fighting something right now, and I hope it is not something which I picked up from this woman.
Mom did ask me how old she was during our conversation. She is experiencing some memory issues. I would be confused because sometimes one of the staff at the Rehab Center asks the patient what day it is, and even I have to ponder that question.

Linda did have another pleasant day alone. Today she has me 24/7. I will let you know how that works out with Thursday's email.
I must admit she did make a wonderful supper, and not in the crock pot. She made a wonderful Chicken Piccata which was better than any Italian Restaurant.

Speaking of the crock pot, yes we have it going right now. She has an excellent looking beef based chili which she fired up before she went to bed last evening. I did the chopping and dicing after supper.

Well, the dirty snow is all but a memory. The snow is falling right now, but the weather prognosticators say that a wintry mix will fall during the afternoon. The mix will fall after we get about four inches of snow. I would imagine that the schools in the county will be shut down today. I am up so darn early that they haven't posted the closings yet. Who cares, we are retired!

Social Calendar -- Linda has her monthly BONCO session this evening during the middle of the Winter Storm. I would imagine that the host will be calling Linda, and the group during the day to reschedule the event.

Politics -- I see where Minnesota is still fight over whether Al Francken should be the representative in Congress or not. I think that some of the people whom we do choose are comedic in their actions anyway. Wasn't there a politician who was caught having gay sex in a bathroom stall at a Minnesota airport?

Obama went to talk to the Republican leadership yesterday to elicit support for his bailout package. He did make a little headway, but he still has a long way to go to sell his proposal.
He sure has a rough road ahead to turn things around. I definitely wouldn't want all the challenges he has.

They have already said that a President ages eight years for the four years which he is in office.

Well, I have a good deal of quiet, and non quiet activities to keep me busy today. Linda is hosting a Mah Jongg session on Thursday in our finished off basement. We also have our Super Bowl Party on Sunday which means the basement will get another workout.
Where I sit and watch my sporting contests might require a bit of cleaning. It looks like a squirrel has been eating nuts and snacks because there is a bit of residue on the carpet.

Have to grab another coffee, and read the local newspaper before I begin my activities.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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