Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello on Wednesday Morning

Dear Friends,

I accomplished my out door tasks of weeding the flower beds, weed whacking, cutting the lawn, and disposing of the grass clippings. I relaxed during the afternoon by watching a little World Cup Soccer. I skipped my afternoon nap, and this caused me not to make it through the Red Sox game. The Sox lost the game in Colorado.

The restoration guy did show up, and took out all the fans and dehumidifiers. I won’t have to listen to the noise created by those fans. The next step is for the insurance company to tell us what they are allowing for the repairs. Linda will then choose what kind of floor replacement she wants put in.

Linda called to tell me that her and her girlfriends are having a fun time at the Cape. I didn’t tell her that I was enjoying the separation. I think that she was enjoying me not bugging her.

The only appointment that I have today is the 11 AM family meeting at the nursing home where my mother resides.

My strained wrist aches a little this morning. I don’t want to go back to the course for another few days.

It should be okay for the Irish American Club Tournament on Sunday. I have my foursome all set as of yesterday – Curley, Culver, Cote, and Marinaro. It sounds like the name of a law firm. There is still plenty of room for anyone else to sign up. If you show up as a single, they will hook you up with someone else. You don’t have to be Irish to play, or to enjoy the day.

Kyla and Max will be visiting me this weekend. Kyla is attending a shower for the woman who is marrying one of Kevin’s high school classmates. Linda did get invited to the shower, but she will miss it because of her Cape Cod adventure. Kyla will be taking the gift which Linda has purchased and wrapped for the Bridal Shower.
The shower takes place while I am at the golf tournament. My sister has volunteered to baby sit Max while Kyla is at the shower.

Observation 1 – I have decided that weeding is like raking leaves. I like the results when the task is done, but I really dislike doing the actual weeding or raking of leaves. I am trying to think back to my younger years, if I actually enjoying weeding and raking leaves. I think that I always despised the tasks!
It also carries over to things like cleaning closets, and changing from one season to another. You feel good when the job is over, but it was painful doing it.
Planting flowers fits into this category too. Selecting the flowers, pots, potting soil, etc. takes a lot of work, but looking at the flowers as they grow throughout the summer (and keeping them alive) is the best part.

Observation 2 – It is so sad to see the news reporting of another soldier losing his life (on a daily basis) in Afghanistan. Some of my Vietnam War buddies have told me that they think that the Afghanistan conflict is turning into a similar conflict. The Russians already realized that years ago when they saw that it was a no win situation. They just packed up and went back to Russia instead of losing more men in the battle.

Observation 3 – The U.S. General who was quoted in the Rolling Stone magazine will most likely be fired today by the President today. What a way to end a career!
When you are in the military, you do what your President asks of you! You keep those comments, thoughts, etc., private, or express yourself behind closed doors.

Observation 4 – A couple of local bars got themselves in trouble because of fights. Alcohol contributes to some violent acts. The fights often end up with the participants using guns and knives. Why can’t people just go out these places and watch some sports, listen to some music, etc., and just be mellow? When I talk about me going to a Pub with my Irish Sister friends, we don’t engage in violent activities like the ones reported in our local newspapers.
My father never was one to go out to the bars. He came home from working in the local paper mills so tired that he had no desire to go out to the bars.
I am not saying that the bars should be closed, but wouldn’t it be nice if those people who are affected by alcohol in a negative way just stay home.

My pot roast cooked in the crock pot turned out wonderful. The unhealthy red meat was so tender that I didn’t need a knife to cut it. I have enough for another meal.

Today I am going to cook some chicken leg quarters. I should take the skin off to make it healthier, but I am not going to do so. I am going to cook the chicken on the grill. I might grill a few vegetables. At least the vegetables will be the healthy part of the meal.

Separation – So far, I am enjoying the separation, and I know that Linda is too. This might sound a bit harsh, but it doesn’t seem natural for a married couple to be together 24 hours a day. We both need our space to do what want to do.
This was never an issue when we were both working. We would put in a full day of teaching, and usually come home whipped. We would have supper; deal with our children in some form or another like going to one of their sporting contests, come home and pretty much go to bed. I couldn’t make it past 9 PM when I was working. Linda would make it to 11 PM before she went to bed. The waking hours together was minimal so that we didn’t require separation.
If you haven’t retired yet, heed my words of wisdom!

Well, I am going to start a load of clothes, and it is not even 6 AM. I love it!
Have a great Wednesday.
Talk to you soon. The Curley Lad

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