Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hello on Saturday Morning

Dear Friends,

Friday was going very well until we reached our favorite position on the lawn
at Tanglewood for the James Taylor Concert a little after 4 PM (Concert started
at 7 PM). We set up tarps, blankets, and chairs, tables , and food on our little
piece of land. As soon as we finished that task, the rains began. By the end of
the night it was raining so hard, we were having flash backs of the Woodstock
concert which took place those many years ago.
Rain gear, umbrellas, layers of clothes couldn't keep us warm and dry.
Everything which we own got soaked to the bone including our bodies. Rivers of
water were flowing on the grounds of Tanglewood as we packed up , and headed
toward our car when the concert ended a little after 10 PM. Luckily we were in
the first row across the street. We are talking about a parking lot where there
first row is on flat ground, and every other row rises up a very steep hill.

There was plenty of food, and beverages (alcoholic, and non alcoholic) to help
make us forget how miserable the evening turned out to be weather wise. We had
to keep the two tables of food dry so we covered them with plastic tarp
Anyone who wore cute footwear paid the price for doing so. I wore water proof
Timberline hiking boots (Boy Scout Motto- Be Prepared!). I might have been the
only person at Tanglewood who had dry feet.
Some of our friends, who couldn't get there early, got stuck in traffic for 1.5
to 2 hours just to travel for a mile or two to a parking lot.

Any one who sold their tickets or gave them to friends made the smartest
decision of their lives.

We wanted to purchase some James Taylor tee shirts for friends who really like
the performer, but they were selling them for $60 each. Get real!

We weren't the only people on the lawns of Tanglewood. It was a sea of
umbrellas, tarps, and thousands of wet people.

Oops! I forgot to mention the music. It was wonderful if you like James Taylor.
Sheryl Crow sang along with James Taylor and sang a couple of her classic hits.
I think that I liked Sheryl just as much as James Taylor.

Well, I decided that if there is a hint of rain for the James Taylor concert
next year, I won't be in attendance. I will put on one of his latest albums, and
party hearty in the comfort of my own home.

Sports -- While were getting wet, the Yankees, and Red Sox won their respective
contests. The Sox still have a lead in the wild card race for a playoff spot.

Social Calendar -- After I finish this e-mail, I have to cook some bacon, saute
some onions, and ground beef, which are some of the ingredients for Linda's
three bean concoction which we are taking to the 4:30 PM pot luck birthday party
for a friend of ours today. Nobody of this 100 person party has to bring a gift
for the birthday woman. She requested that the guests bring canned goods for a
local food pantry. What a great idea!
Luckily, we won't have to deal with wet weather since this party is taking
place at a Church hall in a neighboring town.

Observation -- I guess some of my recent e-mails have been getting a couple of
my readers upset. It might be time for me to cool it with my daily e-mails, or
to alter / change / drop some of my e-mail recipients.
My best ideas come from some of my closest friends and relatives, or what I
observe on a daily basis. Life is too short to sweat the little stuff.
I have so many friends, and relatives who are dealing with life or death issues
like my parents. I say laugh at yourself and laugh at life.
I had a teacher friend who had all kinds of gastrointestinal health issues
because he kept everything inside. He retired with me in June of 2004. His
retirement lasted one year, and one month, and he now resides in a cemetery 6
feet under the ground. He had one grandchild, and one on the way, and was never
around to enjoy the second one.
Do you think that this guy might have wished that he handled the stresses of
work and life in a different manner before meeting his Maker?

Well, I have to get to my quite chores. My first chore is really quiet, but can
you imagine Linda staying fast asleep as the good smells of bacon, onions, and
ground beef permeate the whole house including the bedroom?
Also, Linda is one of the best sources for some of my thoughts that I put in my
e-mails. Every once in a while I do get a lecture from her to leave her out of
my e-mails. She is upset for a couple of days, but then she remembers "not to
sweat the little stuff." You won't find the word "Depression" in our vocabulary
or our health diagnosis.
"Life is so good", but take time to enjoy it!

Have a great weekend!
I "might" talk to you soon! The Curley Lad

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