Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hello on Wednesday Morning

Dear Friends,

My biorhythm is a bit off today because I went to bed too early. An afternoon nap will be a definite.

My time with the dentist went well on Tuesday. I endured a filling replacement without a shot of Novocain. I skipped the Novocain because I didn’t want to drool while playing golf.

I hacked my way through 18 holes of golf while Linda was playing Mah Jongg. We both had fun doing our own thing. For me, it was a nice time in the sunshine. We were at the 19th hole when the predicted rain finally started whipping through the golf course.
All 18 greens at our golf course are in terrible shape. My friends, who have played several times already, said that the greens have improved quite a bit since March. I would be rather embarrassed to have a guest play our course. The fairways are in great shape.

I am leaving the house with Linda at 6:30 AM this morning. I am driving Linda to one of her friend’s home so that Linda and three other friends can go off to New York City by way of a train. They are going to see a play.

I will be home alone, but this is not a sad thing. I might attack the flower beds, do some mulching, etc. This is a multi day project. Linda said that she has lost the desire to work in the flower beds. We need to win the lottery so that we can pay people to do what we are slowing getting tired of doing.
Some of my elder relatives warned me that I would start to get tired of maintaining the stuff that we as homeowners have done in the past. These relatives sold their homes, and moved into ranch style housing where they pay a maintenance fee, and let someone else cut the lawn, trim bushes, plant flowers, and take care of the property in general. This sounds good to me!

As we have been traveling and visiting our sons and their families in North Tewksbury, and in Kansas, traveling to Mexico, etc., Linda came up with a good idea. She thinks that we should sell our house, and we should live with one son for a week or so. Get on an airplane, and visit the other son for a week or so. We then would travel to places which we haven’t been to before. We would repeat the process every couple of months.
We would have to establish a place of residency. We could have one of the sons agree to put us on their tax forms as their dependents.
Do you think that this concept can work?
The above thoughts were brought about by the fact that the neighbors, who live directly across the street, have their house up for sale, and the asking price is $309,000. This couple is a few years older than Linda and I. Last year they started paying someone to cut their lawn. I think that they both got tired of taking care of their home. They probably got tired of climbing up and down stairs to get to their bedrooms too.

I fell asleep watching the Red Sox. Maybe my friend was correct that watching professional sports could be kind of boring.

Observation – While at the golf course on Tuesday, I saw a bunch of former colleagues who were at a two day conference which was taking place in the ballroom of the Berkshire Hills Country Club. They were on a little break on a deck overlooking the first and tenth tee watching us three retired school department employees try and whack the ball. It brought back memories of all those conferences which we had to attend for Professional Development Points to maintain our certifications. A day on the golf course for four or five hours, even if you are playing badly, sure beats sitting in a ballroom all day long whether there are a lot of breaks in between the guest speakers.

Well, I hope that you all have a great Wednesday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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