Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello on Thursday Morning

Dear Friends,

The UNICO Golf Tournament went very well on Thursday. We had a rain free day which was really nice. My day ended around 9 PM which is when I left the golf course.

Linda had a busy day at the Purple Plume.

I have the car packed right now, and I am just about ready to head back to the golf course to cook for our Senior Club Championship. I am not sure when my day will end , but I know that I am supposed to be back for dinner and a play over the mountain in New York State.

Exhaustion is starting to set in, but I still have my scheduled Friday through Monday activities to get through.

Linda has another day at the Purple Plume until about 5 PM.

I found out a new technique to stop your eyes from burning / watering while cutting up onions. A person said that if you light a candle next to where you are cutting up the onions, the burning candle sucks the onions fume right away, and your eyes won't have a problem. Of course, someone tells me this after I cut up the onions, and after I went through the burning eyes saga.

Have to go. The Curley Lad

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