Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello on Monday morning

Dear Friends,

Another day went as planned on Sunday.

My Patriots did win, but they are still under the radar with respect to the
team being good enough to make it to the Super Bowl. That is the way us Patriot
football fans like it. Their first big test will be next Sunday night against
the undefeated Colts. I can't wait!

Our two friends who are recovering from the surgeries are managing okay. The
knee guy is doing the best, and is planning on returning to work toward the end
of the week.
The rotator cuff guy is not doing that well. He needs several more days before
he can handle seeing visitors. He did try sleeping in his own bed. That didn't
work out, and he is back to the lounge chair. Nurse Judie did sleep in her own
bed for the first time in almost a week. She said that it was wonderful compared
to sleeping on a couch next to her husband in the lounge chair.

Observation -- We were in one of our local super markets on Sunday purchasing
several boneless chuck roasts which were on sale. As Linda was selecting the
roasts, a crock pot challenged lady started talking to Linda. The woman said
that the last roast which she prepared was a disaster. Linda gave the woman a
fool proof recipe.
The lady said the last time that she cooked a roast in her crock pot, all she
used was a couple jars of gravy, and that was it. She said that her family gave
her a "Thumbs down" on what she prepared. After Linda gave her some helpful
hints, the lady purchased one roast, and said that she would give it another
If you are doing a roast for the first time in a crock pot, the grocery store
has packets of ingredients with all the correct spices, etc. All you do is add a
little water.

Note -- The little water comment is very important. When you are cooking pot
roast and pork roasts in a crock pot, you don't fill the crock pot up to the top
with liquids unless you are making soup. You want the roast to cook using the
meat's natural juices. Since we cook the meats frozen, there is even more liquid
created when the roasts thaw in the crock pot during the cooking process.

We bought several of the roasts because I use my "Seal a Meal" device, and
package, and freeze them as soon as I get home from the grocery store.
I might even prep one when I get home from the gym along with a few potatoes,
carrots, and onions. I will let Linda put in the spices which she likes.

I am the only one socially engaged today. I have a UNICO Board meeting at 6 PM.

I will not be sitting on my butt throughout today. We have our Annual Irish
Sister City Meeting at our house on Tuesday at 6 PM with about 15 to possibly 20
people coming (members and significant others). I have to vacuum the basement
which is where the meeting / cocktail party will take place. Where I sit watch
sporting contests is a mess. I have food residue all over the floor and couch.
The residue includes peanut shells, pistachios shells, apple cores, pretzel
crumbs, etc.

We did go off to the furniture store on Sunday to look at an item which Linda
was all excited about purchasing. The store was closed when we arrived. I think,
we will be going there today at some point.

I tried a tread mill device this morning at "Retro Fitness". I was a little
nervous about using the machine. There were so many options to choose from. I
visualized me flying off the machine because I didn't know what buttons to push.
Good thing I chose to wear my glasses today. It would have been embarrassing to
call "911" from a fitness gym!

My internal time frame is all out of whack. I lost a week in November in my
brain. I was thinking that Thanksgiving was in a little over a week from now. I
guess that I was looking forward to Thanksgiving on the one hand, but hoping
that it would be over because we are baby sitting for our grandson Max on the
first Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. The baby sitting will take place
at our house. We will be dog sitting for Kevin & Kyla's two dogs too.

We will be reaching the mid 60's today. I might go and visit mom in the nursing
home, and take her outside for some fresh air. I already have some liquid
refreshment in my car. I will make her a light "High Ball" before my visit is
over. Of course there are signs all over about not giving patients liquids or
foods without checking with the nurses station. I am going to violate that rule

Politics -- Health Care is the biggest issue for the President and Congress
right now. The house vote was along party lines. Now the Senate has to take up
the bill, and tweak it.

Well, I am going to prep the crock pot, and try and go back to bed for a couple
of hours.
Have a great week at work or play!
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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